Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 May 30

1. The Defence Minister U Yee Mon said that as the People’s Defence Army was born from the people, the PDF Army must protect and respect the people

As the People’s Defence Army was born from among the people, the PDF Army must protect and respect the public, Minister of Defence U Yee Mon said.

It was included in the Union Minister’s preamble to “State of People’s Defense”, released on May 29.

“The lifeblood of the PDF Army is the people’s participation and support. Without the will and participation of the people, this people’s revolution cannot happen. Without the people’s revolution and the people’s support, the PDF Army will not be able to stand. As it is a people’s army born from the people, the PDF Army is to protect and respect the people,” said the minister.

In addition, the Defence Minister said that the people and the People’s Defense Army should work together to continue marching towards the end goal of “Federal Democratic Union” and fight relentlessly.

2. Union Minister Dr. Sasa said that terrorist military leaders are bombing hospitals and schools instead of building them with the funds obtained from natural resources

The Minister of International Cooperation, Dr. Sasa, said at the talk titled “State of International Cooperation on Myanmar’s Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation” that terrorist military leaders are bombing hospitals and schools instead of building them with the funds obtained from natural resources.

“Schools should be built with funds obtained from resources. Now schools are being bombarded. Instead of using funds from resources to build hospitals, they are being bombarded. What terrorist leaders are doing is the opposite,” the minister said.

During the first four months of 2023, there were at least 442 airstrikes in at least 56 townships.

According to ISP Myanmar, at least 693 civilians were killed during the fighting and airstrikes that took place during this period.

3. Deputy Minister Ja Htoi Pan clarified that since the military junta is illegal, it only means that the issue of assigning classes is illegal, and it does not mean to go against students who have to attend school despite various difficulties

The Deputy Minister of Education Ja Htoi Pan clarified on May 29 that since the military junta is illegal, it only means that the issue of assigning classes is illegal, and it does not mean to go against students who have to attend school despite various difficulties.

“I want to answer a few questions about the misunderstanding of the NUG’s recognition of junta schools. Since junta schools are illegal, everything they do, such as assigning classes, is illegal. There is a sense that it automatically becomes illegal. It is against the system and not against the students who have to attend the school despite all kinds of difficulties and hardships,” she said.

Currently, teachers are being given TOT training, and at public education schools and federal online schools, the public will be able to perceive the fruits of their efforts.

“All students who are taught in various ways during the interim period must continue to be accepted according to the policies of the people’s government after the revolution. What I want to say is that for interim education, learn as much as you can. Also, learn about federal education concepts, policies, and education systems. Give priority to improving your knowledge rather than attending classes. No one can reject the knowledge that you have gained through studying hard,” said the deputy minister.

4. The terrorist junta has launched more aerial attacks on religious buildings and civilian areas

On May 29, the terrorist junta have carried out more aerial attacks on religious buildings and civilian areas, according to monitoring by the Documentation and Research Department of AAPP (Assistance Association of Political Prisoners).

“In recent weeks, junta forces have increasingly been carrying out airstrikes on religious establishments and civilian areas, which are not military targets. On the night of May 23, the juntas’ Nay Pyi Taw Air Force dropped bombs with fighter planes on Pa Nwe Phoe Ka Loe Village in Maw Khee Village Tract, Kawkareik Township, Karen State; destroying 8 buildings, including a Christian church,” it stated.

Moreover, junta forces have been raiding and setting civilian areas on fire even in the absence of clashes. As a result, locals are forced to flee for safety.

5. The military council bombarded a village in Yinmarbin Township without any fighting occurring and about 30 bombs were used

It is reported that the military council bombarded a village in Yinmarbin Township without any fighting occurring, and about 30 bombs were used.

ABSDF Column – 3 confirmed that on May 29, at around 2:00 p.m., the military council launched an airstrike on Ka Paing Village and the surrounding areas in Yinmarbin Township without any fighting.

“On May 29, at around 2:00 p.m., a jet fighter of the military junta bombarded Ka Paing Village and its surroundings in Yinmarbin Township without any fighting occurring. At around 2:30 p.m., a jet fighter continued to bombard the village and the forest area of Ka Paing Village for the second time,” it stated.

It is reported that the junta has used a total of about 30 bombs in the 2 air raids.

At present, people from the village and the surrounding area have had to evacuate, and the damage is still being investigated.

6. Two villages in Kyunhla Township were violently destroyed and burned by the military council troops and valuable public properties were looted

On May 29, the Kyunhla-Kanbalu Activists Group – Kanbalu District informed that two villages in Kyunhla Township were violently destroyed and burned by the military council troops and valuable public properties were looted.

“On May 29 at 7:00 a.m., about 170 forces of Infantry Battalion-361 under the military council and about Pyu Saw Htee members, stationed overnight in the village of Koke Ko Kone in Kyun Hla Township on May 28, rampaged the village, looted valuable public properties and torched the village. After torching Koke Ko Kone Village, the column of military council troops and the Pyu Saw Htee members raided and burned Hlook Tike Village again at 7:50 a.m.,” it stated.

This is the second time that the military council column has raided Hlook Tike Village. In 2022, the military council troops raided and ravaged the village for the first time. Although the village was not torched, they looted the valuable public properties, and a civilian from Hlook Tike Village was brutally killed, burned, and thrown into a toilet.

7. In Kani Township, more than a hundred families of mahouts who participated in CDM are facing livelihood difficulties

On May 29, the KLG Kyauk Lone Gyi Defense Force informed that more than a hundred families of mahouts who are part of the CDM are having difficulties with their livelihood in Kani Township of Sagaing Region.

“Somewhere in the Forest of Kani Township, 103 families of mahouts, who participated in CDM, and are taking care of 36 elephants, are facing livelihood difficulties. They want to keep the elephants, but because their livelihood is not convenient, they are even thinking of leaving the elephants in the forest and returning home,” it stated.

It is heard that the people can help the families of mahouts who are keeping the elephants, and can also support the families through the 21, 22, and 23 battalions of the Yinmarbin District.

8. A limited edition ‘Cap’ was auctioned and sold out for 30,000 yen after the screening of the documentary film “Rays of Hope” in Chiba Prefecture, Japan

It is reported that a limited edition ‘Cap’ was auctioned and sold out for 30,000 yen after the screening of the documentary film “Rays of Hope” in Chiba Prefecture, Japan.

On May 28, the documentary film “Rays of Hope” was screened in Chiba Prefecture, Japan.

“Yesterday, after the screening of the “Rays of Hope” documentary film in Chiba Prefecture, Japan, a limited edition ‘Cap’ was auctioned, and it was sold out for 30,000 yen, showing a revolutionary spirit. Although it is a sparsely populated area, we were able to raise more than 220,000 yen (about 4.5 million kyats) from donations during the event,” said the film exhibition committee.

As an initial result of “Rays of Hope”, director Ko Pauk’s second documentary film “Rays of Hope” was screened in a 1,300-seat movie theater in the center of Tokyo, Japan. More than 1,200 people came to see the film, and nearly 90 million kyats of funds were raised from the film for one section alone.

  1. The Defence Minister U Yee Mon said that as the People’s Defence Army was born from the people, the PDF Army must protect and respect the people
  2. Union Minister Dr. Sasa said that terrorist military leaders are bombing hospitals and schools instead of building them with the funds obtained from natural resources
  3. Deputy Minister Ja Htoi Pan clarified that since the military junta is illegal, it only means that the issue of assigning classes is illegal, and it does not mean to go against students who have to attend school despite various difficulties
  4. The terrorist junta has launched more aerial attacks on religious buildings and civilian areas
  5. The military council bombarded a village in Yinmarbin Township without any fighting occurring and about 30 bombs were used
  6. Two villages in Kyunhla Township were violently destroyed and burned by the military council troops and valuable public properties were looted
  7. In Kani Township, more than a hundred families of mahouts who participated in CDM are facing livelihood difficulties
  8. MDA limited edition ‘Cap’ was auctioned and sold out for 30,000 yen after the screening of the documentary film “Rays of Hope” in Chiba Prefecture, JapanY PDF’s “Pyi Taw Win” campaign to raise funds of 4,000 lakhs is set by June 8

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