Summary of News

The Ministry of Defense (MOD) has formed a special task force to communicate with the local defense forces (LDFs)

In September, the Union Minister of Defense added the following in a speech to the People’s Defense Forces.

“As for the Ministry of Defense (MOD), a special task force has been formed with officials from relevant departments to connect with the local defense forces (LDFs). We would also like to inform the LDF leaders that they can communicate with this task force or directly with the Minister or the Deputy Minister or Secretary,” said the Union Minister.

At present, there are more than 300 battalions of the People’s Defense Force that are formally established under the MOD, in addition to 401 local defense forces (LDFs) and urban guerrilla groups that have been established across 250 Townships and are allied to the MOD. The MOD is currently in the process of registering and arming the battalions.

Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe says that the participation of all people in the spring revolution is for the better future of the country.

Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, Union Minister of Education, remarked at the opening ceremony of the PNFC Interim Basic Education Free Online School, held on September 24, jointly opened by the Pa-O National Federal Council (PNFC) and the Ministry of Education of the National Unity Government.

“The emergence of the spring revolution, participation of us in the spring revolution, the participation of teachers, and CDM students in the spring revolution is for the future of the country and the future of our generations. We have already known that in the future, things could not go well with a military dictatorship in any way,” said the Union Minister.

On February 1, 2021, the military seized state power and brutally killed those who were active against the military dictatorship without leaving no students and youths.

A meeting between foreign diplomats and the stakeholders of the Let Yet Kone incident was held

On September 24, U Aung Myo Min, Union Minister of Human Rights, said on social media that a meeting between foreign diplomats and stakeholders in the Let Yet Kone incident had been arranged.

“A meeting between foreign diplomats and stakeholders in the Let Yet Kone incident was held. After hearing the voices coming from the people directly, they would understand more about the lies of the terrorist military. The people had clearly raised questions. They asked how the international community would act if war criminals were still on the run even though it was said that Crimes cannot escape. Would they only look at their own benefits? Although they are not diplomatic, what they said had hit the spot,” said the minister.

On September 16, the terrorist military conducted air attacks with Mi35 military helicopters at a school in Let Yet Kone Village, Tabayin Township, Sagaing Division, for 45 minutes. In the incident, 6 children who were studying were killed, and 7 civilians were killed due to the ground attack.

This morning, the terrorist military troops burned down Inn Pat Village, Khin-U Township, Sagaing Division

“At around 6:00 a.m. today, the military troops raided Inn Pat Village, Khin-U Township, Sagaing Division. At around 7:00 a.m., we received a report from our ground force that they were burning down the village,” the SSTF (MRDA Division – Khin-U) confirmed.

The villagers have to flee to safety. The military council troops burned and destroyed the villages in Sagaing most, and around 36,000 civilian houses have been destroyed in all States and Divisions across the country.

This morning, terrorist military troops rampaged into the northern part of Kanbalu Township

The terrorist military raided the northern part of Kantbalu Township, Sagaing Division, and arrested 2 people of Gongnyingsho Village who went to herd their cows this morning.

On the morning of September 24, the Kotaungbo Revolution (KTB-R) Force confirmed that the junta troops entered the villages of Gongnyingsho and Kyakhataeik in the northern part of Kanbalu Township.

“Another group of military soldiers, who had spent the night in Let Pan Sho Village in Kawlin Township last night, left the village at around 6:00 a.m. and entered the villages of Gongnyinsho and Kyakhataeik in the northern part of Kanbalu Township at around 8:00 a.m. Two villagers of Gongnyinsho who had gone to herd their cattle were arrested. They are U Tun Yee’s son and Daw San Mya’s son Maung Pho Thagyar,” the Kotaungbo Revolution (KTB-R) said.

Currently, more than 50 junta troops are stationed in a monastery in Gongnyinsho Village and around 20 in Kyakhataeik Village.

CDM pregnant women in Saw Township, who have never received maternity allowance, will be given support money as maternity allowance

It is reported that the People’s Administration of Saw Township will provide support money to CDM pregnant women who have never received maternity allowance.

On September 24, the Saw People’s Administration announced, “Those CDM pregnant women and CDM parents who participated in CDM before October 2021 and gave birth after November 2021; and those who will give birth after September 2022, and have never received the maternity allowance, are requested to fill out the information and submit the application.”

CDM pregnant women from Saw Township will be able to submit application forms with accurate information by October 7 to receive a maternity allowance.

The CDF-Matupi attacked soldiers from Matupi-based Infantry Battalion-140 while they were clearing the area along the Matupi-Hakha Road, killing 3 soldiers

The Chinland Defense Force-Matupi (CDF-Matupi) stated that the clash took place at around 7:00 a.m. on September 24.

“Today, on September 24, soldiers from the Matupi-based Infantry Battalion-140 started to clear the area along the Matupi-Hakha Road. Therefore, the terrorist military council troops and CDF-Matupi clashed at about 7:00 a.m., and from the junta side, 3 were killed and many injured,” they said.

It is reported that the CDF-Matupi was able to retreat unscathed. In addition, CDF-Matupi warned that the battles may continue and that people should not travel through Matupi-Hakha Road.

A rally was held in front of the United Nations Headquarters for the continuation of ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun

A rally was held in front of the United Nations headquarters in New York City, United States, by Myanmar people together with Cambodians.

The demonstration was held at Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza in front of the UN Headquarters, and people held banners calling for the continuation of the presence of Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s representative to the United Nations, as well as human rights, justice, law enforcement, the restoration of democracy, and the release of arrested political prisoners and innocent civilians in Myanmar. The rally was led by the New York City Burmese Community (NYCBC) on September 23 and was attended by a large number of people.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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