Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 Jan 29

1. NUCC and NUG’s Anti-Sham Election Joint Working Committee meets with NLD Strike Forces

On January 5, 2023, the Anti-Sham Election Joint Working Committee, comprised of representatives from the National Unity Government (NUG) and the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC), held a separate dialogue meeting with the strike forces of the National League for Democracy’s Central Working Committee.

In the meeting, the Joint Working Committee discussed the processes to be jointly carried out related to the NUCC-approved anti-sham election, as well as the NLD CWC and strike forces clarified the established and ongoing activities regarding an illegal election. After that, they were able to discuss and decide on ways to cooperate in the future.

The working procedures discussed by the Joint Working Committee, regarding an illegal sham election, include internal and external processes and implementation principles. NUCC reported that the Joint Working Committee will continue collaboration with other allied forces fighting for federal democracy.

2. NUG Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung will meet Myanmar Revolutionary Families in UK

It has been reported that the NUG Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung will meet with Myanmar revolutionary families from the United Kingdom on February 4 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at London Westminster University. As the number of attendees is limited due to space and security concerns, attendance will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Burmese revolutionary brothers and sisters in the United Kingdom are invited.

3. NUG has coordinated with Advocacy Groups in the United States regarding the NDAA

It is reported that the National Unity Government has coordinated with advocacy groups in the United States regarding the NDAA. On January 28, Dr. Sa Sa, Union Minister of International Cooperation, clarified at the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s regular work coordination meeting.

The Union Minister extensively discussed the Ministry’s coordination with Advocacy Groups regarding the NDAA, connections with members of the relevant legislative committees in the United States, collaboration with professionals and organizations, communication with voting citizens of the United States regarding legislation, activities with media and talk shows, and issues that may arise as a result of NDAA approval.

U Aung Kyi Nyunt, the chairperson of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, gave opening remarks at the meeting. Then, the attending committee members asked what they wanted to know, and the Minister responded to questions and suggested how the parliamentary sector could be connected in future processes. U Aung Kyi Nyunt, chairperson of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and members, Affairs Committees’ chairpersons and secretaries, and International Cooperation Minister Dr. Sa Sa attended the meeting.

4. Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe called on the public to stage a Silent Strike on February 1

On January 28, Dr. Zaw Wai Soe called on the public to stage a Silent Strike in order to mark the 2nd anniversary of the people’s Spring Revolution.

“Our revolution will turn two years on coming February 1. During these two years, with our sacrifices, the revolution has been rising in momentum. Our goal of overthrowing the military dictatorship and establishing a federal democratic nation has already been met with incremental success. At this point, I understand that every individual does not support the military junta. I’d like to encourage everyone to participate in a Silent Strike on February 1,” the Minister said. A nationwide silent strike will be held on February 1, 2023, between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

5. Military Council troops burn and destroy Ywarthit village in Khin-U township

The military council troops burned down and destroyed Ywarthit village in Khin-U township, Sagaing region. Khin-U Special Force Organization informed the military news on January 28. “About 30 junta forces and Pyu Saw Htee members stationed in the southwest of Khin-U township raided the Ywarthit village and burned the civilian houses,” Khin-U Special force said.

Since the military coup until December 31, 2022, the military council and its subordinate organizations have set fire to 48,463 civilian homes. Among these arson attacks, 36,667 civilian homes were destroyed in Sagaing, 8,575 in Magway, 1,475 in Chin State, and 1,746 in other states and divisions.

6. Mogaung Township’s P.D.F. (G BLACK K) arrested a commando intelligence officer of the 47th Division

According to the report, Mogaung township People’s Defense Force (UG BLACK K) arrested a commando intelligence officer of the 47th Division on January 28.

“At 12:15 PM on January 28th, our Mogaung township People’s Defense Force (UG BLACK K) arrested captain Paing Soe Thu (b) Min Sitt Naing, a commando intelligence officer from the 47th Division,” they said. On December 24, 2022, UG BLACK K also arrested Captain Kai Zalyan, a warden of the Dunbang prison, at his home. 

7. Defense Forces fired heavy weapons at Zarti village in Kanbalu township, Sagaing division

According to Kanbalu Kite Force, on January 28, defense forces opened fire on Zarti village in Kanbalu township, Sagaing division, during the meeting between junta forces and Pyu Saw Htee members.

“During the meeting between junta troops and the Pyu Saw Htee in Zarti village, Kanbalu township, resistance forces in the southern part of Kanbalu township attacked with weapons, and the Kanbalu MDF Kite Force also fired with rockets” said Kanbalu resistance force. The military council troops and Pyu Saw Htee members may have suffered casualties, but confirmation is still under investigation.

8. Over 25 junta forces killed in a three-day battle with the Tanintharyi Yoma People’s Defense Force

According to the Tanintharyi Yoma People’s Defense Force, on January 28, over 25 junta forces had been killed in a three-day battle with defense forces. “Tanintharyi Yoma People’s Defense Force, in collaboration with allied PDF troops and Tanintharyi PDF, attacked junta forces on January 23, 24, and 25,” it stated. During the three-day battle, 3 soldiers from the joint defense forces sacrificed their lives, 25 from the terrorist junta forces were killed and many others injured.

9. Nearly 20 junta forces may have casualties in the battle of Thalebar village, Ayadaw township

According to the GTR MMU Force, on January 28, nearly 20 junta forces were killed in the battle of Thalebar village in Ayadaw township. “On January 27, GTR MMU Force attacked military council troops stationed in Thalebar village, Ayadaw township.  Due to the fire of a sniper man from the GTR MMU Force, two junta forces were killed, and defense forces were able to raid the Pyu Saw Htee village,” said GTR MMU Force. The operation was jointly conducted by GTR MMU, MMDF, Sagaing District Battalion (1) and (2), Myingyan District Battalion (6) and (7), Monywa District Battalion (6) and (21), Local PDFs, and Allied Forces.

10. Defense Forces attacked the military council’s column stationed in Kanthit village

Myaing PDF confirmed on January 28 that they attacked the military council’s column stationed in Kanthit village, located on the border of Pauk and Myaing townships, Magway region. “Starting at 05:10 on January 28, Myaing PDF Battalion (1), in collaboration with Pauk Local Defense Forces, attacked the military council’s column with 18 Enaga bombs,” Myaing PDF said.

After that, at 07:50 a.m., the military council column set fire to a tent near the station, and defense forces launched an attack with two mine points and eleven mines, injuring junta forces. Similarly, over 20 policemen and junta forces, who came to welcome the military council’s convoy, were attacked by a drone equipped with three Enaga bombs.

  1. NUCC and NUG’s Anti-Sham Election Joint Working Committee meets with NLD Strike Forces
  2. NUG Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung will meet Myanmar Revolutionary Families in UK
  3. NUG has coordinated with Advocacy Groups in the United States regarding the NDAA
  4. Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe called on the public to stage a Silent Strike on February 1
  5. Military Council troops burn and destroy Ywarthit village in Khin-U township
  6. Mogaung Township’s P.D.F. (G BLACK K) arrested a commando intelligence officer of the 47th Division
  7. Defense Forces fired heavy weapons at Zarti village in Kanbalu township, Sagaing division
  8. Over 25 junta forces killed in a three-day battle with the Tanintharyi Yoma People’s Defense Force
  9. Nearly 20 junta forces may have casualties in the battle of Thalebar village, Ayadaw township
  10. Defense Forces attacked the military council’s column stationed in Kanthit village

Credit to #RadioNUG


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