Summary of News

1. CRPH calls on the international community again to take effective actions against the military coup leaders and their supporters

On December 10, Human Rights Day, the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) issued a statement of opinion.

The CRPH urges this of the international community in its statement: ” On this Human Rights Day, the CRPH once again calls on the international community, including the United Nations, ASEAN, and the European Union, to take effective action against the Myanmar coup d’état leaders and their supporters in order to put an end to the military’s barbaric killings and preserve the lives of Myanmar’s people.”

The CRPH also stated that it would keep fighting to ensure justice for the ethnic peoples and those who are defending democracy, who were victims of the military coup’s barbaric acts and accountability for the terrorist military.

The CRPH further claimed that Min Aung Hlaing, the coup d’état leader, and his illegitimate nominal State Administration Council were accountable for the systematic killings of the citizens of Myanmar who opposed their illegal coup and rule.

2. Acting President Duwa Lashi La said that the arms flow to the criminal military must be stopped

On December 10, the National Unity Government’s acting president, Duwa Lashi La, stated this in a tweet expressing gratitude for the Canadian government.

The following is what the Acting President tweeted:

“Thanks Canada and Minister Mélanie Joly for standing up for human rights and democracy by announcing new sanctions on Myanmar junta’s related entities & individuals who are complicit in human rights abuses. Stop the arms flows to criminal military to end human rights abuses.”

Ahead of Human Rights Day, the Canadian government has sanctioned 67 individuals and 9 entities involved in human rights violations in Russia, Iran, and Myanmar.

3. EU Parliament recognizes the National Unity Government as the legitimate government of Myanmar

The European Parliament has announced the recognition of U Aung Myo Min, Union Minister for Human Rights of the National Unity Government, as the legitimate representative.

“A warm welcome to the European Parliament for Aung Myo Min, Minister for Human Rights in Myanmar’s National Unity Government, legitimate representative of the democratic wishes of the Burmese people,” the European Parliament wrote on its various official social media platforms.

Union Minister U Aung Myo Min met with EU Parliament Vice-President Ms. Heidi Hautala at the EU Parliament, and Ms. Heidi Hautala also stated that the NUG is the legitimate representative of the democratic wishes of the people of Myanmar.

Additionally, Union Minister U Aung Myo Min spoke about the issues of Myanmar during the meetings of the EU Parliament on December 8 and 9 under the title “Myanmar after the February 2021 coup” and also had meetings with various international organizations.

During the discussions, the Union Minister stated that the people of Myanmar need stronger action instead of the ASEAN 5-Point Consensus, which did not work for Myanmar; recognition of the National Unity Government is a must; economic sanctions should be broader, including aviation fuel; and humanitarian assistance must be provided through the NUG and ethnic organizations.

4. The Australia Embassy states that Australia stands with the people of Myanmar who are striving hard to achieve their fundamental human rights 

On December 10, Human Rights Day, the Australian Embassy in Yangon released a statement that Australia is stands with the people of Myanmar who are striving hard to achieve their fundamental human rights.

The official statement is as follows:

“Today is Human Rights Day – otherwise known as the birthday of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Australia is committed to supporting human rights globally – including in Myanmar – to achieve dignity, freedom and justice for all people, everywhere. We stand with the people of Myanmar, this day and every day, as they strive to secure their fundamental human rights.”

Australia is actively contributing to Myanmar’s return to the path of democracy.

5. Emergency warning has been issued for Saw–Kyauk Htu road section

south-west of Lel Gyi Aint Village in Saw Township, the emergency warning for that portion of the Kyauk Htu road was issued by the local defense forces.

On December 10, the Drone and Arms Technical Team of the Gangaw District Battalion 5 of the People’s Defense Force issued an emergency warning as follows:

“Important warning. South-west of Lel Gyi Aint Village, north of Let Mon, Kyauk Sit, and Kan Chaung Villages, a military column with roughly 80 soldiers is hiding in the forest. Together with the allied forces, we searched the area, but the column’s precise location was unknown.”

As a result, people are advised not to travel along the Saw–Kyauk Htu road section unless it is absolutely necessary.

6. The terrorist military burned down Let Yet Kone Village on Human Rights Day

On Human Rights Day, the terrorist military set fire to Let Yet Kone Village in Tabayin Township, which had been targeted by airstrikes.

Bo Tiger Group (Tabayin) reportedly stated that on December 10, at around 8:00 a.m., the terrorist military invaded the village while firing heavy weapons.

They said, “The military column that camped in Mu Katwin Village last night attacked Let Yet Kone Village with light and heavy weapons and burned it down at about 8:00 a.m. this morning.”

On September 16, the terrorist military used military helicopters to conduct airstrikes on a school in Let Yet Kone Village, Tabayin Township, which resulted in the deaths of seven children as well as some civilians during the ground attack.

7. A remote-controlled bomb attack on the Dedaye Township Electricity Office was conducted as part of Operation Nan Htike Aung

Dedaye Township People’s Defense Force claimed that it had attacked the Dedaye Township Electricity Office by using a remote-controlled bomb at 4:30 a.m. on December 10.

It states, “As part of Operation Nan Htike Aung of the Ayeyarwady Sub-Regional Operations Commands, the Dedaye Township People’s Defense Force (PaKaHpa) attacked the Dedaye Township Electricity Office by using a remote-controlled bomb at 4:30 a.m. on December 10.”

According to the Dedaye Township People’s Defense Force, the attack was carried out due to the fact that the Dedaye Township Electricity Office forced people to pay electricity bills and threatened to remove the meter boxes if the people did not pay the bills. Departments under military rule were admonished not to oppress the populace by the Dedaye Township People’s Defense Force and told that they would face attack if they persisted in acting in accordance with the directives of the military council.

8. The reverend pastor of the Falam Baptist Church in Mandalay was sentenced to 23 years in prison with hard labor

According to the report of the Assistance Association of Political Prisoners (AAPP), Thian Lian Sang, a reverend pastor from the Falam Baptist Church in Mandalay, was sentenced to a total of 23 years of imprisonment. Thian Lian Sang was sentenced to three years in prison with hard labor under Section 505(a) and 20 years under Section 49(a) of the Counter-Terrorism Law, the AAPP stated.

Thian Lian Sang was arrested at his home by the terrorist junta on September 16, 2021.

Since the coup until December 9, 13070 people have been detained, with 1701 of them serving prison sentences. 

#Credit : Radio NUG


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