Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 October 11

1. The NUG strongly condemns the crimes against humanity and war crimes committed by the terrorist military council and stands together with the Kachin ethnics

The National Unity Government (NUG) has issued a statement saying that it strongly condemns this inhumane crime against humanity and war crime by the terrorist military council and stands strongly with the people of Kachin.

The National Unity Government (NUG) released a statement regarding the terrorist military council’s bombing of the Munglai Hkyet IDP Camp near Laiza, Kachin State, Myanmar on 9 October 2023 at 11:25PM local time.

The statement included as follows:

“Based on initial reports, at least 30 have been killed, including women and 13 children and at least a further 57 have been injured. Rescue and recovery efforts are currently ongoing, and these numbers may increase. In addition, the destruction of one kindergarten, one school, one church and many civilians’ houses have been reported.

The National Unity Government strongly condemns this inhumane crime against humanity and war crime by the terrorist military council, and stands strongly together with the people of Kachin.

The terrorist military council has taken advantage of the moment of the international community’s attention on the recent developments of the Israel-Hamas conflict to commit yet another crime against humanity and war crime.

In accordance with the UN resolution 2669, the National Unity Government strongly urges the international community to take timely and strong actions against the terrorist military council for their crimes against humanity, and to cooperate with the people of Myanmar to effectively prevent similar atrocities in Myanmar.”

Kachin Human Right Watch has also strongly protested the killing of refugees from the Munglai Hkyet IDP Camp near Laiza by the military council, and has requested that the international tribunal take action against the military council that commits war crimes.

2. The Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) stated that it will sustain efforts as an essential work to achieve the implementation of justice for the people, and the terrorist military junta must be held accountable for their crimes committed

The CRPH issued a statement regarding the incident in which about 30 civilians, including children and women, were killed and more than 50 were injured due to a targeted attack by the terrorist army on the Mung Lai Hkyet IDP Camp near Laiza, Kachin State, at around 11:30 p.m. on October 9.

The statement included as follows:

“Since the unlawful military coup on 1 February 2021, the brutal military junta has carried out indiscriminate attacks through airstrikes, bombings on civilian places, schools, religious buildings, villages and IDP camps as well.

More than 2 million have been displaced due to terrorist military junta’s day-by-day increasing acts of terrorism and violence across the country. To date, over 25,000 people have been arrested, over 4,000 civilians have been killed while around 80,000 civilians’ houses have been destroyed by arson attacks.

The Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw will keep sustain our efforts as an essential work to achieve the implement of justice for the people, and the terrorist military junta must be held accountable for their crimes committed. We firmly believe that the international community will understand that the only effective measures against the terrorist coup military would be able to cease their inhumane acts of violence.

We strongly urge again the international community including the United Nations Security Council to cooperate effectively to block the export and sale of arms as soon as possible and to increase stronger pressure and sanctions to the military junta and, to work together with the democratic forces by providing practical assistance in order to implement justice for the people of Myanmar.”

3. Prof. Win Myat Aye said that the terrorist military junta is disregarding international humanitarian law

The NUG Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Management Union Minister Prof. Win Myat Aye said on October 1 that the terrorist military junta’s repeated disregard for International Humanitarian Law is an act of challenge to all.

“The terrorist military attacked the Munglai Hkyet IDP Camp near Laiza in Kachin State with massive destructive weapons late at night on October 9, killing 30 people, including children, and injuring more than 100 people, according to initial reports. They targeted the people as if they were a military target and repeatedly defied International Humanitarian Law and challenged everyone.

It is certain that the mass killings are being deliberately carried out in order to destroy the people who are the main pillars of the revolution. I am saddened beyond words. As if they are trying to pretend to love peace and invite war to escalate without humanity, their behavior is nothing more than cunning deception,” the minister said.

The Minister also reminded that it is important to be united in order to achieve the success it deserves for this revolution, which required too much sacrifice.

4. The British Embassy stated that the Myanmar military must stop its brutal campaign against the Myanmar people

The British Embassy in Yangon made a statement on October 10 at 4:00 p.m. regarding the terrorist military council’s targeted attack on civilians in the Munglai Hkyet IDP Camp.

“The UK is appalled by reports of a Myanmar military strike on Munglai Hkyet in Kachin State, which has killed innocent civilians.

In the past year at least 3,857 civilians have been killed by the military and at least 1.2 million have had to flee their homes due to violence. This is unacceptable.

We reiterate that the Myanmar military must stop its brutal campaign against the Myanmar people,” it stated.

5. Social media users criticized UNICEF’s statement regarding the airstrike on the Munglai Hkyet IDP Camp

Social media users have criticized UNICEF Myanmar for not reporting the name of the military council regarding the airstrike on the Munglai Hkyet IDP Camp near Laiza.

Although UNICEF stated that it is deeply saddened and appalled by reports of the heinous attack claiming the lives of innocent children and civilians in Laiza IDP camp, social media users have criticized UNICEF Myanmar for not stating the perpetrator.

The statement also included, “This unconscionable act highlights the urgent need to protect the most vulnerable in this crisis. Every Myanmar child deserves a safe, fear-free environment. Our heartfelt condolences go to the families who lost children and loved ones. Children and civilians must never be targets of violence.”

On 9 October 2023 at 11:25PM local time, the terrorist military council launched heavy artillery and coordinated airstrikes in a Time on Target attack on the Munglai Hkyet IDP Camp near Laiza in Kachin State, which resulted in the killing of at least 30, including women and 13 children and wounding at least a further 57.

6. The Karenni State Consultative Council (KSCC) strongly condemned the aerial attack on the IDP Camp in Laiza, and the three Northern Alliance groups announced that they stand in solidarity with KIO/KIA

Regarding the terrorist military’s attack on the Munglai Hkyet IDP Camp near Laiza in Kachin State, the Karenni State Consultative Council (KSCC) issued a statement strongly condemning the aerial attack, and the three Northern Alliances also expressed their solidarity with KIO/KIA.

“During 2023, the terrorist military junta has escalated aerial attacks targeting IDPs, hospitals, clinics and schools, threatening the public’s security every day and committing mass killings across the country. This blatant act violates international laws and human rights provisions and is unacceptable to those who are striving for true peace and federal democracy,” the Karenni State Consultative Council stated.

“Not only politically and militarily, the military council, which has been defeated on all sides, holds a grudge against the people and is carrying out heavy weapons firing, airstrikes, and extrajudicial killings all over the country, blatantly committing crimes against humanity and war crimes. We are deeply saddened for the innocent people who lost their lives as a result of the war crimes committed by this terrorist military. We expressed our solidarity with the Kachin people, the Kachin Independence Organization/Kachin Independence Army (KIO/KIA) to achieve justice and truth,” announced the 3 Northern Alliance Groups of Ta’ang, Kokang, and Rakhine.

7. The military column, which suffered a lot of damage in Ngat Pyaw Taing Village in Kanbalu Township, invaded the nearby villages and burned down Paygyi Village  

According to local news sources, the terrorist military council troops, which suffered great damage in the battle that broke out near Ngat Pyaw Taing Village in the south of Kanbalu Township, have been continuously invading nearby villages and burning down Paygyi Village on the afternoon of October 10.

It is said that the 100-strong column of the LIB-361 and Pyu Saw Htee under the terrorist military council invaded the village by opening fire with small arms and heavy weapons and burning down the village at around 3:45 p.m. It is also reported that the terrorist military council troops that burned down Paygyi Village were the convoy that arrived in Ngat Pyaw Taing Village for reinforcement on October 9.

Paygyi village is located on the Shwebo-Myitkyina strategic road, about 6 miles away from Ngat Pyaw Taing Village, and the people who use this road are facing difficulties because the army is invading. It is the first time Paygyi village has been burned down by the military council army, and the damage is still unknown.

On October 6, that junta column abducted a 16-year-old youth and 2 30-year-old men who were fleeing the war in a shelter in Inlegyi Village. The 16-year-old youth was released, but the remaining 2 were brutally killed in a cemetery near Ngar Toe Village, according to Kyunhla-Kanbalu Activists Group.

8. Spring Revolution Funding Fair and “78th UN General Assembly – CREDENTIALS CAMPAIGN” held in United States

 It is reported that the Spring Revolution fundraising Fair and “78th UN General Assembly – CREDENTIALS CAMPAIGN” were held at Sarana Myinzu Monastery in Indianapolis, Indiana State, United States of America.

The Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw – CRPH Chairman U Aung Kyi Nyunt, Dr. Tint Swe, and poet Aung Way attended the event held on October 8, and delivered speeches. The event was attended by many Myanmar ethnic groups, who recited revolutionary poetry, sang revolutionary songs, and chanted “Our Ambassador, Our Voice”.

  1. The NUG strongly condemns the crimes against humanity and war crimes committed by the terrorist military council and stands together with the Kachin ethnics
  2. The Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) stated that it will sustain efforts as an essential work to achieve the implementation of justice for the people, and the terrorist military junta must be held accountable for their crimes committed
  3. Prof. Win Myat Aye said that the terrorist military junta is disregarding international humanitarian law
  4. The British Embassy stated that the Myanmar military must stop its brutal campaign against the Myanmar people
  5. Social media users criticized UNICEF’s statement regarding the airstrike on the Munglai Hkyet IDP Camp
  6. The Karenni State Consultative Council (KSCC) strongly condemned the aerial attack on the IDP Camp in Laiza, and the three Northern Alliance groups announced that they stand in solidarity with KIO/KIA
  7. The military column, which suffered a lot of damage in Ngat Pyaw Taing Village in Kanbalu Township, invaded the nearby villages and burned down Paygyi Village
  8. Spring Revolution Funding Fair and “78th UN General Assembly – CREDENTIALS CAMPAIGN” held in United States

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