Morning Fresh News for 2024 February 24

Myanmar Spring Revolution News

In an interview, Foreign Minister Daw Zin Ma Aung said, “It’s not just about fighting the military dictatorship. We can’t all be isolated. We understand that we must all do it together. Both the leaders and us. That’s why cooperation and connection are important. Only if we can act with such connections, we will have a unified force. Only with a strong force will we be able to act quickly and efficiently when fighting against the military dictatorship.”

It is reported that Union Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung, who is in charge of the Alliance Relations Committee of the National Unity Government (NUG), and Nai Zayar, the leader of the Political Military Committee of the New Mon State Party (Anti-military Dictatorship) met on February 22 and agreed to cooperate in all aspects of politics, military, and diplomacy.

A meeting between the National Unity Government’s Ministry of International Cooperation and the Mon State CDM Civil Servants Council (CCSC-MON) was held on February 23.

The meeting was led by Deputy Minister David Gum Awng, and the permanent secretary, officials of the department, and the chairman and council members of the Mon State CDM Civil Servants Council (CCSC-MON) attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the council introduced and explained the establishment of the Mon State CDM Civil Servants Council (CCSC-MON).

Following the initial meeting, the Deputy Minister thanked for the detailed presentation and productive discussion on the Council’s activities. It was acknowledged that the current initiatives are efficiently executed, and the Deputy Minister assured that future meetings would focus on exploring further collaboration opportunities.

On February 23, Kawlin Revolution – KR Team confirmed that almost all 8 wards of Kawlin were burnt down by the terrorist military.

“Everybody knows that the military council troops have been torching 8 wards since February 12, when they fully controlled them. Their goal was to take back the town according to their dignity, and then they prepared to defend the town. They took cover of fortified high-rises and destroyed all the places that obscured the view. They burned and destroyed all the fences around Kawlin. They made a big open field in case the revolutionaries came up. All 8 wards were burned. There might only be a few left,” it stated.

There are a total of 25 villages that have been displaced, including the burned villages, and there are around 25,000 people displaced from the 25 villages in addition to the residents of the town.

“As for how badly the town has been destroyed, according to the latest news, 80 percent has been destroyed. And we have to say that almost everything has been burned to ashes,” KR Team said.

On February 23, the terrorist military entered Kaduma Village on the west side of Taze on the 3rd day, and at around 5:00 p.m., they split into 2 groups and started burning and destroying the public houses, as confirmed by the Ye-U IDPs Support Group.

It is reported that since February 21, in addition to airstrikes by the Military Council, ground columns have entered Kaduma Village in Taze.

Due to these influxes, tens of thousands of people are fleeing the war from the villages of Kaduma, Ainglyarshey, Kyaungkone, Satpyaraing, Kyatsukan, Mayanmi, Thayetkhar, Yeshinkone, Paykone, Latse, Kyeekan, Inpinaing, and Inyeoe in the western part of Taze Township.

Thai Foreign Minister Parnpree Bahiddha-nukara said he expected the delivery of humanitarian assistance to displaced people inside Myanmar to begin by the first week of March.

In a recent interview with Thai PBS World, Thai Foreign Minister Parnpree said that efforts will be made to ensure that humanitarian assistance will be given out without discrimination to people of all groups affected by the ongoing fighting in various parts of Myanmar.

The minister also said that the delivery of aid, which initially will comprise food and medical supplies, will be overseen by the Red Cross Society of Thailand and Myanmar.

Acknowledging concerns over the lack of accountability and transparency of aid delivery, the ASEAN Coordinating Center for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA) will play a monitoring role to ensure access to all target groups, the Thai Foreign Minister said.

On the evening of February 25, those who have purchased an Acoustic Music Concert Ticket will be able to view the concert.

“There are only 2 days left for Acoustic Music Concert of the Artists’ Shelter that we will be performing, so if you haven’t bought tickets yet, I request all my dear fans and friends to buy tickets and support the artists who stand on the side of justice,” singer Tu Tu said.

Currently, you can buy tickets on Messenger of Artists’ Shelter.

The concert will feature performances by Lynn Lynn (singer), Min Maw Kun (actor), Tweet (Anegga), Thu Thu (Paing Phyoe Thu), Aung Myint Myat (The Circle) and Tu Tu (singer).

In commemoration of the victory of “Operation 1027” and the promotion ceremony, PSLF/TNLA leaders, officers, and NCOs were promoted step by step.

In February, the promotion ceremony to mark the victory of “Operation 1027” of the Palaung State Liberation Front (PSLF) and Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) was held. At the ceremony, PSLF/TNLA leaders, officers, and NCOs were promoted to each of the respective ranks above.

They are: Chairman Tar Ai Bone from Lieutenant General to General; Vice Chairman 1 Tar Gyote Jar from Major General to Lieutenant General; Vice Chairman 2 Tar Khu Lan from Brigadier General to Major General; General Secretary Tar Bone Kyaw from Brigadier General to Major General; Commander-in-Chief Tar Ho P’Lan from Brigadier General to Major General; and the other 7 Brigadier Generals were also promoted, respectively.

On February 23, the KPDF announced that the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and Kachin Region People’s Defence Force (KPDF) have captured and taken control of the military council’s strategic hill camp in Myo Hla, Shwegu Township, Kachin State.

It is said that KIA and KPDF captured and controlled the strategic hill camp of the LIB-387 of the military in Myo Hla, which had been stationed for more than 22 years, on February 22 as the military council troops stationed there deserted.

Myo Hla KPDF also informed that that strategic hill camp, which had been stationed by the military in Myo Hla, Shwegu Township, since 2002, was led by the commander of the LIB-387 under the 88th Division, Win Thura Aung, until he deserted the camp.

Military sources said the KIA sent a warning letter on February 19 to surrender because the camp is located within the territory of KIA’s Brigade 5 and Myo Hla KPDF Battalion’s cantonment. The warning letter stated that all the families of the battalion, along with the strategic commander of LIB-387, should surrender to the people nonviolently, and that if they do not surrender, there is already a plan to completely demolish the military base, so they should respond quickly.

Three days after the warning letter was sent, on February 22, military council members, including the commander, deserted the camp.

According to military sources in the region, the military has been reinforcing its strength in Hsihseng and Hopong Townships of the Southern Shan region, where the fighting is intense. Since the evening of February 22, military vehicles have been parked in Aye Tharyar (Aung Thapyay), Southern Shan State, and they might go to Hsihseng, Hopong, and Mong Pawn, according to the source.

Some Taunggyi residents also said that they heard the sound of aircraft at 9:00 p.m. on February 22 and saw military aircraft from the Namhsan Air Base fly to the southwest.

In Hopong and Hsihseng, there are some clashes between the military council troops, including militias under their control, and the Pa’O National Liberation Army. Also, there were clashes between the military junta and the SSPP/SSA.

Shan Herald Agency for News, a local news agency, reported that the military council is preparing to attack Hsihseng Town, controlled by the Pa’O National Liberation Army (PNLA), with massive military forces, including tanks and armored vehicles.

It is reported that 4 junta soldiers were killed on the spot when defense forces attacked a 40-strong junta column coming out of Sin Tat Village, Ngazun Township, Myingyan District, Mandalay Division.

On February 23, at 7:18 a.m., the CDSOM-Ngazun Company (NRF) stated that they attacked the 40-strong junta column that came out of Sin Tat Village, Ngazun Township, Myingyan District, Mandalay Division.

“A 40-strong junta column coming out of Sin Tat Village, Ngazun Township, Myingyan District, Mandalay Division, was attacked with mines after they entered the mine field on the dam near Bay Thaung Village. About 7 junta soldiers were witnessed being blown away, and 4 were killed on the spot and others injured,” it stated.

It is said that the junta soldiers fired several shots with small arms and fired about 8 rounds with 40mm at the surrounding area.

The attack was carried out jointly by the CDSOM-Ngazun Company (NRF), Pyi Taw Win Guerrilla Force, and Ngazun PaKaFa.

Gangaw District PDF Battalions 3 and 5 announced that they will take back the land that has been unjustly seized by the military for ages and the assets of the military council in Saw, Gangaw District, Magway Division, starting on February 23.

It was announced on February 23 that Gangaw District PDF Battalion 3 and 5 will take back the land that has been confiscated by the military council and the assets of the military council’s main stronghold within the areas that these battalions have the right to manage.

At the moment, the persons related to the military council are no longer in Saw Town, but they are using it through resale, said the official of Gangaw District Battalion 3. He added that there are more than 2 acres of land seized by the military in Saw Town, and the PDF battalions will reclaim the land and use it for the revolution.

Currently, more than 80 percent of the area in Saw Township is controlled by the local defense forces.

According to Myingyan District Battalion 1, seven Pyu Saw Htee members, including a village administrator, were arrested alive in Myingyan Township, Mandalay Division.

It is said that on February 22, 7 Pyu Saw Htee members, including village administrator Moe San, who is also a member of Pyu Saw Htee from Pite Tae Kone Village, were arrested alive on the road section of Myingyan-Taungtha Road.

An official of Myingyan District Battalion 1 said that they were able to arrest the car carrying the Pyu Saw Htee militia when they carried out a surprise check somewhere on the road section, which is only two minutes away from Myingyan Town by car.

It is reported that the 7 Pyu Saw Htee members are currently being detained and the driver and the passenger of the vehicle, who are not related to the Pyu Saw Htee militia, were released. It is said that the arrested Pyu Saw Htee members were those from Myingyan District on their way to Nay Pyi Taw for military training.

It is reported that the mission was carried out jointly by the Myingyan District Battalion 1, Battalion 2, Mahlaing PaKaFa and Sun Ye Guerrilla Force.

UGF-Okpho has offered to send military council troops from the 8 townships of Thayarwaddy District in the west of Bago Division to the liberated area, including a large amount of money, if they defect along with weapons.

It was announced on February 23 that if junta soldiers, police, and Pyu Saw Htee militia members defect to Underground Guerrilla Forces – Okpo (UGF-Okpo) along with weapons, they will be awarded a reward according to the types of weapons they bring. In addition, they, along with their family members, will be sent to liberated areas.

Although there is a need to replenish the supply of weapons and supplies for the Underground Guerrilla Forces – Okpo (UGF-Okpo), they have made the offer so as to reduce the military council strength and weapons if they defect along with weapons.

According to the weapons brought to the Underground Guerrilla Force-Okpho (UGF-Okpho), they will be rewarded with 3 million kyats for pistols, 8 million kyats for the MA1 rifle, 10 million kyats for the MA3 and G3, 11 million kyats for the AK47, and 14 million kyats for machine guns. If they bring weapons and ammunition that are not included in the announcement, the reward will be given according to the market price.

The Underground Guerrilla Forces – Okpo (UGF-Okpo) is a PDF force under the NUG operating in Okpho Township as Company 4 of Battalion 3802 of Thayarwaddy District.

On February 21, Thayarwaddy Township People Defense Force also announced that if the members of the military council of Thayarwaddy Township defect with a MA type or G3 type gun, the reward will be up to 10 million kyats, and they will be sent to the liberated areas.

  1. Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung emphasized the importance of having a strong collective power in order to respond swiftly and effectively in combatting the military dictator
  2. The National Unity Government’s Ministry of International Cooperation and Mon State CDM Civil Servants Council (CCSC-MON) held a meeting
  3. Almost all the 8 wards of Kawlin were destroyed by the arson of the terrorist military
  4. The terrorist military raided Kaduma Village on the west side of Taze, split into 2 groups and torched public houses
  5. Thailand expects humanitarian aid to Myanmar to begin in early March
  6. At the Acoustic Music Concert of the Artists’ Shelter, revolutionary singers and artists will perform
  7. “Operation 1027 Victory Commemoration and Promotion Ceremony” of Senior PSLF/TNLA Leaders, Officers, and NCOs was held
  8. The KIA and KPDF captured military strategic hill in Myohla, Shwegu Township, stationed by the military for more than 20 years
  9. The military has been reinforcing its strength in Hsihseng and Hopong where the fighting is fierce
  10. The 40-strong military council column that came out of Sin Tat Village, Ngazun Township, Myingyan District, Mandalay Division, was attacked by defense forces with mines, killing 4 junta soldiers on the spot
  11. Two district PDF battalions announced that they will take back land that has been seized by the military for ages in Saw
  12. Seven Pyu Saw Htee members, including a village administrator, were arrested alive by PDFs
  13. UGF-Okpo offered to send military council troops to the liberated areas in addition to rewarding them with money if they defected along with weapons

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