Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2022 Dec 08

1. Meeting with the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration and township public administration groups from Bago, Magway, and Sagaing regions 

On December 7, the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration held a meeting (12/2022) with the township public administration groups from Bago, Magway, and Sagaing regions. Following clarification of the ministry’s activities by officials from the Fire Department under the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, attending members of the township Public Administration Groups explained the difficulties and needs they face on the ground, and relevant ministry officials responded to those who wanted to know about the policy. The meeting was attended by members of the Public Administration Department, People’s Police, Fire Department, Immigration Department, Special Investigation Department officials, and township public administration members from Bago, Magway, and Sagaing regions.

2. The Minister of Defense expressed gratitude to the Nepalese students who demonstrated solidarity with the Myanmar students

The Minister of Defense expressed gratitude to the Nepalese students who demonstrated solidarity with the Myanmar students. The Minister of Defense tweeted the news on December 7. “Thank you Nepalese students for your solidarity,” he said. The Dagon University Students’ Union announced that the Nepali Students’ Union and students expressed solidarity with those sentenced to death for their beliefs, including seven Dagon University students. On December 5, students from the Nepalese Student Union demonstrated in front of the Myanmar Embassy in Nepal against the Burmese military group’s imposition of the death penalty on students. It is also reported that the students were arrested by the Nepalese police. On November 30, 2022, a terrorist group sentenced to death seven Dagon University students and twelve civilians for a total of 19 people.

3. Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe says the spring revolution will definitely succeed

Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe said that the spring revolution will definitely succeed. Dr. Zaw Wai Soe stated regarding the revolution on December 7. “The spring revolution will definitely succeed. The terrorist army itself is aware of how much public support each side has,” said the Minister. In addition, the union minister reiterated that the terrorist army itself knows best about the destruction of the structure to maintain the military council troops. During the people’s resistance war, which lasted over a year, over 20,000 people died on the side of the terrorist army.

4. Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng spoke about the incidents of insecurity in Kachin state

Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng spoke about the incidents of insecurity in Kachin state on December 7. “A middle-aged father of a child, who was driving in Hpakant in the afternoon was shot dead on the road, but his family had no right to ask for anything. Military lobbies lied that the shooting of a mother and her son in the center of Myitkyina city was the car accident. Family members do not dare to complain. More than 30 villagers are being used as human shields on Hpakant Road. No one dared to say this,” said the Minister. The Minister added that he wishes that all of the citizens who were killed in Myanmar without security have a better life and that he will continue to take responsibility for those who sacrificed their lives for the revolution.

5.  Meeting with the Public Affairs Committee of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and CDM heroes from Kachin State

The Public Affairs Committee of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw met with CDMers from Kachin State via video conference on December 6, 2022, at noon (12:30). Daw Phyu Phyu Thin, the secretary member of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, said during the meeting that the revolution has lasted nearly two years and that success will be achieved in the near future. Then, the Union Minister of Education and Health Dr. Zaw Wai Soe gave opening remarks at the meeting.

Thereafter, Dr. Khin Soe Soe Kyi, the chairman of the Public Affairs Committee, explained the meeting’s purpose and stated that she wanted CDMers to know their representatives are involved in various activities with NUG and CRPH, and that the Public Affairs Committee mainly focuses on CDMer issues. Following that, Daw Ei Ei Pyone, secretary of the Public Affairs Committee, clarified the committee’s current and ongoing efforts to support CDMers. Daw Phyu Phyu Thin, secretary member of CRPH, Union Minister of Education and Health Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, chairman of the Public Affairs Committee Dr. Khin Soe Soe Kyi and members, as well as CDM heroes from Kachin State, attended the meeting.

6. Nway Oo Yaung brotherhoods sold raffle tickets for CDM heroes in collaboration with Bago Federal School

Nway Oo Yaung brotherhoods is selling raffle tickets for CDM heroes in collaboration with Bago Federal School. “We, Nway Oo Yaung brotherhoods organized the raffle tickets sale event for CDM heroes in collaboration with Bago Federal School,” they said. Tickets will be sold on December 10, with only 600 copies available for 10,000 kyats each. The funds will be used to support CDM teachers at Bago Federal School as well as CDM education staff in Bago region.    

7. 143 public houses were destroyed due to an arson attack by the military council troops in Intaing village, Kyunhla township.

According to the report, 143 public houses in Intaing village, Kyunhla township, were destroyed by an arson attack by military council troops. The Kyunhla – Kanbalu activists’ group (Kanbalu district) informed the news on December 7. The military council’s infantry battalion-361 and Pyu Saw Htee’s combined forces of about 200 people attacked the Intaing village in Kyunhla township with heavy weapons on the morning of December 6. Out of more than 270 houses in Intaing village, 143 public houses were destroyed due to arson by the military council troops and Pyu Saw Htee. It is reported that that column left the Intaing village and arrived at Tahpanseik (Ivory Camp).

8. A fundraising concert was held in Rome for Myanmar women who are suffering as a result of the military dictator

Associazione Italia – Birmania Insieme held a fundraiser concert for Myanmar women who are suffering as a result of the military dictator on the evening of December 6. It is reported that the program started with photo records of people, especially Myanmar women, against the military dictatorship after the 2021 coup. The terrorist military council’s brutally suppressing peaceful protests, burning entire villages, and executing young students were also described at the concert. Following that, they performed traditional Italian “quara” songs, and people from Myanmar in Rome actively participated in the program, including ethnic dances

  1. Meeting with the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration and township public administration groups from Bago, Magway, and Sagaing regions 
  2. The Minister of Defense expressed gratitude to the Nepalese students who demonstrated solidarity with the Myanmar students
  3. Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe says the spring revolution will definitely succeed
  4. Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng spoke about the incidents of insecurity in Kachin state
  5. Meeting with the Public Affairs Committee of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and CDM heroes from Kachin State
  6. Nway Oo Yaung brotherhoods sold raffle tickets for CDM heroes in collaboration with Bago Federal School
  7. 143 public houses were destroyed due to an arson attack by the military council troops in Intaing village, Kyunhla township.
  8. A fundraising concert was held in Rome for Myanmar women who are suffering as a result of the military dictator

Credit to #RadioNUG


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