Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2022 Dec 10

1. The National Unity Government issued a statement on December 5 regarding the discovery of 13 bodies in Hlegu township, Yangon Region

The National Unity Government issued a statement on December 5 regarding the discovery of 13 bodies in Hlegu township, Yangon Region. On the night of December 9, the NUG issued an announcement No. (24/2022). According to the statement, the NUG was shocked and disappointed by the discovery of 13 bodies on December 5 in Hlegu township, Yangon Region. It was discovered that young Rohingya youths were among the dead. According to initial findings, some of the bodies were found with cuts and torture injuries. It is also reported that the bodies have been taken to Yangon General Hospital to investigate the cause of death.

 “As the National Unity Government, our thoughts and condolences are with the victims’ families and friends. In addition, since the investigation into the incident has already started, members of the community who support the investigation are invited to assist,” they said. The National Unity Government strongly condemns hate-motivated violence against civilians in Myanmar, including minorities, and believes that exclusion, discrimination, and inhumane punishment have no place in Myanmar. It is stated that the perpetrators should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and that justice and atonement should be brought to the victims and their families.

2. Acting President Duwa Lashi La will deliver the opening remarks at the conversation on dignity, freedom, and justice for all human beings

It is reported that Acting President Duwa Lashi La will deliver the opening remarks at the conversation on dignity, freedom, and justice for all human beings. A panel discussion titled “Dignity, Freedom, And Justice For All” will be held on December 10 at 6:00 p.m. Myanmar time. The meeting will begin with an opening speech by the NUG Acting President Duwa Lashi La, followed by a discussion with Union Minister U Aung Myo Min from the Ministry of Human Rights and advisory member U Aung Kyaw Moe, Myanmar Women’s Federation, Policy lead member Ma Zuu Padonmar, and actor Chit Thu Wai. The discussion was held as a commemoration of Human Rights Day.

3. Union Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung says the National Defense Act (NDAA 2023) approved by the US House of Representatives will be an incredible move

Union Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung said that the National Defense Act (NDAA 2023) approved by the US House of Representatives will be an incredible move. The NUG Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung informed on December 9. “The National Defense Act (NDAA 2023) for the fiscal year 2023 was approved by the House of Representatives by a vote of 350-80. Although we still need to win in the Senate, this law is the hope we need in the midst of our country’s fight for democracy,” said the Minister. The National Defense Authorization Act 2023 (NDAA) of the United States has drafted to provide more assistance to Myanmar this year. The National Defense Authorization Act of 2023 (NDAA) has already passed the House and will become law once signed by the President in the Senate.

4. Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe informed that there is some more international aid regarding health

Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe informed that there is some more international aid regarding health. Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, Minister of Health and Education, stated this in an interview during December. “The international community became more engaged with us following the ASEAN summit. In regards to health, more care and international aid have strengthened us in preparing humanitarian issues for the battles that may occur in 2023,” he said. Furthermore, according to NUG’s one-year strategic plan, the Ministry of Defense and ethnic revolutionary forces are collaborating to provide health care in areas where fighting may take place.

5.  The Minister of Human Rights says to the European Parliament that ASEAN’s Five-Point Consensus is ineffective and must be replaced with stronger actions

The Minister of Human Rights, U Aung Myo Min, said to the European Parliament that ASEAN’s Five-Point Consensus is ineffective and needs to be replaced with stronger actions. “It was said in the EU Parliament today. The ASEAN’s Five-Point Consensus doesn’t work. It must be replaced by more stronger actions. ASEAN alone is not possible. The accreditation of NUG is critical. Economic sanctions, including on aviation fuel, should be broader,” he said. Moreover, he asked for humanitarian assistance through the NUG and ethnic groups.

6. More than 300 guests attended the academic symposium commemorating the World Human Rights Day

It is reported that more than 300 guests attended the academic symposium commemorating the World Human Rights Day. On December 9 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Myanmar time, the NUG’s Ministry of Education and Ministry of Human Rights hosted an academic symposium and joint discussion to commemorate World Human Rights Day. The symposium was opened with remarks by Union Minister of Education Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, Deputy Ministers Dr. Sai Khaing Myo Tun and Daw Daw Ja Htoi Pan, and Human Rights Minister U Aung Myo Min, and more than 300 guests attended the symposium. Then, it is reported that authors of the papers read six papers on human rights, after which the participants asked questions and discussed on it.

7. The National Unity Government has been establishing and implementing one-year strategic plans

According to Union Minister of Labor U Nai Suwunna, a member of the Interim Local Public Administration Development Central Committee, the National Unity Government has been developing and implementing one-year strategic plans. The Minister stated this on December 9 during a meeting of the NUG’s Interim Local Public Administration Central Committee and the Expanded Public Administration Groups.

The National Unity Government is implementing one-year strategic plans, and the Sagaing and Magwe regions are model regions in the revolution. He also stated that he would like the Public Administration Groups to take note of the Central Committee members’ statements and discuss the work operations and challenges. Members of the Interim Local Public Administration Central Committee, permanent secretaries, joint secretaries, departmental officials, and officials from extended public administration organizations attended the meeting.

8. The NUG’s Deputy Minister of Labor says he would like to collaborate to address the challenges that Myanmar workers face in Thailand

In a meeting with the Thai Hluttaw’s Labor Affairs Committee, the NUG Deputy Minister of Labor stated that he would like to collaborate to address the challenges that Myanmar workers face in Thailand. On December 7, a Zoom meeting was held between the NUG Ministry of Labor and the Chairman of the Labor Affairs Committee of the Thai Parliament. In the meeting, the union minister gave an opening speech, and the deputy minister discussed the Ministry’s working conditions, the difficulties faced by Myanmar workers in Thailand, and the issues on which they wish to collaborate. Then, the Chairman of the Parliamentary Labor Committee and the Secretary discussed ways to collaborate and the next steps. The meeting was attended by the NUG’s Union Minister of Labor, U Nai Suwunna, Deputy Minister U Kyaw Ni and department officials, the Chairman of the Thai Hluttaw’s Labor Affairs Committee, the Secretary, and Parliamentary Labor Affairs consultant.

9. The UK government has imposed new sanctions on the Myanmar military

The UK government has imposed new sanctions on the Myanmar military. The UK embassy in Yangon revealed the news on December 9. It is said, “The UK government has announced new sanctions against the Burmese military regime today. New sanctions were imposed on security forces responsible for human rights violations and sexual violence during the conflicts.” In respect of International Human Rights Day, the office of the Chief Military Security Officer and the 33rd and 99th Light Infantry Divisions (LID) of the Myanmar army have been sanctioned this time.

The office of the Chief Military Security Officer is said to be the primary perpetrator of torture, including rape and sexual violence during interrogations. The 33rd and 99th Light Infantry Divisions are reported to have committed other acts of violence, including sexual violence, against the Rohingya in Rakhine State in 2017. UK Foreign Minister James Cleverly said, “I am proud that the UK is a leader in the areas of human rights and the rule of law. We take a stand on the world stage for what we believe is right. Our fundamental human rights are being grossly violated. We will continue to impose sanctions in order to hold those responsible for violations accountable and to take action. Through such a broad response, we will identify those who commit the most horrific atrocities, including sexual violence, during the conflicts.” Currently, the UK government has sanctioned 30 individuals and 23 organizations as responsible for human rights violations in Myanmar.

  1. The National Unity Government issued a statement on December 5 regarding the discovery of 13 bodies in Hlegu township, Yangon Region
  2. Acting President Duwa Lashi La will deliver the opening remarks at the conversation on dignity, freedom, and justice for all human beings
  3. Union Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung says the National Defense Act (NDAA 2023) approved by the US House of Representatives will be an incredible move
  4. Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe informed that there is some more international aid regarding health
  5. The Minister of Human Rights says to the European Parliament that ASEAN’s Five-Point Consensus is ineffective and must be replaced with stronger actions
  6. More than 300 guests attended the academic symposium commemorating the World Human Rights Day
  7. The National Unity Government has been establishing and implementing one-year strategic plans
  8. The NUG’s Deputy Minister of Labor says he would like to collaborate to address the challenges that Myanmar workers face in Thailand
  9. The UK government has imposed new sanctions on the Myanmar military

Credit to #RadioNUG


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