Summary of News

1. Acting President Duwa Lashi La says that the NUG is a government fighting for human rights

In his opening remarks at the 74th Human Rights Day commemoration ceremony on December 10, Acting President Duwa Lashi La highlighted that the National Unity Government is a government that is fighting for human rights.

“Our revolutionary government is a government that is fighting for human rights. It is also a government that brings various revolutionary groups together to build the foundation for a federal democratic system.”— Acting President Duwa Lashi La said.

Furthermore, the Acting President also stated that the country and its people are experiencing the highest level of human rights abuses during this time of political conflict and armed conflict, and the people will be able to fully enjoy their fundamental human rights only if the Myanmar Spring Revolution can be promptly put an end to and the ongoing military conflicts can be resolved.

2. NUG did not develop the one-year strategic plan for the spring revolution alone, but also with input from EROs

Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe said that the one-year strategic plan for the spring revolution was not drawn up by the National Unity Government (NUG) alone but was drawn up in consultation with the Ethnic Resistance Organizations (EROs).

In an interview during December, Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe stated the following:

“We all know the one-year strategic plan that was developed after careful consideration of the current situation. The strategic plan was divided into phases 1, 2, and 3. It will be carried out stage by stage, with proper planning and management of the money, politics, and international affairs. We [the NUG] never announced this [one-year strategic plan] on our own. We [NUG] consult with ethnic resistance organizations as well. We hoped for the best since it had been prepared after consultation with all the relevant organizations.”

The National Unity Government announced the start of the People’s Defensive War on September 7, 2021.

During the present People’s Defensive War, which has been going on for more than a year, at least 20,000 military council troops have died.

3. NUG Minister of Human Rights gave a speech at the Paris UNESCO Club at the invitation of the Paris Mayor’s Association of France

On December 11, U Aung Myo Min, Union Minister for Human Rights of the National Unity Government, said that he had given a speech at the UNESCO Club in Paris as follows:

“At the invitation of Mr. Jean-Luc Romero-Michel, Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of human rights, who is particularly supportive of the issues of Myanmar, I gave a speech on Human Rights Day at the Paris UNESCO Club.”

The Union Minister added that he made the three-finger salute and honored Myanmar’s human rights heroes after delivering his speech.

Union Minister U Aung Myo Min is in France as a representative of the National Unity Government.

4. Union Minister Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe says that activities were held to commemorate the 16 Days of Activism to End Violence Against Women and Girls

Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe, Union Minister for Women, Youths and Children Affairs, stated that a painting therapy for survivors of GBV (gender-based violence) was carried out as part of 16 Days of Activism to End Violence Against Women and Girls.

“To commemorate the 16 Days of Activism to End Violence Against Women and Girls, a painting therapy for the survivors of GBV. Their emotions are reflected in their artwork,” the Union Minister said.

The National Unity Government has been supporting women, young people, and children as much as possible and has provided support to hundreds of thousands of pregnant women during their displacement.

5. NUG Ministry of Defense provides maternity allowance to the wife of a CDM soldier who is fighting alongside the PDFs

On December 11, the Ministry of Defense of the National Unity Government announced that the ministry has provided 10,000 kyat as a maternity allowance to the wife of a CDM soldier who is fighting alongside the PDFs.

The statement of the Ministry of Defense is as follows:

“The Ministry of Defense, the National Unity Government, has provided 10,000 kyats as maternity allowance to the wife of a CDM sergeant who is standing with the people and fighting alongside the PDFs in Hpruso Township while defying the unjust orders of the terrorist military coup d’état.

The mentioned CDM sergeant made his defection on January 1, 2022.

The Ministry of Defense of the National Unity Government will welcome the soldiers and police who will stand with the people and make defections and will continue to try to provide human security assistance for them.”

6. Nway Oo Kyan Mar People’s Hospital is looking for CDM health professionals

The University of Medicine 2, Yangon Student Committee, declared on December 11 that CDM health professionals who want to work at the Nway Oo Kyan Mar People’s Hospital have been invited.

It stated, “Nway Oo Kyan Mar People’s Hospital in the revolutionary area needs health professionals who want to work together.”

The required health professionals include a CDM orthopedic surgeon, a CDM general surgeon, a CDM anesthetist, a CDM physician, two CDM senior nurses, and three CDM nurses.

Those interested can get in touch with the University of Medicine 2, Yangon Student Committee, through its Facebook Page Messenger or at

7. 15 terrorist military personnel were killed in Salingyi Township during a drone attack by the Yin Mar Bin District Drone Army

On December 11, the Yin Mar Bin District Drone Army announced the death of 15 terrorist military personnel in a drone attack in Salingyi Township, Sagaing Division as follows:

“According to the hostages who were released as a result of the attack by the Yin Mar Bin District Drone Army in Salingyi Township, the terrorist military had buried the corpses of 15 military personnel.”

The Yin Mar Bin District Drone Army is conducting drone operations in Sagaing Division and is also a revolutionary group that is inflicting losses on the military junta forces.

8. 14 villages in Tabayin Township that were torched need urgent assistance

14 villages in Tabayin Township, Sagaing Division, that were torched reportedly need urgent assistance.

“On the morning of December 9, the military council troops torched Yone Thar and Thapyay Thar villages. Since November 30, the villages in the eastern part of Tabayin Township have been raided by the military council troops, and villages such as Pyaw Bwe, Nyaung Hla, and Kan Kone were torched. The people affected by the fire and the people displaced due to the war are in urgent need of assistance,” Tabayin Township’s People’s Administration Department reported.

The People’s Administration Department of Tabayin Township made a call for assistance and advised anyone interested in participating to get in touch with them.

9. Four soldiers were killed when landmines targeted about 70 soldiers who were coming out of Myaung Town to raid villages in Myaung Township

According to the December 11 report of the Myaung Union Army (MUA), four soldiers were killed in a mine attack on about 70 soldiers coming out of Myaung Town to raid villages in Myaung Township, Sagaing Division, on December 10.

It was said the soldiers were seriously injured in the attack, and four of them died at Myaung Hospital.

According to the report, the operation was carried out jointly by the Black Brother, the Myaung Union Army (MUA), Squadron 3 of the Sagaing District Battalion 2, Squadron 3 of the Sagaing District Battalion 6, the Civilian’s Defense and Security Organization of Myaung (CDSOM), the mine squad led by platoon commander Bo Thaw Tar, and the Hero Group.

10. Donations of 105,389 yen were collected for Myanmar in Japan

The Japan Myanmar Future Creative Association (JMFCA) reported on December 11 that it had raised 105,389 yen in donations for Myanmar in Japan.

“The December 11 campaign of the JMFCA has raised 105,389 yen in donations for Myanmar from the grammar-obsessed Japanese and the patriotic Burmese at Jiyugaoka Station,” the Japan Myanmar Future Creative Association (JMFCA) said.

It is also said that the donations raised will be sent to war-displaced areas and other areas in urgent need through reliable organizations.

11. A demonstration was held in the center of New York, USA, under the theme “Let’s save motherland Myanmar to restore human rights”

On December 10, a demonstration was hosted by the New York City Burmese Community (NYCBC) to honor Human Rights Day under the theme “Let’s save motherland Myanmar to restore human rights” in Time Square in downtown New York. The demonstration, which was held at 2:30 p.m. local time, was attended by many Burmese residents of New York who braved the freezing weather.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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