Summary of News

The National Unity Government forms the Interim Board for Heritage Administration

On 15 June 2022, the Interim Board for Heritage Administration was formed by Statement No. (2/2022).

As participants: (a) Patrons are Acting President of the State Duwa Lashi La, and Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khine Thann; (b) Policy Advisory Board members are Union Minister of Commerce Daw Khin Ma Ma Myo, and Deputy Ministers from  Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labour, and Ministry of Women, Youths and Children Affairs; (c) Executive Committee members are Union Ministers from Ministry of Electricity and Energy, and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, and experts and technicians; (d) Support Team members are Secretaries from Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, and Ministry of Electricity and Energy, Assistant Directors from Ministry of Electricity and Energy, and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, and Staff Officer from Ministry of Electricity and Energy.

During interim period, the Executive Committee will publish, with the help of support team, the international conventions, and the list of heritage sites to be conserved in accordance with existing laws.

According to the statement, the function of the Executive Committee in the above paragraph can be negotiable if there are any amendments, suggestions and objections from the ethnic organizations and local organizations.

Ministry of Health of the National Unity Government announces that the ministry vows to seek judicial redress for the lives of those innocent healthcare workers and general public

On 15 June 2022, Ministry of Health of the National Unity Government issued the Announcement (7/2022).

The announcement stated that it has been reported that on 10 June 2022 in Yaysagyo Township, Magway Region, the terrorist lackeys of the terrorist military regime arbitrarily detained, tortured a senior nurse Daw Zar Li Naing who was a member of CDM and providing healthcare to the general public, headmaster U Win Kyaw who was a member of CDM, teacher Daw Khin Hnin Wai who was pregnant and a member of CDM, Ma The Ei Ei Win and comrade Wu Khone @ Maung Htay Min Oo from Northern Yesagyo (N – YSO) Guerilla Force, and burnt them alive.

It also stated that CDM Senior Nurse Daw Zar Li Naing was not only providing healthcare to the general public but also boycotted the Nursing Universities organized by the military regime and was taking the online nursing examination for the B.N.Sc (Bridge) (On Campus) held by the Interim University Council of University of Nursing, Mandalay of the National Unity Government.

It stated the Ministry of Health of the National Unity Government offered its condolences to the families of all those who had fallen.

Moreover, the ministry vowed to seek judicial redress for the lives of those innocent healthcare workers and the general public and pledged to take the strongest judicial action so that the terrorist military regime and those that took part in these atrocities will see justice served on them.

The ministry also vowed to work together hand in hand with the public and ensured that the military dictatorship is uprooted and strive towards building a Federal Democratic Union.

  There are only 30 percent of the students attending the schools organized by the military junta, and 70 percent of them are attending the schools in the NUG government’ controlled territory and online schools

Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe said regarding the school attending rate during the current academic period, “There are 5.6 million students attending in the schools organized by the military regime. In fact, there are a total of over 17 million students in Myanmar from kindergarten to eleventh grade, according to their announced data. So, only 30 percent of the students go to their schools, and where do you think the rest 70 percent go? They are joining us and attending the schools recognized by NUG.”

In 29 out of 37 townships in Sagaing Division, on-campus (on-ground) teaching is offering under the arrangement of the National Unity Government Interim Education Programs. Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe added, “The 30 percent of school attendance rate they said may be in Yangon, but is there any student from Chin, Kayin, Karenni, Sagaing, or Magway attending their schools? 70 percent of the whole country is together with our revolution.”

Ministry of Telecommunications, Information and Technology will also appoint members of CDM from other ministries in the media and IT industries to be expanded

Regarding the media and IT industries to be expanded by the Ministry of Communications, Information and Technology, Union Minister U Htin Lin Aung said, “Our ministry is planning to expand the media and IT industries. We also have a project plan that will include not only the members of CDM from self-ministry but also those from other ministries. We will implement it within the next one and a half months or two months. We can provide them with jobs, and on the other hand, we also have a plan to distribute the revenue we received.”

After the military coup on 1 February 2021, most of the participants in the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) are civil servants in the education and health sectors.

At present, there are hundreds of thousands of CDM members, most of whom are struggling to make a living.

As a memorabilia of the 77th birthday of the State Counselor, those who buy treasury bond will be given a postcard with a portrait of Mother Suu and a birthday memorabilia poem

It is said that a postcard featuring a portrait of Mother Suu and a birthday memorabilia poem created by artist “Daung” will be sent as a gift together with a “receipt email” sent by treasury bond agents.

When the buyer receive the treasury bond after submitting Form (B), he/she will receive another painting postcard of U Min Ko Naing, so he/she will receive two.

The buyer who bought treasury bond between 17 June to 30 June will receive those postcards.

Due to ongoing conflicts, stopping in imports and exports, and the onset of the raining season, most trucks have to stop working

A truck driver said that most trucks have to stop working due to ongoing conflicts, stopping in the imports and exports, bad traffic in the raining season, shortage of agricultural products, and high fuel price.

A truck driver

Traders are facing a situation where shipping costs higher than the profits from selling the product due to extreme high fuel prices. A truck owner said that the owners of the trucks are still trying to get their work done, and the profits are not as good as they used to be.

A truck driver

Currently, it is difficult for trucks to easily travel to Sagaing Division, Magway Division, Chin Division and Rakhine State in upper Myanmar. According to truck drivers, in the absence of local security guarantees, they have to work for a living, but it is no longer profitable.

Myanmar migrants are being provided sewing trainings and assisted to get a job in Thai garment factories

New Myanmar Foundation and Women Lead Resource Center are working together to provide sewing training to Myanmar migrants in Mae Sot, Thailand. A person in charge of Women Lead Resource Center (WLRC) said that they continue to help those migrants who completed the training to work in Thai garment factories.

Mai Hnin Wat Yee – Women Lead Resource Center (WLRC)

Civil society organizations assisting refugee camps in the Thai-Myanmar border are also trying to find jobs for Myanmar migrants. Sewing training, handicraft training, computer training are providing for women, and men are joined to Thai boxing clubs and employed in factories.

A CDM teacher

Though the military council is reopening schools, they do not have the right curriculum and adequate education staff. On the other hand, though the online education system of the National Unity Government is good, parents are finding it difficult to choose because of technical difficulties and the high cost of the internet.

Almost 70 percent of Chinese factories in the Yangon Industrial Zones are resumed, benefiting the military council mechanism

There are over 6,000 factories in the Yangon industrial zones, of which about 70 percent of Chinese factories are resuming in May and June, according to a labor activist. He also said that most of those factories are garment factories, and they hire the daily workers at 3,600 kyats, not hiring regular workers in order not to pay the minimum wage set by the government.

A labor activist

The industrial zones in Yangon are Hlaingthaya, North Okkalapa, South Okkalapa, Mingaladon, Dagon (East), Dagon (South), and industrial zones in Dagon Seikkan townships are Shwe Lin Ban, Ngwe Pin Lae, Wartayar, Pyin Ma Bin, Shwe Pauk Kan, etc., Chinese investors are the largest investors in those industrial zones, and there is also some investors from Japan and Korea.

Ko Phoe Thingyan (Exiled member of Irrawaddy)

The military crisis in Myanmar has led to a shortage of jobs domestic, struggling to make living, forcing people to seek employment abroad. Analysts estimate that there are hundreds of thousands of Myanmar citizens who reached Mae Sot, Thailand.

#Credit : Radio NUG

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