Summary of News

1. The budget requirement for the second year of the People’s Defensive War is more than 300 million U.S. dollars

Union Minister U Tin Tun Naing’s statement regarding the revolutionary budget requirement is reported by the End of Dictatorship (EOD).

In the statement, Union Minster U Tin Tun Naing said, “Over 300 million U.S. dollars are needed to meet the target financial requirement for the second year of the People’s Defensive War. In these three months, our goal is to raise 50 million U.S. dollars, and over the following nine months, we will continue to raise the remaining 250 million U.S. dollars.”

The minister added that a monthly contribution plan was also being developed to make it more affordable for people to take part in December.

In addition, the minister said that those who want to invest in natural resources and natural gas projects will be invited from home and abroad.

2. With NUG’s one-year strategic plan, the revolution will be completed promptly within a year

During the meeting with CDM heroes from Kachin State on December 6, Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe stated the following:

“We have the Roadmap. We used CDM power to stop the junta-ruled government system, and now we must use that power to run our own system. Therefore, no matter where we are or what task we are performing, we must work to return our services to the people. With NUG’s one-year strategic plan, the revolution is expected to be completed quickly within one year, starting with the roadmap. Policies for both CDM employees and students are clearly outlined and guaranteed to emerge as soon as possible.”

The National Unity Government announced the start of the People’s Defensive War on September 7, 2021.

At present, the National Unity Government is speeding up the military, and a one-year strategic plan is being carried out.

3. A meeting was held between the Public Affairs Committee under the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and the Job Creation and Income Generation Taskforce under the CDM Success Committee

A meeting was held between the Public Affairs Committee under the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and the Job Creation and Income Generation Taskforce under the CDM Success Committee on December 7 via video conferencing.

At the meeting, Dr. Khin Soe Soe Kyi, Chairman of the Public Affairs Committee, explained the situation of the committee’s current support for CDMers and its ongoing efforts. Then, secretary Daw Ei Ei Pyone clarified that the purpose of the meeting was to connect more with the CDM people’s employees’ employment opportunities and raise their income.

Next, Union Minister Daw Khin Ma Ma Myo explained the background information, implementation measures, and business integration efforts of the Job Creation and Income Generation Taskforce and the SME Taskforce, which are being carried out by the Ministry of Commerce, and clarified the ministry’s efforts in order to increase the income and employment of CDMers, including the conducting of employment surveys, providing short-term and long-term courses, helping search the labor market, providing vocational training, providing loans for SME investment, conducting production activities, implementing activities for SMEs to access the international market, planning, and fundraising.

Daw Khin Ma Ma Myo, Union Minister for Commerce; Daw Khin Soe Soe Kyi, Chairman of the Public Affairs Committee; members of the committee; and other officials attended the meeting.

4. The NUG will investigate the deaths of 13 Rohingya people discovered in Hlegu Township, Yangon

On December 8, U Aung Kyaw Moe, advisor to the Ministry of Human Rights of the National Unity Government, stated:

“It has been learned that the National Unity Government will launch an investigation into the case of 13 Rohingya youth who were killed and dumped in Hlegu Township in Yangon and were denied the proper burial of their dead bodies in accordance with Islamic religious customs.”

The bodies of 13 Rohingya youths were found dumped in Hlegu Township, Yangon Region on the morning of December 5.

5. The junta troops burn down Tharaphi Village in Pauk Township

The military junta troops that had burned down at least 40,000 houses throughout the country have also burned down Tharaphi Village in Pauk Township, according to local sources.

Shwe Taung Myay Defense Force–Pauk confirmed that the military junta troops set fire to Tharaphi Village in Pauk Township on the morning of December 8 as follows:

“In the southern part of Pauk Township, at 7:40 a.m., the military junta troops are setting fire to Tharaphi Village as soon as they arrived in the village.”

The terrorist military is marching in Pauk Township in Magway Division, with superior force and is targeting civilians.

6. The junta column that has been torching the villages in Tigyaing Township burned down Pauk Kone Village this morning

The terrorist junta column that has been torching the villages in Tigyaing Township, Sagaing Division, burned down the Pauk Kone Village on the morning of December 8, according to local news sources.

They said, “The junta troops that burned down the Aung Thar Kone and Mezar Villages yesterday have started to burn down Pauk Kone Village this morning.”

At present, the revolutionary forces have warned the residents of the nearby villages of Pauk Kone Village in Tigyaing Township to evacuate.

7. Because of the close proximity of civilians to military council troops, the Red Wolves of Mogok were forced to cancel five missions

On December 8, the Red Wolves of Mogok claimed that the cancellation of five missions was due to civilians being in close proximity to military council troops.

It said, ” We have often warned you civilians to be considerate when going out and to stay away from the junta troops and police, but since you civilians didn’t follow our warning, we have now had to cancel 5 missions that were to be conducted by our battalion.”

The Red Wolves of Mogok once again urged citizens not to travel in and out of the city unless absolutely necessary, not to stay close to junta soldiers and police, and to totally avoid places and things related to junta soldiers and police.

8. The military council was not invited to the 2022 Effective Development Cooperation Summit to be held in Switzerland

On December 7, the Embassy of Switzerland in Myanmar officially informed that Myanmar had not been invited to the summit.

The announcement followed news that the military council had been invited to the Development and Cooperation Summit, which will be held in Geneva, Switzerland, on December 12th–14th.

After being denied access to significant international meetings, including the ASEAN conference, the terrorist junta council is looking for nations that will recognize it.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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