Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2022 Nov 25

1. Union Prime Minister Mahn Win Khaing Than says to establish interim administrative implementation plans appropriate to the fighting period in the controlled areas

Union Prime Minister Mahn Win Khaing Than said to establish interim administrative implementation plans appropriate to the fighting period in the controlled areas. The Prime Minister said at the Interim Local Administration Central Committee meeting held on November 24. “As the revolution accelerates, the committee’s role is important, in addition to the regional administrative plans currently being implemented, there are still many additional issues to be addressed, and it is necessary to establish interim administrative implementation plans appropriate to the period of fighting in the controlled areas. Moreover, the strategy has been implemented from the beginning of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee, and since it is an interim administration, military and administrative operations must be carried out together,” the Prime Minister said.

The attended members of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee explained the decisions made in (37/2022), the completion conditions and the remaining procedures to be carried out, and the attended officials discussed extensively on the matters undertaken by the ministry. The meeting was led by Union Prime Minister Mahn Win Khaing Than, and attended by Deputy Chairman 1, including Union Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration U Lwin Ko Latt, Central Committee’s members Union Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries and officials from various departments.

2. The Minister of Human Rights will attend the fundraising event to be held in Sydney, Australia

It is reported that the Minister of Human Rights will attend the fundraising event to be held in Sydney, Australia. A fundraising event will be held on November 26, 2022, with the aim of providing humanitarian aid to the needed areas for the Spring Revolution in Ye District of Mon State and Myaung township of Sagaing Region. It is reported that U Aung Myo Min, the NUG Minister of Human Rights, will give a thank you speech via online at the fundraising event, also the question-and-answer session will be included where attendees can ask the Minister directly if they have any questions. At the fundraising event, more than 30 shops will be opened and sold a wide variety of traditional Myanmar foods, dishes, desserts and snacks.

3. The NUG Australian representative says another strategy of the military dictator is to prevent the formation of a political alliance

U Tun Aung Shwe, the NUG’s representative to Australia, said another strategy of the military dictator is to prevent the formation of a political alliance. “The strategy is to continue to attack the civilians in their surrendered territories from all over Myanmar. These attacks are not aimed at guerilla forces, but mainly at civilians. Another key of the junta’s strategy is to prevent the formation of the political alliance,” he said. The National Unity Government announced the start of the People’s Resistance War on September 7, 2021. Currently, the Ministry of Defense has released that strategies for the People’s Resistance War are being developed and accelerated.

4. Carrying out a public strike by holding the “Fight the illegal fake election with the power of the public” banner

It has been reported that a public strike was carried out by holding the “Fight the illegal fake election with the power of the Public” banner. “It has been two years since the army seized power by force, but the people’s revolution has not calmed down, and even today, revolutionary people can be seen above the streets everywhere,” said the strike committee. In the strike, Monywa Strike Steering Committee and members of the Chaung-U township Youth Forces Strike Committee joined together and urged the public not to vote in the elections to be held by the military council.

5.  A woman was sentenced to 10 years in prison for allegedly supporting People Defense Force (PDF) with 5,000 kyats

According to AAPP, Ma Aye Thiri (b) Phoo Phoo, who lives in Khamti, Sagaing Province, was accused of providing 5,000 kyats to the People’s Defense Forces and sentenced to 10 years in prison on November 22 under Section 50 (j) of the Anti-Terrorism Act. Ma Aye Thiri was arrested at her home in Khamti on February 21, and the order was passed after being detained for more than nine months at the Khamti District Police Station. It was reported that Ma Aye Thiri was not in good health and was often unconscious when she was arrested.

6. The military council troops carried out at least 57 airstrikes in 15 townships across the country during the month of October

In the last week of November, ISP Myanmar reported that the military council troops carried out at least 57 airstrikes in 15 townships across the country during the month of October. The military council’s airstrike attacks have continued to escalate. In the month of October this year, there were at least 57 airstrikes in 15 townships across the country. There were at least 12 airstrikes in Banmauk township, Sagaing Province, and it was the most happened,” they said. There were at least 37 civilian deaths due to these airstrikes, and at least 70 civilians were also killed in the A Nang Pa incident in Hpakant township, Kachin State.

7. The military council’s column, which had been invading for more than two months in Htilin township, burned down 168 houses from 11 villages.

On November 24, the YRA (Htilin) informed that the military council’s column, which had been invading for more than two months in Htilin township, burned down 168 houses from 11 villages. On November 24, the military council’s troops under KaLaYa-50 and Pyu Saw Htee column invaded the Htilin township and set fire to the Waryinchaing village. YRA (Htilin) and Local Defense Forces entered the area and put out the fire, and out of a total of 61 houses in Waryinchaing village, 34 houses were found to be on fire. 

8. The artillery gate in Ohntaw village, Sagaing township, was closely attacked with a 40mm weapon

It was reported that an artillery gate in Ohntaw village, Sagaing township, was closely attacked with a 40mm weapon. The People’s Army to Fight Dictatorship Forces confirmed that an artillery gate in Ohntaw village was attacked on November 24 at around 10:50 a.m. At present, the casualties of the military council troops are still being investigated, and the revolutionary comrades were able to retreat unharmed. The operation was conducted with the cooperation of the People’s Army to Fight Dictatorship (PAFD) Division, People’s knight Defense Force Myinmu (PKDF-MMU), TAUNGTHA People Defense Force (TTAPDF), Phonex (SGG), and D.B.B.F-MMU alliances. 

  1. Union Prime Minister Mahn Win Khaing Than says to establish interim administrative implementation plans appropriate to the fighting period in the controlled areas
  2. The Minister of Human Rights will attend the fundraising event to be held in Sydney, Australia
  3. The NUG Australian representative says another strategy of the military dictator is to prevent the formation of a political alliance
  4. Carrying out a public strike by holding the “Fight the illegal fake election with the power of the public” banner
  5. A woman was sentenced to 10 years in prison for allegedly supporting People Defense Force (PDF) with 5,000 kyats
  6. CRPH and the Chin State Hluttaw Representative Committee held a meeting to discuss cooperation in parliamentaryThe military council troops carried out at least 57 airstrikes in 15 townships across the country during the month of October
  7. The military council’s column, which had been invading for more than two months in Htilin township, burned down 168 houses from 11 villages.
  8. The artillery gate in Ohntaw village, Sagaing township, was closely attacked with a 40mm weapon

Credit to #RadioNUG


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