Summary of News

Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe says arguing should not be for the spring revolution

Union Minister for Health and Education said that the spring revolution is not about arguing, but about fighting to win.

Union Minister also said that the spring revolution is a war that must be won in a long-term journey, and all the revolutionary organization with the same goal should fight together to win.

The National Unity Government is currently implementing the political roadmap of the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC).

The Spring Revolution emerged from the Civil Disobedience Movement following the military coup on 1 February 2021.

Union Minister U Htin Linn Aung says the territories controlled by the National Unity Government include not only weapons but also the strength of the general public

Union Minister for Communications, Information and Technology U Htin Linn Aung said that the territories controlled by the National Unity Government during the year include not only weapons but also technology, the strength of the general public, and political attacks.

The National Unity Government is currently working on the implementation of interim programs, and the interim programs are being implemented in Inn Taw, Kyun Hla, Wuntho, Katha, Tigyaing, Kanbalu, Bhamo, Pinlebu, and so on.

The Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration announced that, at present, it is working on the establishment of Myanmar Police Force as soon as possible, and it will address more than 400 complaints letters.

The lucky draw ceremony for the Pathein Umbrella used by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi will be held on 18 June

The lucky draw ceremony for the Pathien Umbrella used by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi will be held on 18 June 2022 and will be attended by Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khine Thann, Union Minister for Home Affairs and Immigration  Lwin Ko Latt, actor Min Maw Kon, actor Daung, director Ko Pauk, and other celebrities.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s Pathein Htee Lottery ticket was sold for 10 USD per ticket, with Singapore, Myanmar, and United States buying the most.

Seventy percent of the proceeds from the sale of the lottery tickets will be used for defense in the territories controlled by the National Unity Government.

Malaysian Foreign Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah urges the engagement with NUG and NUCC

At the Special ASEAN-India Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in New Delhi on 16 June, Malaysian Foreign Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah said the need for new and creative ways that are inclusive and comprehensive for peace and reconciliation, including engagement with the National Unity Government (NUG) and the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC).

The military council was not allowed to attend the Special ASEAN-India Foreign Ministers’ Meeting.

At present, it can be seen that, in terms of diplomacy, the National Unity Government has built excellent diplomatic relations with the United States, France, Norway, and United Kingdom.

The matriculation examination results under the military slavery education mechanism are canceled

On 17 June 2022, the Dawei Township Basic Education Students’ Union-DTBESU announced that the matriculation examination results of the military slavery education mechanism were canceled.

It stated that it could be seen in the results of the matriculation examination conducted by the terrorist military council that there was an increase in the success rate, regardless of the ability.

In the announcement released on 17 June, the Dawei Township Basic Education Students’ Union had declared the blacklist of students who passed the exam in the spirit of slavery and canceled the results.

Terrorist military troops stormed Wadi village, Laung Lone Township, and shot at the two women and two men

Democracy Movement Strike Committee-Dawei stated, “The terrorist military troops arrived at Laung Lone Town stormed Wadi village at 10 p.m. on June 16, and set fire to a civilian house. Thirty-two-year-old Ma Nwe Ni Htay, was abducted from the house that had been set on fire, shot at a close range on a street, and abandoned. With the help of the villagers, Ma Nwe Ni Htay was rushed to the hospital on time.”

Similarly, on 17 June, at around 1 a.m., the terrorist military troops stormed a civilian house in Gaw Inn village in Laung Lone and shot dead forty-one-year-old Ma Amy Phyo Wai.

After that, the terrorist military troops shot at the two twenty-year-old young men, who passed by the road, killing one and the other, Ko Nay Lin Ko was rushed to the hospital.

At present, about 150 military troops have arrived in Laung Lone Town, and illegally arrested seven civilians, including the civil servants participating in CDM.

Some CDM staff members say that a list of CDM staff had been sent to the passport office by the military council in early June and that a series of arrests had been made

Since early June, a list of CDM staff had been sent to the passport office by the military council, and some members had been arrested when paying fingerprints, according to a CDM staff member who was released after paying a bribe. He also said that he had bribed up to 1.4 million kyats.

A CDM staff member

The military council monitored and arrested CDM staff at the Yangon International Airport, with up to 37 CDM staff arrested at the airport in early June, said a young member of Yangon guerrilla. Ko Aung Zeya of Yangon UG said that there will be bombings on all relevant departments in connection with the arrest and extortion of CDM staff.

Ko Aung Zeya (Yangon UG)

The CDM staff, who stood with the people to prevent the military council machinery from operating, play an important role in the revolution. As the revolution dragged on, CDM staff are finding it difficult to make living and in addition, they are facing arrest.

CDM staff of the Ministry of Home Affairs who arrived at Mae Sot are finding it difficult to make living, and are trying to make living by doing handicrafts

CDM staff of the Ministry of Home Affairs who arrived at Mae Sot are finding it difficult to make living in the foreign country because of the high living costs. According to CDM Unity, CDM staff are trying to make living by selling handmade revolutionary bags.

A CDM policeman

According to a CDM policewoman who arrived at Mae Sot, the People’s Embrace program which invited soldiers and police to participate in CDM was a priority for soldiers and therefore CDM police officers could not reach out for help. At present, CDM staff are trying to survive by helping each other.

A CDM Policewoman

Many police officers had participated in the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) since the revolutionary strike. After the brutal crackdown by the military council, there are also many soldiers and police officers who participated in CDM because of grievances against the military.

#Credit : Radio NUG

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