Summary of News

  • Myitnge PDF successfully develops carbine guns
  • Terrorist SAC soldiers and Pyusawhtee arson and destroy 5 villages in Kantbalu Township of Sagaing region
  • A CDMer from the navy tells the SAC that an organization that does not have the people’s support will not succeed
Myitnge PDF successfully develops carbine guns

Myitnge PDF exhibited in May the invented carbine guns. It informed donors that it has succeeded production of MN PDF (Myitnge) own carbine guns.
Currently, the People’s Defence Forces (PDFs) are manufacturing 60 mm guns, carbine guns and snipers themselves successfully.

Terrorist SAC soldiers and Pyusawhtee arson and destroy 5 villages in Kantbalu Township of Sagaing region

“At 10:30 a.m on May 17, Terrorist SAC soldiers and Pyusawhtee in Chatthin police station and Chatgyi village in Kantbalu Township in Sagaing Region arsoned and destroyed villages, said Kantbalu PDF.
Houses in Ukinkyi, Tinmaw, Padaukpin, Oatkhin and Ponna villages were set fired.
Due to the arsons of terrorist SAC forces and Pyusawhtee, almost all villagers from the villages have fled there.

A CDMer from the navy tells the SAC that an organization that does not have the people’s support will not succeed

Soldier Kaung Kaung, a CDMer from the navy, said an organization which does not have the support of the people will not succeed aiming at the terrorist military.
The People’s Goal has described the words of CDM navy soldier Kaung Kaung in May.
He said, “The spring revolution is a revolution born the heart of the people. The terrorist military cruelly killed, arrested and tortured the peaceful demonstrators and thus the people come to believe that the armed revolution can only end the dictators and recover the lost human rights. That’s why the revolution has arisen. An organization which does not have the support of the people will never succeed.”
Kaung Kaung (alias) is a soldier who has joined the civil disobedience movement (CDM) from Navy Shipyard Headquarter of the Tatmadaw (Navy).

#Credit : Radio NUG

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