Summary of News

NUG Defence Minister U Yee Mon says that Spring Revolution will not end until Min Aung Hlaing is sentenced

On 25 July,

“This Revolution will not end until Min Aung Hlaing is sentenced. There must not be an inch of ground to run. We will follow until the end of the world.”

Union Minister for Defence U Yee Mon posted on social media,

Since the military coup on 1 February 2021, the terrorist military arrested and detained over ten thousand people and tortured and killed over two thousand people.

NUG Minister of Human Rights says that refusing to give a specific answer to the families’ inquiries for confirmation after the military junta announced that Ko Jimmy and Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw had been executed, was murder in prison

The military junta announced in the 25 July editions of its propaganda newspapers, the Mirror and the New Light of Myanmar, that 4 people, including Myanmar pro-democracy activists U Jimmy and NLD MP U Phyo Zayar Thaw, had been executed according to prison procedures.

According to reports, Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw, and two other people – Ko Hla Myo Aung and Ko Aung Thura Zaw were executed by a military court after allowing to connect with family members via Zoom at Insein Prison on 22 July.

On the morning of 25 July, when the families of Ko Jimmy and Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw inquired for confirmation at the entrance of Insein Prison, the deputy jail warden said that they could not say which day it was done, the bodies were not in their hands, and there was no law to return the body. The family members said they did not accept that incident.

Union Minister of Human Rights posted on social media,

“Not giving a specific answer even when the family members inquired for confirmation was a murder in prison.”

“It is murder. It’s a crime. It’s simple. It is not in accordance with the law.”

An advocate annotated,

The military junta arrested Ko Jimmy and Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw, by using excessive force in Yangon, and a military court sentenced Ko Hla Myo Aung and Ko Aung Thu Ra Zaw, including Ko Jimmy and Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw, to death.

Western Military Region Sub-Region Brigade (7), Ministry of Defence Military Region (1), National Unity Government issued a statement stating that it will fight with all its might against this kind of inhumane and cruel action by the military junta and saluted the spring heroes who sacrificed their lives for the people and the country, including Ko Jimmy and Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw.

Similarly, KIA leader – General Gwan Maw issued a warning that he will retaliate against the actions of the military junta, and Myanmar political activists and organizations, including the United League of Arakan (ULA) and the U.S. Embassy (Rangoon), also issued statements expressing their condemnation.

NUG Minister of Human Rights instructs to treat surrendered prisoners of war with respect according to human rights

Union Minister of Human Rights U Aung Myo Min said that prisoners of war who surrendered should be treated with respect in accordance with human rights.

In July, Minister U Aung Myo Min said at the Human Rights Voice Program presented by the Ministry of Human Rights of the National Unity Government,

“It is necessary not to do torture and not to do things that offend the dignity to those who disarmed, prisoners of war captured during the battle. Even though they were the enemy, they were the ones who took up arms and deserted during this period. They became prisoners of war for various reasons. We need to give them human rights and treat them as humanly as possible.”

Minister U Aung Myo Min said at the Human Rights Voice Program

NUG government provided 1,440,000 Kyats to the Kalay Township Police Force

Kalay Township Police Service (KPS) described that it received the grant money provided by the NUG government in July.

It stated,

“We received 1,440,000 kyats provided by the People’s Embrace Committee, Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, National Unity Government through the People’s Police Force.”

Kalay Township Police Service (KPS) is carrying out law enforcement activities and is also carrying out police duties.

Among the son and the father who fled war to Myaung Township, the son died and the father was injured due to an explosion when the son picked up the 60 mm artillery shell left by the junta troops

On 24 July, a father and son who were looking for firewood found a 60 mm artillery shell left by the junta troops and the child played with it, causing the explosion.

They said, “This morning, the military council troops, who came in 4 cars arrived the railway crossing near Ye-U – Thanthal road, are dividing into two groups – one group between Htantaw and Nhokgon villages, and the other group near Kyaukthagon and Tanthel villages. Therefore, the villages in the western side of Ye-U District, where the military troops are headed, are specially warned to get ground information and avoid them in advance.”

Civil Defense and Security Organization for Myaung Township (CDSOM) said, “At around 9 am on 24 July, a father and son who were looking for firewood found 60 mm artillery shell left by the military junta troops, and when the 3-year-old son played with it, the child died on the spot. The father was seriously injured, one leg was in a position to be amputated, while the condition of the other leg was not yet known.”

The father and son fled the war from Mal Thal Kyo, Chaung-U Township to Myaung.

In the last time, in Myaung Township, when the two cowherd boys found a 40 mm artillery shell and played with it, it exploded and killed both.

Pyu Saw Htee militia in Kaw village, Shwebo Township, were attacked by using ten 40 mm artillery shells

The operation was carried out by BLACK WOLF -PDF and allies on 24 July.

They said, “The military troops, police, and Pyu Saw Htee militia (Pyu Saw Htee is made up of military veterans and Buddhist ultranationalist pro-military supporters) stationed in Kaw village killed seven innocent civilians in Taon village. Therefore, the allied forces – BLACK WOLF -PDF, and Quarter 1 and 2 of Shwebo District Battalion 5 attacked them using 40 mm artillery shells.”

The attack killed four of military junta troops, police and Pyu Saw Htee militia, and seriously injured the other two.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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