Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2022 Nov 06

  1. 10 plots of land worth USD 2.4 million from the Spring Rose project in Aung San Suu Kyi Road, Mandalay, were purchased by only single person
  2. NUGPay is being prepared to be used on a national scale
  3. Dr. Ngai Tam Maung says to strive all together in order to establish a federal democratic state, a common goal for all ethnic groups
  4. Discussion to stop inviting the military council as Myanmar representative to the ASEAN meetings
  5. A football tournament was held in Melbourne, Australia, as a fund-raising event for the displaced people of the Karen State
  6. Recruiting new soldiers from the People Security And defense Army (PSDA), Northern Shan State
  7. The NUG’s Ministry of Defense awarded 50,000 bahts as one soldier from KaMaYa-(2) of the military council troops defected with one MA3 gun to the Cobra column

10 plots of land worth USD 2.4 million from the Spring Rose project in Aung San Suu Kyi Road, Mandalay, were purchased by only single person

It is reported that 10 plots of land worth USD 2.4 million from the Spring Rose project in Aung San Suu Kyi Road, Mandalay, were purchased by only one person. U Tin Tun Naing, Union Minister of Planning, Finance and Investment, informed on social media on November 5.

“20 plots of 100 feet (100 X 100) in Aung San Suu Kyi Road, Mandalay, were identified and sold for the spring rose project, and the remaining 10 plots of land, worth USD 2.4 million, were purchased by only one person,” he said. It is also mentioned that NUG bows respectfully with the spirit of revolutionary victory to those who bought and supported such large amounts as well as all those who bought and supported individually as much as they can.

NUGPay is being prepared to be used on a national scale

It is reported that NUGPay is being prepared to be used on a national scale. U Min Zayar Oo said in the meeting with the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, and National Unity Government, Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment.

The discussion clarified the case of transfer of ordinary monthly expenses in accordance with the decision of the Cabinet Committee on Security and Defense and the Finance Commission regarding the activities which have been carried out by the Ministry of Finance and Investment. Moreover, the preparations for NUGPay to be used nationwide and the status of the Early Partnership Program are also discussed.

The meeting was attended by the chairman and members of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, chairpersons and secretaries of affairs committees, U Min Zayar Oo, Deputy Minister of Planning, Finance and Investment, and Permanent Secretary.

Dr. Ngai Tam Maung says to strive all together in order to establish a federal democratic state, a common goal for all ethnic groups

Dr. Ngai Tam Maung said to strive all together in order to establish a federal democratic state, a common goal for all ethnic groups. The Deputy Minister said in a meeting with the Interim Local Administration Central Committee and the public administration groups in the Bago region.

” It is satisfying the good implementation of public administration activities. Also, it is necessary not only to carry out the revolution as much as possible but also to pay special attention to security. In addition, it is important to strive all together in order to establish a federal democratic state, which is a common goal for all ethnic groups,” said the Deputy Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management. After that, the Deputy Minister of Health, Dr. Shwe Pone, said greetings, and the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration clarified the policies which have been implemented by the Ministry.

The meeting was attended by Vice Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Joint secretaries, officials of Bago public administrative organizations, and officials from various departments.

Discussion to stop inviting the military council as Myanmar representative to the ASEAN meetings

There was a discussion to stop inviting the military council as Myanmar representatives to the ASEAN meetings. It was discussed at the ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ASEAN Public Meeting, held in Phnom Penh on November 4, Cambodia. The ceremony of the ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ASEAN Public meeting was opened with the “Public Soundtrack”, and a peaceful tribute was paid to the fallen heroes of the spring revolution and those who were unjustly arrested and detained.

Then, Southeast Asian countries such as Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore Thailand, Timorese and Vietnam, said they stand in solidarity with all ethnic groups from Myanmar as well as people from different cultures and places. At the meeting, they discussed the ASEAN five-point consensus have not made any good progress so far, and terrorist killings are still happening at a rapid pace, and the ASEAN has a responsibility to respect and fulfill human rights.

A football tournament was held in Melbourne, Australia, as a fund-raising event for the displaced people of the Karen State

It is reported that a football tournament was held in Melbourne, Australia, as a fund-raising event for the displaced people of the Karen State. It was held in Melbourne, Australia on November 5, and included over the age of 30 football tournament and a basketball tournament. That sports tournament was identified as a fund-raising event, and it was held under the title of “Humanitarian AID For BURMA” with the aim of providing necessary food and medicine to the displaced people in Karen State. As part of the fundraising event, over the age of 30 national football tournament, Khun Baham Htan, the NUG Deputy Minister of Human Rights, played in “Karenni-Tarneit” team.

Recruiting new soldiers from the People Security And defense Army (PSDA), Northern Shan State

On November 5, it is informed that the People Security And defense Army (PSDA), Northern Shan State, is recruiting new soldiers. “We need new soldiers to serve in the People Security And defense Army, who is ready to participate in the revolution,” he said.

It is stated that as the basic needs for people who choose armed revolution must be able to revolutionize regardless of region. Moreover, it is said that the soldiers under the military council are always welcomed by the PSDA if they want to join the CDM. 

The NUG’s Ministry of Defense awarded 50,000 bahts as one soldier from KaMaYa-(2) of the military council troops defected with one MA3 gun to the Cobra column

The National Unity Government, Ministry of Defense, awarded 50,000 bahts as one soldier from KaMaYa-2 of the military council troops defected with one MA3 gun to the Cobra column. The Cobra column informed on the night of November 5. A soldier from the KaMaYa-2 under the 44th division of the military council joined the 27th Cobra joint column of the KNU and participated in CDM with one MA3 gun and 4 boxes of ammunition and 100 rounds of 5.56 ammunition. The person who joined the CDM was Hein Zaw Oo, a soldier of the KaMaYa-2 who had invaded the Nyaungchaung area. On behalf of the National Unity Government, Bo Ta Baw, commander of the KNLA’s Cobra column, awarded 50,000 bahts to a soldier who defected from the military council with weapons. 

Credit to #RadioNUG


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