Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 Jan 28

1. Acting President Duwa Lashi La said that the sacrifices of the heroes who gave their lives in the Spring Revolution will forever be remembered in our hearts

Acting President Duwa Lashi La said that the sacrifices of the heroes who gave their lives in the Spring Revolution will forever be remembered in our hearts.

Acting President Duwa Lashi La wrote a courteous message with regard to the martyrs who have honorably sacrificed their lives in the Spring Revolution:

“We grieve with the families of the fallen heroes in our Spring Revolution.

The People of Myanmar honor your courage and thank you for fighting for our democracy.

Your sacrifice will never be forgotten.

We will win.”

In the Spring Revolution, there were many heroes who fell in the mass strike of anti-dictatorship movement and the People’s Resistance War.

2. Union Minister U Nai Suwunna said that all revolutionary forces are fighting in all political and military sectors

Union Minister U Nai Suwunna said that all revolutionary forces are fighting in all political and military sectors.

On January 27, Union Minister said the following at a meeting between the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and People’s Administrative Bodies of Sagaing and Magway Divisions:

“At this time, all the revolutionary forces are fighting in all political and military sectors. People administration on the ground is important and must be coordinated with one other. In establishing the administration, it is necessary to work hard in politics, economy, social, education, health, and defense, etc.”

After that, the Pakokku District and Kanbalu District People’s Administrative Bodies presented and explained the operations, recommendations, suggestions, and reviews on field inspections in the districts.

The meeting was attended by Union Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Associate Secretaries and relevant officials from departments who are also members of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC), leaders and members of People’s Administrative Bodies of Sagaing and Magway Divisions.

3. The National Unity Government recognized and supported the people of the villages that were burned down by the military council troops

The National Unity Government recognized and supported the people of the villages that were burned down by the military council troops.

On January 27, the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management released the following news:

“A Gratitude Speech from a civilian”

“They purposely torched the village without any fighting. We, the villagers, only have our houses built after saving money as farmers. Now that this house has been burned down, I don’t know where to live, and I am now living poorly in the forest. The military did this. We are very glad that NUG has recognized us and given us help. We will continue to fight for what we can. I pray for the revolution to prevail quickly. We will be freed from this war only after we successfully defeat the military junta. I pray for a speedy victory for the revolution. We are also very happy to get support from the NUG. We are just delighted for this recognition.”

In December 2022, the National Unity Government was able to provide 616.77 million Kyats for humanitarian assistance.

In addition, the project to build temporary shelters for people to live in areas that were burned by the military council troops and the project to build temporary bomb shelters in schools are also being implemented.

4. Czech NUG representative noted that ethnic political parties have lost their right to stand due to the Political Party Registration Law enacted by the terrorist military council

The Czech NUG representative commented that the Political Party Registration Law enacted by the terrorist military council has caused ethnic political parties to lose their position.

On January 27, the representative of Czech NUG, U Lin Thant, said the following;

“The terrorist military council is portraying a fake election as its political outlet. The recent Political Party Registration Law enacted by the terrorist military council has prevented the existence of other political parties except for the USDP. Among these, ethnic political parties are no longer legally permitted to stand in their respective states. All ethnic groups, along with the ethnic political parties, must truly see the clear attitude of the terrorist military council and work together to bring the terrorist military council to an end.”

The new law enacted by the terrorist military council stipulates that a party mobilizing the entire union must mobilize at least 100,000 (one hundred thousand) party members within 90 days, and a party mobilizing within a single division or state must mobilize at least 1,000 party members within 90 days.

In addition, if the party is going to organize throughout the Union, they must submit evidence that they have already opened an account with a Myanmar Economic Bank for 100 million kyats of party funds.

5.  ‘Click2donate’ informed that the income has decreased as the numbers of clickers have decreased

‘Click2donate’ informed that the fund to support the revolutionary forces has reached below a thousand lakhs of Myanmar kyats as the income has decreased with decreasing numbers of clickers.

On January 27, the ‘Click2donate’ informed:

“December income has come in. This is the first time the total has been less than one thousand lakhs. As there are only about 600 lakhs, it will be provided only 20 forces with 30 lakhs. According to the situation in January, there will be less next month. As I can’t encourage people to have more clickers, I will try the best I can in all ways to get as much as possible with the most number of available clickers.”

It is said that the ‘Click2donate’ will create more new websites, apply for Google, and make more income from YouTube.

‘Click2donate’ said, “Let us do more with the available clickers. We started with times of not reaching 12 lakhs a month, so I am not depressed and I will never surrender.”

‘Click2donate’ supports the revolutionary forces with the income obtained from clicking by the civilians.

6. The Spring Valour Condominium will sell an additional 230 units on night of January 28

It is reported that the Spring Valour Condominium will sell an additional 230 units on night of January 28.

On January 27, the EOD (End of Dictatorship) announced:

“We receive many requests from people who have not been able to provide timely support to EOD teams, as well as from EOD agents who have already received the support fund but there is no more room available. “For such requests and suggestions, we discussed with advisors of the EOD, and the additional 230 units of the Spring Valour Condominium will be sold for the last time.”

The first project of the EOD in 2023, the Spring Valour Condominium, was able to sell 770 units with an advance payment of 10.35 million dollars within 18 hours.

The sales for the additional units will begin at 9:00 p.m. Myanmar time on January 28, 2023.

7. Section 144 has been ordered by the General Administration of the military council in Myitkyina, Kachin State

It is reported that the General Administration has ordered Section 144 in Myitkyina in Kachin State.

On January 27, Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng also informed:

“The 144 has been issued near the Myitkyina. Please be careful when traveling. It’s a rubber band law, so they can stretch it as much as they want.”

According to the statement ordered by the junta’s state general administration, in Myitkyina Township of Kachin State, gatherings of five or more people are prohibited and there is a curfew between 10:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m.

8. In Weizin, Weipaung and Ywarhaung villages, two Pyu Saw Htee members who were following the news of the Ye Bhilu Force died

Two Pyu Saw Htee members who were following the news of the Ye Bhilu Force in Weizin, Weipaung, and Ywarhaung villages in Mon State were killed.

On January 27, the leader of the Ye Bhilu Force informed the public of the news.

“On January 27, 2 Pyu Saw Htee members operating under the command of the junta who were following the news of the Ye Bhilu Force in Weizin, Weipaung, and Ywarhaung villages were killed along with their belongings at 3:30 p.m.,” it stated.

In the operation, the comrades were not harmed and two short guns were seized.

9. The junta forces that came to reinforce the terrorist junta forces stationed in Bogyi camp village of Nattalin township were intercepted, killing 4 and injuring 6

The junta forces that came to reinforce the terrorist junta forces stationed in Bogyi camp village of Nattalin township, Bago Division were intercepted, killing 4 and injuring 6.

On January 27, BAGO PDF announced the military news.

“On January 26, at 2:30 p.m., the joint forces of the Division 1 (Zigon PDF) of Thayarwaddy District-PDF battalion 3801, Division 2 (Phoenix), Division 3 (God Warriors) and Division 4 (MRF) intercepted and attacked about 20-strong who came up from the Magyipin ferry gate to reinforce the terrorist military council forces stationed in Bogyi Camp Village above Taung Nyo Dam in Nattalin Township,” it stated.

It is reported that 4 members of the terrorist military council were killed and 6 were seriously injured in the attack.

The wounded military council troops retreated, and the revolutionary forces were able to successfully retreat unscathed.

  1. Acting President Duwa Lashi La said that the sacrifices of the heroes who gave their lives in the Spring Revolution will forever be remembered in our hearts
  2. Union Minister U Nai Suwunna said that all revolutionary forces are fighting in all political and military sectors
  3. The National Unity Government recognized and supported the people of the villages that were burned down by the military council troops
  4. Czech NUG representative noted that ethnic political parties have lost their right to stand due to the Political Party Registration Law enacted by the terrorist military council
  5. ‘Click2donate’ informed that the income has decreased as the numbers of clickers have decreased
  6. The Spring Valour Condominium will sell an additional 230 units on night of January 28
  7. Section 144 has been ordered by the General Administration of the military council in Myitkyina, Kachin State
  8. In Weizin, Weipaung and Ywarhaung villages, two Pyu Saw Htee members who were following the news of the Ye Bhilu Force died
  9. The junta forces that came to reinforce the terrorist junta forces stationed in Bogyi camp village of Nattalin township were intercepted, killing 4 and injuring 6

Credit to #RadioNUG


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