Spring Revolution Local News – Apr 22 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. The Union Prime Minister urges revolutionary activities to be carried out with great caution so that the original aim is not lost

At the Interim Local Administration Central Committee Meeting No. 16/2023 held on April 20, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann urged everyone to “carry out revolutionary activities with great caution so that the original aim is not lost” since “practical works are being carried out to establish a new federal democratic union, which is the dream of all ethnic groups, while arming and fighting against the terrorist military council due to its injustice, violence, and threats with weapons, loss of human rights, and removal of the will of the people by relying on weapons.” The Union Prime Minister added that when engaging in revolutionary activities, emotions should be kept as under control as possible.

The Union Prime Minister also exhorted, despite being tired mentally and physically, to march forward with full strength and strong faith towards the goal amidst the incitement and spreading of propaganda by the military council and the divisions of those who have no real attitude towards the revolution.

2. The Chairman of the CRPH asserts that the pace of development, along with the right to education in peace and stability throughout the Union, will become the images of the future

At the 1st Higher Education Conference during the Spring Revolution held via video conferencing on April 21, U Aung Kyi Nyunt, Chairman of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, said that he believes that “the pace of development, along with the right to education in peace and stability throughout the Union, will undoubtedly become the images of the near future as the revolution advances with the strength of the people’s power and energy while enduring the difficulties and hardships encountered in resisting the terrorist military group that is trying to oppress and rule with weapons.”

In addition, Chairman U Aung Kyi Nyunt also said that learning is a process that never ends and that the right to learn and teach freely regardless of age or status is a fundamental human right for every individual.

3. In Sagaing Township, the terrorist military burned down more than 300 houses in a single day

According to local news sources, the terrorist military burned down houses in In Sa village and Taung Kyar village in Sagaing Township, Sagaing Division, on the morning of April 21.

“On April 21, around 7:00 a.m., a military column of more than 100 soldiers raided Ta Laing Kyun village. The column then proceeded, reaching In Sa village at 8:50 a.m. and they started to set fire at around 9:25 a.m. More than 300 houses in In Sa village were burned down by the military column, leaving only a few houses left,” they said.

They also said, “The military column also burned down 10 houses in Taung Kyar village, which is adjacent to In Sa village.”

To date, the terrorist military and its affiliated groups have burned down a total of more than 60,000 houses throughout the country since the military coup.

4. Junta soldiers extorting money from locals in Kyauk Kan village, Myingyan Township, were attacked with mines, killing 12 of them

Shwe Chan Thar Guerrilla Group (Myingyan) claimed that, at 12:00 p.m. on April 21, it had collaborated with the Myingyan people’s Defence Group (Myingyan PaKaHpa) to launch a mine attack against a group of military council soldiers and military-backed Pyu Saw Htee militia members who were setting up ambushes outside Kyauk Kan village, Myingyan Township, and extorting money from locals.

The mine attack reportedly resulted in the deaths of twelve soldiers and the injuries of many others.

5. The military attacked the territories where the Black Panther Column and joint forces are providing security, with fighter jets for two days in a row

On April 22, the Black Panther Column reported that the military council launched aerial attacks on the territories in Karenni State where the Black Panther Column and joint forces are providing security, with fighter jets for two days in a row.

“On the afternoon of April 21, 2023, the terrorist military council launched aerial attacks on the territories where the Black Panther Column and joint forces are providing security with a Yak-130 aircraft and again at 1:00 a.m. on April 22 with a fighter jet. We suffered no damage as a result of the people’s metta (benevolence),” it stated.

“The terrorist military council and its subordinate BGF soldiers have been firing heavy weapons and cluster rockets day and night, and a comrade of the Black Panther Column was hit by shrapnel from a heavy weapon and wounded (non-critical),” it also said.

In addition, weapons, ammunition, and equipment left behind by the terrorist military council were reportedly seized when the members of the Black Panther Column carried out territory clearance operations.

6. PDF allied forces attacked and occupied a military camp in Mau village, Mingin Township, and successfully destroyed two helipads of the military council

The Kalay District 11th PDF Battalion (MKPDF-2) claimed on April 22 that it and allied forces had captured a military camp jointly stationed by military soldiers and military-backed Pyu Saw Htee militia group in Mau village, Mingin Township, and also successfully destroyed two helipads of the military council.

It stated, ” The Kalay District 11th PDF Battalion (Mingin People’s Defence Force) and the allied forces occupied a front camp jointly stationed by military soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee members in Mau village, Taungdwin, on April 11. At present, the 11th PDF Battalion is continuing to control the territory and has also successfully destroyed two military council emergency helipads.”

The MKPDF-2 also cautioned the people to avoid places where combat could develop at any time and to follow the warning statements.

7. Spring Inya Condominium can be purchased in 6-month instalments

The End of Dictatorship (EOD) initiative announced that Spring Inya Condominium will be available for purchase on April 29, 2023, and that pre-registration through EOD agents is now possible.

“The amount to be paid during the revolution can be paid in lump-sum or 6-month instalments,” it stated.

For Spring Inya Condominium, which will be constructed on a site next to U Tun Nyein Road that is part of 30 acres of terrorist military-owned land on Parami Road, there will be three different types of condominium units: 1B+, 2B+, and 3B+.

“It is a rare large plot of land on the littoral zone of Inya Lake, where the land value is high and a total of 750 condo units will be sold,” the EOD.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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