Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 April 23

1. Union Prime Minister said that, on behalf of all the people of Myanmar, he is grateful for the stance of the ethnic alliances

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said at the cabinet meeting (15/2023) of the National Unity Government held in April that, on behalf of all the people of Myanmar, he is grateful for the stance of the ethnic alliances.

“In the statements of some of the ethnic alliances, we can see that they have promised to fight together with all the organizations that are fighting against the military council in order to free from the situation where the country’s economic development and social life are being destroyed,” said the Union Prime Minister.

In addition, the Union Prime Minister warned that the military council may wait for the time when the people will be exhausted and think of various ways to separate the people from the revolution, and on the other hand, they may also divide ethnic allies in various ways.

2. The NUG Ministry of Human Rights released the news that a MI-35 helicopter had bombarded the rural hospital in Magyikan Village, Myaing Township, Magway Division

The NUG Ministry of Human Rights released the news that a MI-35 helicopter had bombarded the rural hospital in Magyikan Village, Myaing Township, Magway Division.

On April 22, the Ministry of Human Rights released the following detail news:

“Attack on School and Air bomb to Rural hospital by MI-35 in Magyikan village, Myaing township, Magway

Round about 11:05 a.m., MI-35 from Northwestern Military Command (NaMaKha) in Monywa attacked the rural hospital and school in Magyikan village, Myaing Township, Magway Region on April 18, 2023. 

As a result of the bombing, the hospital building was damaged and medical equipment was burned. Moreover, after airstrike attacking for about 20 minutes, the 70 of soldiers and Pyusawhti located in Inmahtee Village, P‌ale Township, were reinforced 4 times by two MI-17 Helicopter.”

The Ministry of Human Rights has announced that it will take full responsibility for punishing the crimes committed by the terrorist military while firmly holding on to the goals of achieving peace, justice and equality for all people.

3. Deputy Minister U Maw Htun Aung said that support must be sent to the important related areas of the revolution

Deputy Minister Maw Htun Aung, Ministry of Electricity and Energy, said on April 22 that support must be sent to important related areas of the revolution.

“When the revolution emerged, the indigenous people who were not close before became closer to each other. The military council hates this. We have to turn these important border areas from pockets of resistance into defense strongholds for revolution,” the deputy minister said.

Currently, the revenue obtained from people’s clicks is sent to the revolutionary forces, and the revenue obtained from EOD shares and treasury bonds are also used for the revolution.

4. The UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, Mr. Thomas Andrews, met with representatives from the National Unity Government’s representative office in Japan

The UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, Mr. Thomas Andrews, met with representatives from the National Unity Government’s representative office in Japan.

On April 22, the Representative Office of NUG in Japan informed.

On April 22 (Saturday), the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, Mr. Thomas Andrews, is said to have met with some Spring Revolution activists during his visit to Japan, including the representative office of the National Unity Government in Japan.

First, he visited the representative office of the National Unity Government in Japan, met with some members of the office, including representative U Saw Ba Hla Thein, and had a friendly discussion with each other openly.

After that, he met with Myanmar ethnic leaders in Japan, young activists for democracy issues from various organizations, and some Japanese people who support Myanmar issues, answered the questions asked by the attendees and took the suggestions into account.

The Special Rapporteur said that he came to urge Japan, one of the most powerful democratic countries in Asia, to do more than now regarding the situation in Myanmar, which is deteriorating every day under the military coup d’état.

5. The PDF – Khayan urged the public to support the “Let’s take back the debt, 500 lakhs campaign” as there have been only over 160 lakhs achieved for the campaign

The PDF – Khayan urged the public to support the “Let’s take back the debt, 500 lakhs campaign” as there have been only over 160 lakhs achieved for the campaign.

On April 22, the PDF- Khayan informed:

“We have only received more than 160 lakhs donations for the “Let’s take back the debt, 500 lakhs campaign”. It is now the 12th day of the campaign.”

On April 14, the PDF – Khayan conducted an operation against the Immigration office in Khayan Township, resulting in casualties from the enemy and the seizure of two weapons.

6. The terrorist military council continuously fired at defense forces in Karen State with fighter jets, howitzers, and heavy weapons

It is reported that the terrorist military council continuously fired at defense forces in Karen State with fighter jets, howitzers, and heavy weapons.

On April 22 at 2:00 a.m., a YAK130 jet fighter fired at least 3 times and attacked, the Cobra Column confirmed.

“On April 22, the terrorist military council fired at least three times with a YAK130 Jet fighter at 2:00 a.m. Then, starting at 6:00 a.m., they opened fire with howitzers and heavy weapons and tried to invade; there was an exchange of fire with our joint revolutionary forces in the Kyaukmine area,” it stated.

The damage from the enemy’s side is still being investigated, and it is said that they fired several times with air support and artillery support, but there was no damage to the joint forces.

The Cobra Column said that due to the indiscriminate firing by junta troops, the farmlands owned by the people were destroyed and domestic animals were injured and killed.

7. Defense forces attacked the police and Pyu Saw Htee from Kyahtoe Police Station, who were lying in wait at a location on the Kamma-Myit Chay Road, killing one police officer

Defense forces attacked the police and Pyu Saw Htee from Kyahtoe Police Station, who were lying in wait at a location on the Kamma-Myit Chay Road, killing one police officer.

On April 22, the Pakokku Township People’s Defense Force (PaKaHpa) confirmed.

“At about 9:30 p.m. on April 20, Pakokku Township People’s Defense Force (PaKaHpa), Squadron 01, sneaked in and attacked a total of 6 police and Pyu Saw Htee, from Kyahtoe Police Station, who were lying in wait at a location on the Kamma-Myit Chay Road,” it stated.

As a result of this incident, it was learned that one policeman from the enemy side had died, and the people’s defense forces were able to retreat without harm.

8. 3 killed in a drone attack on 70 junta soldiers at the monastery on Minpan Mountain in Singu Township

3 killed in a drone attack on 70 junta soldiers at the monastery on Minpan Mountain in Singu Township.

On April 21, the military news was announced by Singu Township People’s Defense Force (PaKaHpa).

“On April 19, a junta column marched from Pyinpin Village of Singu Township to the mountains of Minpan and Hteekyin. On April 20, when the column arrived in the vicinity of the monastery compound on Minpan Mountain after returning from marching, our joint forces attacked with three bombs dropped by three drones,” it stated.

In the attack, three junta soldiers were killed and two were injured.

Due to the dropping of bombs, they fired back with 80-mm heavy artillery and small arms recklessly, but joint forces were able to successfully withdraw without harm.

The operation was carried out by Bo Eagle Force (Pyin Oo Lwin District PaKaHpa), Nine PDF Force, Northern Tigers Group and Singu Township PaKaHpa.

9. UEC Deputy Director General Sai Kyaw Thu shot dead

UEC Deputy Director General Sai Kyaw Thu, who was returning from Aung Yadanar Hospital in Thingankyun in Yangon, was shot and killed.

For the Yangon Urban Guerrilla Group confirmed that UEC Deputy Director General Sai Kyaw Thu was shot on the afternoon of April 22.

“We confirmed his death. He was shot 20 times in the car,” it stated.

In the process, he was shot at the intersection of 16th Street and Wai Za Yan Tar Road.

For the Yangon also stated that he testified against State Counselor in a case filed by the military council.

10. Youths and women staged a public strike against the military dictatorship holding a banner with the slogan “Boycott Fascist Election, Bravely Walk on the Federal Road” 

On April 22, the Dawei District Democracy Movement Strike Committee (DDMSC) led a public strike against the military dictatorship.

As a protest against the fake election that will be forced by the military council, they held the banner “Boycott Fascist Election, Walk Boldly on the Federal Road” and marched with the participation of local people, including youths and women.

The Democracy Movement Strike Committee (Dawei District), DDMSC, is staging the mass movement against the military dictatorship and the boycott against the fake election, in connection with the revolutionary forces that are formed according to the relevant regions across the country.

  1. Union Prime Minister said that, on behalf of all the people of Myanmar, he is grateful for the stance of the ethnic alliances
  2. The NUG Ministry of Human Rights released the news that a MI-35 helicopter had bombarded the rural hospital in Magyikan Village, Myaing Township, Magway Division
  3. Deputy Minister U Maw Htun Aung said that support must be sent to the important related areas of the revolution
  4. The UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, Mr. Thomas Andrews, met with representatives from the National Unity Government’s representative office in Japan
  5. The PDF – Khayan urged the public to support the “Let’s take back the debt, 500 lakhs campaign” as there have been only over 160 lakhs achieved for the campaign
  6. The terrorist military council continuously fired at defense forces in Karen State with fighter jets, howitzers, and heavy weapons
  7. Defense forces attacked the police and Pyu Saw Htee from Kyahtoe Police Station, who were lying in wait at a location on the Kamma-Myit Chay Road, killing one police officer
  8. 3 killed in a drone attack on 70 junta soldiers at the monastery on Minpan Mountain in Singu Township
  9. UEC Deputy Director General Sai Kyaw Thu shot dead
  10. Youths and women staged a public strike against the military dictatorship holding a banner with the slogan “Boycott Fascist Election, Bravely Walk on the Federal Road” 

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