Spring Revolution Local News – May 18 (Morning)

Summary of News

  • Action President Duwa Lashi La says peace discussion is not possible to succeed on the basis of Min Aung Hlaing’s crazy desire alone
  • Union Prime Minister informs matters to provide of assistance to the people encountering various difficulties may be implemented soon
  • NUG representative to Czech says it is important to revolt against the common enemy in this situations
  • The Internal Revenue Department of the National Unity Government invites people who want to pay taxes
Action President Duwa Lashi La says peace discussion is not possible to succeed on the basis of Min Aung Hlaing’s crazy desire alone

In his speech at the 54th cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government held on May 17, Action President Duwa Lashi La said the peace discussion is not possible to succeed on the basis of Min Aung Hlaing’s crazy desire alone.
He added that the NUG will continue marching towards the goal in accordance with the political objectives and roadmaps included in the charter.
Moreover, the Acting President said the peace invitation of Min Aung Hlaing is not only illegal but also will not achieve solutions, and he urged his cabinet members to focus diligently on the matters of protecting people’s interests, providing assistance to IDPs and implementation of local administration with the participation of the people themselves.
Armed organizations such as KIO, KNPP, ABSDF and CNF have issued that they will not attend the peace dialogue of the SAC.

Union Prime Minister informs matters to provide of assistance to the people encountering various difficulties may be implemented soon

In his address at the 54th cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government held on May 17, Union Prime Minister Mahn Win Khaing Than informed that matters to provide of assistance to the people suffering various difficulties will be implemented soon.
He said he thanks for the achievements during the visit of Foreign Affairs Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung to the United States, and added that international recognition of the National Unity Government and provision of assistance to the people who are suffering multiple difficulties will possibly be implemented soon.
UNOCHA Myanmar has issued that there are over 900,000 displaced persons in Myanmar until early May.
There are 936,700 IDPs nationwide until May 2, 2022 including 590,100 IDPs since February 2021.

NUG representative to Czech says it is important to revolt against the common enemy in this situations

NUG representative to Czech U Lin Thant posted on social media on May 17 that “In this situation, it is important to revolt against the common enemy.”
He posted that, “In this revolution, every individual is participating in it through various groups and revolutions in order to end the terrorist military and all dictators on Myanmar soil completely. In this situation, we should not be making enemies. It is important that we respect each other and revolt against the common enemy, regardless what we believe in. We will still need strength to build a new nation after the revolution. Therefore, let’s keep fighting with our utmost efforts until the revolution is succeeded.”

The Internal Revenue Department of the National Unity Government invites people who want to pay taxes

The Internal Revenue Department of the National Unity Government has officially announced on 17th May that people who want to pay taxes can pay taxes.
According to the announcement, people can calculate the amount of tax they want to pay and just pay it because the tax system of the Internal Revenue Department of the National Unity Government is implemented with the policy not to burden the tax payers.
For further information, please visit https://ird.nug-mm.net/
If there is any difficulty, Facebook messenger or website of the Internal Revenue Department can be contacted.

#Credit : Radio NUG

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