Summary of News

Foreign Minister H.E. Daw Zin Mar Aung says that Russia is the country that supplies fighter jets and weapons to the terrorist military junta

Foreign Minister H.E. Daw Zin Mar Aung was quoted as opinion in an article on CNN on 1 July.

It stated, “Russia is a major supplier of arms, equipment, and training to the military in my country, including fighter jets, helicopters, and drones. These weapons have been used to bomb and kill civilians since the coup. We are living in a world where dictators support each other to retain their power.”

Moreover, in discussing Myanmar’s issues at United Nations Security Council, Russia, along with China, has always been opposed, not to take action against the military junta.

Union Minister for Federal Union Affairs says that, as the transition period begins, the terrorist military leader Min Aung Hlaing will soon fall down and flee

Union Minister for Federal Union Affairs H.E. Dr. Lian Hmung Sakhong said in an interview with THN freelance journalist, “The transition period has begun. It may not be complete, but it will soon cover the whole country. Min Aung Hlaing will fall down, flee and the military dictatorship will be overthrown.”

The People’s Defense Force, formed on 5 May 2021, now has over 257 battalions.

Moreover, in Sagaing Division, interim administrative plannings are being implemented in Kawlin, Katha, and Kanbalu, and it is already started in seven townships of the Magway Division.

Three machine-gunners of the military junta died in the Battle of Ukrita

On 3 July, VENOM Commando ARMY released a battle report, “Three soldiers including reliable machine-gunner of the military junta were killed during the Battle of Ukrita. It was the VENOM Commander Saw Win Myint’s sniper rifle that eliminated them.”

According to a comrade of the VENOM Commando ARMY, it was not true that the machine-gunner was killed only when the reinforcements came during the siege as propagated by the pro-military supporters (they stated him as a hero of Ukrita who defense until the last second), but was killed while running in a bunker.

The Capture Battle of Ukrita military outpost between the alliance forces led by the Karen National Union (KNU) and the military junta took place from 26 June until 4 July.

The number of IDPs has increased to over 39,000 from 26 villages of Mone Township, Kayin State

The KNU-Central Command announced on 3 July that the number of IDPs (Internally Displaced People) has risen due to airstrikes, artillery, and small arms fire by the terrorist military council.

It is stated that the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) Brigade 3 and allied forces attacked and occupied five military outposts in the administrative area of KNU-Mong Township since July 2. The residents of the villages near the Camp capture battles were fleeing because the military junta was trying to retake the outposts occupied by the KNLA allied forces by airstrikes, and artillery shelling into the villages.

As of 3 July, the number of IDPs has risen to 26,428 from 26 villages.

Since the morning of 3 July, at least nine artillery shells were fired from the junta’s LIB 590 Yayosin outpost and hit Kaw Pyin village and surrounding areas.

Dancing with Ladies” Campaign’s Ground Revolutionary Talk Show will be held on 9 July

The geographical location of the Sagaing Division, the current military analysis, and the various aspects of the revolution will be discussed at 8:00 pm on 9 July.

Secretary of Defense of National Unity Government U Naing Htoo Aung and CDM Captain Lin Htet Aung will lead the talk show and Dr. Phyo Thiha will act as a moderator.

This is a talk show that supporters, as well as the ground revolutionary forces, should watch necessarily.

Singer Song Oo Hlaing says nearly USD 50,000 is raised at San Francisco’s fundraising concert for refugees

On 4 July, singer Song Oo Hlaing wrote on social media, “San Fran was a joyous event with almost full seats, with those who respectably took the lead, help, young friends, and a loving audience. With a total fund of nearly USD 50,000, we can donate about USD 46,000 to the war-affected people after paying rent, equipment and some expenses.”

Singer Song Oo Hlaing also donated his art fee.

Click2donate urges people to click more as support for Sagaing was decreased due to lower-income

Click2donate encouraged people to click more since support for Sagaing was decreased due to lower-income.

In July, Click2donate released a statement, “We are not forgetting Sagaing. Every month, we provide Sagaing the most. This month, Sagaing was provided up to 65%. In the previous months, it was 85% every month.”

According to Click2donate, the main reason for income cuts include the closure of apps and the webs.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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