Summary of News

Union Prime Minister says that properly managing the issue of natural resource management can not only get funding but also block the income of the military council

Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, Union Prime Minister, said this at the Cabinet Meeting held on September 14.

“If the resource management issue is properly managed, it will be able to kill two birds with one stone. We can raise funds, and at the same time, we can also block their income. Therefore, I would like to urge everyone to make an all-round effort.

Moreover, the Union Prime Minister added that the issues related to tax collection presented by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Preservation at the committee meeting are very encouraging for the revolution, and, in implementing those, if townships can work together and receive more support from ministries, it will be more beneficial for the organizations that are working on the ground.

Defense Minister, U Yee Mon, says that the Myanmar military could be disbanded at any time

On September 14, U Yee Mon, Union Minister of Defense, said the following in his radio speech to PDF comrades:

“There are many soldiers and policemen who feel guilty about committing violent robberies and burning houses of civilians day by day. Those who are able to make independent decisions with their own knowledge are coming to the embrace of the people. There are more and more soldiers and policemen who have defected from the military council in various ways. The enemy’s strength is being eroded day by day in guerrilla war. We must also be aware that the military council may disband at any time if it suffers more.”

The National Unity Government announced the People’s Defensive War on September 7, 2021.

At present, the military council troops are suffering in Sagaing, Magway, Chin, Karen, and Karenni regions.

1Brick1Sand-Charlotte NC supports 8,400 US dollars to the Federal Wings and the NUG MOCIT Minister U Htin Linn Aung received it

On September 14, the Federal Wings Drone Force announced, “We will spread our wings and dominate the air. The NUG MOCIT Minister U Htin Linn Aung received support of 8,400 USD from the 1Brick1Sand-Charlotte NC families. We are eternally grateful to each and every brick and sand grain.”

The 1Brick1Sand-Charlotte NC also expressed that a total of 8,400 from our families’ support for July and August was handed over to the NUG MOCIT Minister U Htin Linn Aung for the Federal Wings, one of the drone projects that were decisively defeating the fascist military.

The terrorist military storms and destroys Nagartwin Village in Monywa Township

It was reported that the terrorist military stormed and destroyed Nagartwin Village in Monywa Township, Sagaing Division.

On September 14, at about 6:30 in the morning, starting from the forest on the east bank of the Chindwin River, a force of about 150 military council soldiers fired artillery shells at Nagartwin Village and entered the village. A civilian house was hit by an artillery shell, and the soldiers burned down farmer huts in the farm.

Starting from the morning of September 13, around 200 soldiers of the military council have been marching in the area along the Monywa-Ahmyint road and stormed and destroyed the villages in the area.

Two military council policemen from Kyaukhtu Police Station were ambushed and attacked by the Kuaukhtu PDF (YRPA) while they were patrolling and killed on the spot

On September 14, the News and Information of the Yaw Regional PDF’s Alliance (YRPA) reported that Kyaukhu PDF, an ally of YRPA, carried out the attack.

It states, “Today, at about 7:30 a.m., Kyauktu PDF (YRPA) ambushed two police dogs that were patrolling the Gongbo Ward of Kyauktu on a motorcycle from Kyauktu Police Station and shot them with small arms.”

It is also stated that as a result of the attack, the two were killed and the PDF comrades were able to retreat unharmed.

The Infinite Revolution Force (IGF) / GTF Squadron-1 successfully produced hand-made rifles

On September 14, the Infinite Revolution Force (IGF) / Golden Triangle Force (GTF) Squadron-1 demonstrated a test firing of the successfully produced hand-made rifle.

“This is the auto/semi-auto hand-made rifle we, Infinite Revolution Force IRF/GTF Squadron-1, successfully produced. We cannot raise the production cost to continue production any more, so we are in a position to stop the production,” they said.

The Infinite Revolution Force (IGF) / GTF Squadron-1 is also a revolutionary force that resists the military dictatorship.

The terrorist military junta arrested two civilians at Aung Tagon Ward, Pauk, alleging they had completed the PDF training

According to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), in the afternoon of September 11, two civilians named Kyaw Ye Htwe and May Zin Htwe (aka) Wine Chit were arrested by junta armed forces at Aung Tagon Ward, Pauk Township, Magway Region, for allegedly completing PDF training.

It is also reported that the two were taken to the Pauk Myoma Police Station.

From the time of the 2021 coup until September 13, a total of 12,372 people are currently under detention and 1,463 are serving sentences.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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