Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2022 September 23

  1. The Union Minister of Human Rights, U Aung Myo Min, says that sectors to be targeted for continued sanctions by the U.S government were discussed at the meeting with Counselor of the US Dept. of State
  2. NUG is working on a strategy to achieve the Spring Revolution within the coming year
  3. The excellent award ceremony and class completion ceremony of the interim education of the Ministry of Education of the National Unity Government are held
  4. The NUG Deputy Minister of Labour says that the online survey form (application) and card design have been completed for the overseas employment survey and Overseas Employment Registration Cards (OERC) issuance
  5. The Depeyin Township Board of Education strongly condemns the terrorist military council, which is repeatedly committing war crimes and crimes against humanity
  6. The Federal Revolution Force (F.R.F) successfully produced a 60mm weapon that could fire at a distance of up to 1,000 yards
  7. The military troops invaded and burned down Na Bet Village in Myaung Township
  8. A young woman from a village in the eastern part of Demoso was hit and killed by the military council’s firing of long-ranged weapons
  9. Civilian houses in Taze Township were burned 15 times, and 10 people were also burned to death in six days
  10. Myanmar model Han Lay was denied entry at the Thai International Airport

The Union Minister of Human Rights, U Aung Myo Min, says that sectors to be targeted for continued sanctions by the U.S government were discussed at the meeting with Counselor of the US Dept. of State

On September 22, U Aung Myo Min, Union Minister of Human Rights, said, “Both sides discussed views on election planned by the military junta, sectors to be targeted for continued sanctions by the U.S government, justice and law enforcement issues, humanitarian assistance, technology, communication, and skills development aid, protective measures for democracy activists and those defected from the military junta to the embrace of the people, and other support.”

Mr. Derek Chollet, Counselor of the U.S. Department of State, and officials received a Myanmar delegation led by U Aung Kyi Nyunt, Chairman of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH), U Aung Myo Min, Union Minister of Human Rights, U Htin Linn Aung, Union Minister of Communications, Information and Technology, U Moe Zaw Oo, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, and U Aung Kyaw Moe, Advisor to the Ministry of Human Rights, in New York on September 21.

NUG is working on a strategy to achieve the Spring Revolution within the coming year

U Kyaw Zaw, the Spokesperson of the Office of the Acting President, told radio NUG, “We, the National Unity Government (NUG), are working on a strategy to increase the speed of the defensive war in the coming year and to achieve the people’s spring revolution as soon as possible.”

The National Unity Government (NUG) announced the start of the People’s Defensive War on September 7, 2021. To date, a total of 20,000 members of the terrorist military junta have been killed within a year of the People’s Defensive War.

The excellent award ceremony and class completion ceremony of the interim education of the Ministry of Education of the National Unity Government are held

The excellent award ceremony and class completion ceremony of the interim education of the Ministry of Education of the National Unity Government were held in full swing in Salingyi Township in Sagaing Division.

After that, attended students and teachers protested against the terrorist military’s aerial attack and killing of students and children in the Let Yet Kone Village, Tabayin Township.

The primary students protested by holding banners with the text, “Do you really need air strikes to kill our friends who have just started learning to write?”

The NUG Deputy Minister of Labour says that the online survey form (application) and card design have been completed for the overseas employment survey and Overseas Employment Registration Cards (OERC) issuance

In September, U Kyaw Ni, Deputy Minister of Labour, told radio NUG, “In the process of surveying oversea employment and issuing Overseas Employment Registration Cards (OERC), the work plan (Project) has been developed. It has also been submitted to the cabinet for policy guidance. The online survey form (application) and the card design have also been developed.”

Currently, the process is in Stage-7, and it is learned that it is planned to start as a pilot project in Malaysia.

The Depeyin Township Board of Education strongly condemns the terrorist military council, which is repeatedly committing war crimes and crimes against humanity

On September 22, the Depeyin Township Board of Education released a statement on the death and injury of many children and civilians due to the military’s air strikes on the Let Yet Kone Village in Tabayin (Depeyin) Township.

The statement states, “On September 16, the terrorist military junta conducted brutal acts, such as air strikes on a self-supporting school in a monastery compound in Let Yet Kone Village, Tabayin Township, Sagaing Division, using two attack helicopters and two support helicopters; deploying soldiers and firing guns.

The two support helicopters deployed soldiers for the second time, and the soldiers deliberately and violently attacked children, teachers, and civilians in the school.  A total of eight children as a result of the attack, including six children who were studying in the school, were killed. The terrorist military abducted seven seriously injured students and five teachers, including two injured teachers. The bodies of the dead children were also taken away.

Five civilians were killed, and nine civilians and eighteen children were injured. It was learned that the bodies of the dead children, and a total of nineteen people, including seven seriously injured children, five teachers, two cars, and three civilians – two for driving the cars, were arrested and taken away to Ye-U.

Attacks on schools, targeting and killing children are inhumane acts of cruelty. The Depeyin Township Board of Education strongly condemns the terrorist military council that is repeatedly committing war crimes and crimes against humanity. We pledge to work together with revolutionary forces at home and abroad, and international organizations, to be able to take action and judge the perpetrators of such human rights violations, terrorist acts, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, until the military dictatorship mechanism of the terrorist military council group is abolished.”

The Federal Revolution Force (F.R.F) successfully produced a 60mm weapon that could fire at a distance of up to 1,000 yards

In September, the Federal Revolution Force (F.R.F) informed the public, “The 60mm weapon of the Federal Revolution Force (F.R.F) has been successfully developed. It can fire at a distance of up to 1,000 yards.”

Along with the 60mm long-range weapon, they also successfully produced claymore mines and hand-held mines.

The Federal Revolution Force said there were some difficulties and delays due to production requirements, and the main issue was budget insufficiency.

The military troops invaded and burned down Na Bet Village in Myaung Township

According to the Civilians Defense and Security Organization, Myaung (CDSOM), the military troops departed from Myaung, invaded Na Bet Village in Myaung Township, Sagaing Division, and set it on fire on September 22.

It said, “The soldiers came out from the outpost in Myaung Town at around 2:00 a.m., and they invaded Na Bet Village at around 5:30 a.m. and fired guns.”

At present, civilians from villages along the road, including Na Bet, Sweal Lwal Oh, and Pwa Saw villages, are fleeing. A civilian from Inn Saung Village, to the east of Na Bet Village, was shot and killed, and Na Bet Village was burned down.

A young woman from a village in the eastern part of Demoso was hit and killed by the military council’s firing of long-ranged weapons

On September 22, the Nway Oo Guru Lay Myar, a social welfare team in Karenni Region, stated, “A young woman from a village in the eastern part of Demoso was hit and killed due to the arbitrary firing of long-ranged weapons by the military council.”

The number of civilian casualties in the towns and cities has increased due to the reckless and arbitrary firing by the terrorist military.

A total of 2,311 people were killed during the Spring Revolution after the military coup.

Civilian houses in Taze Township were burned 15 times, and 10 people were also burned to death in six days

On September 22, the Taze Township Administration released an announcement informing the local people to stay safe and stay away from the military council columns.

In the announcement, it is stated, “During the period of 6 days from September 17 to 22, 2022, the military council forces destroyed local people’s houses 15 times in the villages of Oke Hpo Ai, Yae U Kone, Aung Chan Thar, Bay Yin/Ywa Thit, Inn Pat, Oe Thel Kone, Gwey Kone, Na Bet Ngal, Taung Taw, Pe Kone, and Thet Kel Tan, and also burned and killed 10 people.”

The military council troops are committing war crimes in Taze Township more than ever and are raiding the villages with massive force, causing about 17,000 locals from 30 villages to leave their homes and flee.

The Taze Township Administration has warned people to stay away from the military council columns and be aware of their security.

Myanmar model Han Lay was denied entry at the Thai International Airport

Myanmar Model Han Lay, also known as Thaw Nandar Aung, who captured global attention at the Miss Grand International competition in 2021 as she spoke out for Myanmar Spring Revolution, was blocked from returning to Bangkok. She was at the airport at the moment, and arrangement were said to be making for her to board a flight out of Thailand, over what Reuters cited was that her manager said she was subject of an Interpol notice.

Model Han Lay had been taking refuge in Thailand, and Thai authorities denied her entry when she arrived from a short trip to Vietnam. It was reported in the news that Han Lay said that she wanted to live in Thailand. Analysts commented that the Myanmar Military Council seems to have sent a blacklist to Thai authorities and the international police force called Interpol to capture them. They also commented that monitoring and investigations into whether other Myanmar activists have been secretly arrested must be conducted.

Credit to #RadioNUG

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