Summary of News

1. Acting President Duwa Lashi La says the people of Myanmar, who have gone through numerous coups and military rule, won’t accept this time at all

In an article titled “Federal democracy, not military rule, is Myanmar’s future,” published in the Jakarta Post, Duwa Lashi La, the Acting President of the National Unity Government, made this statement.

“Our country has already suffered multiple coups and periods of military rule. This time the people said, ‘No’. The military junta has neither been accepted domestically nor recognized internationally. With breathtaking determination and extraordinary sacrifice, the people of Myanmar have prevented the self-styled State Administration Council, headed by Gen. Min Aung Hlaing, from consolidating control in the 21 months since the coup.” — Acting President Duwa Lashi La said.

Following the military coup on February 1, 2021, the spring revolution erupted alongside civil disobedience movements against the military dictatorship.

2. The Union Prime Minister directs documentation of the administrative situation of the controlled territories by the townships

At the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) meeting held on December 8, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann directed documentation of the administrative situation of the controlled territories by the townships.

“There is a need to organize the administrative situations of the governed territories according to the townships; the capacity of the township administrative bodies established on the ground must be thoroughly analyzed; in the process of developing governance, territorial control is the first step, followed by the stability of the controlled territories, and only then will the administration function properly,” the Union Prime Minister remarked.

At present, as part of the “three Ka” project, the National Unity Government (NUG) is implementing people’s administrative procedures and public services in the three townships of Katha, Kawlin, and Kanbalu.

3. People in the Sagaing and Magway Divisions are suffering the most as the military administration becomes more cruel out of fear

On December 9, U Kyaw Zaw, a spokesperson for the Acting President Office, stated to Radio NUG the following on the brutality of the military regime:

“The terrorist military has been found to be acting more violently toward the public. They are getting increasingly violent and cruel toward the public out of a sense of fear, as they are afraid of losing their wealth and power. Particularly in the Sagaing and Magway Divisions, houses are being burned down every day, leaving residents fleeing and with nowhere to live. There was a report from the Institute of Strategy and Policy (ISP) that there had already been 38,000 houses burned down. The number of burned-down houses was greatest in Sagaing Division, followed by Magway Division and Chin State. There is no state or division in Myanmar that has not been arson-destroyed. Also in Rakhine, fighting has recently resumed, and residents are facing arsons. Dictators used to act in this way. You will witness dictators acting in such a way whether you look at world history or what is currently happening in Myanmar. We can all learn from the history of the world that the more dictators behave in this manner, the more the revolutionary forces will be inspired and the sooner the dictators will be overthrown. We [the NUG] are trying to get what we need to protect people’s lives and property by all means. In order to introduce anti-air and anti-artillery weapons into the military sector and to assist people in restoring their lives as much as possible, we are trying to establish a connection with the international community. When the revolution is successful, these troubles will be over. Therefore, we are working on a strategy to ensure the success of this revolution.”

To date, the terrorist junta has burned down nearly 40,000 houses throughout the country, and the villages in Sagaing and Magway Divisions suffer the most.

4. The Deputy Minister of Labour delivered a speech during a training completion ceremony for the Albino Tiger Column of the People’s Defense Force Army

On December 9, the Deputy Minister of Labour U Kyaw Ni informed that he attended a training completion ceremony for the Albino Tiger Column of the People’s Defense Force Army and gave a speech.

A training completion ceremony for the Albino Tiger Column of the People’s Defense Force Army (PDF) was held at a PDF camp in Karen State on the morning of December 8, and Deputy Minister of Labour U Kyaw Ni attended and gave a speech to encourage the trainees.

The Albino Tiger Column is a revolutionary force that is resisting the military dictatorship.

5. U.S. decides not to send a successor to the departing U.S. ambassador to Myanmar

By quoting a spokesperson from the U.S. Department of State, Nikkei Asia stated that the U.S. has decided not to send a new ambassador to Myanmar and that the U.S. will downgrade its diplomatic relations with Myanmar.

The incumbent U.S. ambassador, Thomas Vajda, will return home later this month, and Washington has decided not to send his successor.

According to news reports, current Deputy Chief of Mission Deborah Lynn will serve as Chargé d’Affaires, ad interim, following Ambassador Vajda’s departure.

The United States decided to downgrade its diplomatic relations with Myanmar as a result of the coup that occurred in February last year.

6. Justice for Myanmar Office welcomes Switzerland’s rescinding of the invitation to the military group to the Development Cooperation Summit

On December 9, the Justice For Myanmar issued the following press release:

“Justice For Myanmar welcomes the Swiss Government’s decision to disinvite the illegal Myanmar military junta from the Effective Development Co-operation Summit.”

Justice for Myanmar also stated that in order to properly support successful development cooperation, Switzerland should invite U Kyaw Moe Tun, Myanmar’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, to the summit and recognize and engage with the National Unity Government as an urgent priority.

7. Protest movement against the military dictatorship in front of the Myanmar Embassy in the United States

This Spring Victory (Road Trip for Democracy) family reported that Myanmar people in the United States gathered in front of the Myanmar Embassy in the United States to demonstrate against the military dictatorship on December 8.

The protesters chanted that the U.S. government would not support the military dictatorship but would take action and condemn the actions of the terrorist military in Myanmar.

Most Myanmar people in the United States have often protested against the Myanmar embassy under the Military Council in the United States and the military embassy.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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