Summary of News

Acting President H.E. Duwa Lashi La remarks that the Coup leader Min Aung Hlanig intends to hold the 2023 elections to make way for him without the will of the people

At the 60th Cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government held on 5 July, Acting President H.E. Duwa Lashi LA remarked, “The Coup leader Min Aung Hlanig intends to hold the 2023 elections to make way for him, without the will of the people. Pro-democracy and pro-federal political parties also need to stand by the will of the people, excluding the elections that Min Aung Hlaing is preparing for. Time is precious for a revolution to succeed.”

The military council has announced that elections will be held in 2023, and it is said that a census is being conducted for the voter list.

Union Prime Minister H.E. Mahn Winn Khine Thann says that the administrative work reached a certain level in the controlled territories in Sagaing and Magway

At the 60th Cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government held on 5 July, Union Prime Minister H.E. Mahn Winn Khine Thann said, “We formed a committee and come a long way in bringing about good governance in the controlled territories in Sagaing and Magway Divisions. In eliminating the military junta, we are working in various sectors, including diplomacy, military, political, and the unity of the people, and all the ministers already know that it is very important for the interim people’s administration to be synchronous with other sectors.”​

The meeting was attended by Acting President H.E. Duwa Lashi La, Union Prime Minister H.E. Mahn Winn Khine Thann, and Union Ministers and Deputy Ministers from various ministries.

Union Prime Minister H.E. Mahn Winn Khine Thann also said, “It is well known that, in order for the revolution to succeed, each sector is interconnected, and we need to be aware that if one sector is weakened, it will have an impact on the other.”

At the meeting, Union Minister H.E. Dr. Zaw Wai Soe and Union Minister H.E. Daw Khin Ma Ma Myo presented for the approval of the establishment of a Coordinating Commission for International Assistance.

Foreign Minister says that it is necessary to stop the international banking system that is used by the military to extract its stolen riches

Union Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Daw Zin Mar Aung said in an article on CNN on 1 July, “Sanctions have thus far been used in Myanmar mostly against individuals. More can and must be done to go after oil revenues and the ease with which the military can use the international banking system to extract its stolen riches and import the weapons it needs to prosecute its crimes.”

The military seized power in the coup on 1 February 2021.

They then illegally sold state-owned jade and other natural resources, such as natural gas and petroleum.

Effective actions will be taken against those who break into the NLD office buildings without permission according to law and party discipline 

On July 5, the National League for Democracy (NLD) Central Working Committee issued Press Release (6/2022).

It stated, “During the unjust detention of NLD central executives, NLD Headquarter in Bahan Township, Yangon Division was subjected to illegal acts and acts of vandalism, such as a joint force of the military and police raided the office building and took away the party’s document at 9:00 pm on 9 February 2022, a group of firebug arrived in a hijacked car and set the office building to fire at 4:00 am on 26 March 2021, and bombing attack at 9:30 pm on 17 July 2021.

A complaint was lodged in the Bahan City Police Station to take legal action against the illegal intruders and perpetrators of vandalism. No action was taken against the complaint, and in addition, the two central committee members, U Ba Myo Thein and U Soe Lay (aka U Soe Win), who lodged the complaint, were unjustly arrested and imprisoned.

It is also learned that, by taking advantage of the lack of legal protection for the headquarters building, those who have not been officially appointed by the NLD are trying to enter the office building for various reasons.

NLD Central Working Committee announce that, at the time when the military council is deliberately targeting party offices and members of the NLD at various levels, the actions of those who are plotting to open NLD offices for various reasons against the will of the people are not (absolutely) allowed, and that effective actions will be taken against those who break into the NLD office buildings without permission according to law and party discipline.”

As of 1 July 2022, the NLD’s party offices had been destroyed 106 times, including the party headquarters.

U Min Ko Naing says that the National Unity Government will not be a sunset but will go for the goal

In an interview with Khit Thit Media (Yangon), U Min Ko Naing said, “Look at the way the world treats the NUG government, only the positive sign is increasing, more and more acceptance, more and more cooperation, and completely no negative. If we could have the tools we need in hand, there will be more additional forces. There are so many of them. Look at the capabilities in the territories by the revolutionary forces, consultative councils have been formed in the States.”

He also said that the Spring Revolution has the CRPH and NUCC for the legislature, township administrations for the administration power, and people’s defense forces for the defense.

He added, “We have people’s administration bodies for the administrative power. We have people’s defense forces, and there are consultative councils by each State. The judiciary is working. These things need to be more transparent, but there is no going back. We will reach our goal, not sunset.”

Loikaw PDF let comrades return home and provides support for their families to commemorate its one year anniversary

On 5 July, the People’s Defense Forces-Loikaw made an official statement, “People’s Defense Forces-Loikaw is one year old now. To commemorate the first year anniversary, we, Loikaw PDF, make a program to support a bag of rice, a bucket of cooking oil and a box of instant noodle to the families of each comrade. The support was provided to the comrades who had ever served in the battalion, and those who were still serving in the battalion, and the comrades who had not returned home for a long time are allowed to return home,  greet their parents and send the supplies.”

It also stated that Loikaw PDF thank to all the individuals and organization’s who sent prayers, and messages for the first year anniversary.

Terrorist junta shoots dead a disabled 63-year-old from Verlone Village, Falam Township

According to Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), on June 30, Pi Tial Kap, a disabled 63-year old from Verlone Village, Falam Township, Chin State, was shot dead by the terrorist junta forces. Her body was found on 3 July, with a gunshot wound in her head according to locals.

Since the 1 February 2021 military coup and the emergence of the Spring Revolution, a total of 2057 people, pro-democracy activists and other civilians have been killed through military crackdown following pro-democracy movements.

Arakan Army (AA) states six AA members were killed in airstrikes by the military council

Arakan Army (AA) released a statement that, at 12:25 pm on 4 July, two fighter jets of the military council bombed an Arakan Army base in the area of the KNLA Brigade 5, Kayin State near the Thailand-Myanmar border.

According to the statement, two fighter jets belonging to the military council entered Thailand’s airspace after the sudden bombing of an AA base without any clashes.

Because of the airstrikes, some buildings including a hospital and a garment factory inside the camp were also destroyed, stated the AA statement.

Pongtaung Tiger PDF developed two artilleries and other new weapons in June

On 5 July, Pongtaung Tiger PDF made a report, “We report the people that, as Pongtaung Tiger PDF’s June production, we produced two artilleries and 94 artillery shells, 11 slip bombs, 14 forward mines, a rocket launcher, and 27 ammo.”

Pongtaung Tiger PDF operates in a balance between combat, production, and other aspects of the revolution, with the help of people’s donations.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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