Summary of News

Minister of Home Affairs orders the Special Operation Force (SOF) to be vigilant and not to rush to carry out military operations

In August, Union Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration U Lwin Ko Latt said on social media, “You just need to fulfill your responsibilities. Always be vigilant. Don’t rush, comrades!”

It is said that over a hundred members of Special Operations Forces (SOF) have completed training and have been assigned urban operations duties in Yangon, Irrawaddy, and Mon states.

The SPECIAL OPERATION FORCE (S.O.F) is the special combat and assault force of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration of the National Unity Government.

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation issued an announcement regarding Myanmar Jewelers Association

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation issued Announcement (7/2022) dated 23 August that notified the Myanmar Jewelers Association not to engage in any cooperation that will support the illegal military council that is persecuting the public in various ways and that the National Unity Government will not recognize the executive and central executive selection event mentioned in the association’s unofficial statement dated 19 August 2022. 

The complete statement (Burmese version) can be found in –

Secretary of Ministry of Defense clarify that although there are some delays due to some procedures when registering the battalions, but they are being processed as soon as possible

In an interview in August, Secretary of Ministry of Defense U Naing Htoo Aung said, “When battalion units are formed, we have to inspect. There are some delays due to procedures such as expanding the troop, sending personal ID, etc., In addition, there are delays because of some difficulties when communicating. But we are doing it as soon as possible.”

At present, a total of 250 battalion units have been registered with the Ministry of Defense.

The military preparations of the National Unity Government are already very strong

In August, Deputy Minister of Defense Dr. Sai Khaing Myo Tun said on social media regarding the revolutionary situation.

“The military dictator and his associates are those who will ask what dignity is. They have no dignity, no shame. They only have self-interest. That is why the revolution had to be transformed into a strong-armed course. We have reached the stage where we compete with them. This is the state of preparation of the current revolutionary forces. The preparation is already very strong, and it has improved. More than this, we are already working to compete with the enemy.”

On 7 September 2021, the National Unity Government announced the start of the People’s Resistance War.

Currently, there are hundreds of thousands of revolutionary forces nationwide, including 257 battalions that have been formally established under the People Defence Force (PDF), and over 250 township defense forces (pakapha) that are allied to the Ministry of Defence.

Nyaung Gone village in Kanbalu Township was torched by the terrorist military junta and 30 houses were destroyed by fire

The group of Kyung Hla activists said that the terrorist military junta set Nyangon village on fire starting on the evening of 22 August.

“On the evening of 22 August, Nyaung Gone village in the northern part of Kanbalu Township was torched by the terrorist military troops, and 30 houses were destroyed,” Kyung Hla activists said.

It is reported that, at around 5:30 in the morning on next day, the terrorist military column with 63 troops left Nyaung Gone village to the northwest and arrived in the forest on the east side of LatKhopepin village.

Therefore, Kyung Hla activists informed all the people of the villages between Kawlin and Myo Hla to be vigilant.

Sathein, Nyaung Yin, and Gwe Gong villages in Pauk Township, Magway Division were set on fire by the terrorist military for 3 consecutive days, causing thousands of residents to flee

On 22 August, the People’s Revolution Front (PRF) reported, “Sathein, Nyaung Yin, and Gwe Gong villages in Pauk Township, Magway Division were set on fire by the terrorist military for 3 consecutive days, and thousands of villagers are fleeing in the rain for safety. On 22 August, when People’s Revolution Front (PRF) and its allied forces – Bo TaimHlwar Force, Pakokku Generation Z, Pakokku Urban Guerrilla Force, Myaing Underground Defence Force (MUGDF), West Plains Battalion 708, Northern Pauk local defense force (Bo Mee Gae), divided into 3 columns and entered the above villages to clear the area, a clash broke out with the military troops and Pyu Saw Htee camped in Gwe Gong village.”

It is said that one column of the defense forces was able to shoot dead three enemies while raiding an enemy outpost.

It is also reported that while raiding other outposts, the enemy fired 40 mm artillery shells continuously, and the defense forces had to retreat due to a lack of weaponry.

NUG Australia Representative Office is selling EOD shares together with CRPH/NUG Support Group (Australia)

On 23 August, the National Unity Government’s Representative in Australia said, “National Unity Government’s Representative to Australia, in collaboration with CRPH/NUG Support Group (Australia), is selling EOD (The End of Dictatorship) shares.”

It is also said that, to buy the shares, if Myanmar nationals in Australia who want to buy shares fill in the number of shares they want to buy and contact information in the online form and submit it, then the office team will contact them.

Detailed information is available on the social media page of the Representative Office of the National Unity Government in Australia.

Selling shares of InyaView@6.5Mile (the second project of EOD) has raised USD 2 million so far

The End of Dictatorship initiative published news on 23 August that they had earned 2 million USD out of the specified 7 million USD by selling shares of InyaView@6.5Mile.

“InyaView@6.5 Mile has reached 2 million of its specified value of 7 million dollars, so it can be said that it has been 28% successful. It’s very encouraging to think that we have raised 2 million dollars in just 2 weeks.”

As part of the second project of The End of Dictatorship campaign by MoPFI, among Min Aung Hlaing’s properties, a mansion illegally acquired by him and located at six and a half miles in Yangon is selling for only 7 million USD although it is worth over 20 million USD.

The financial right of the land and house was broken into 70,000 shares to be sold for 100 USD each and the Inya Project 2 is expected to bring in 7 million USD against its current valuation of 20 million USD.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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