Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2022 August 31

Index of News

  1. The Acting President Duwa Lashi La has states that efforts should be made to end the Spring Revolution as soon as possible
  2. The Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann says that efforts are being made to drive out the Terrorist Military Council from the land of Myanmar permanently
  3. The Central Committee for Issuing Association’s Registration has been formed and has already started working in consultation with the state consultative councils
  4. The Deputy Minister Dr. Sai Khaing Myo Tun warns that the military coup d’état tends to strengthen their power by breaking unity among the allies
  5. The National Unity Government organizes its representative office in France
  6. The project “Upstream” for the wood carving of Ko Htein Linn, the younger son of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, sold for over US$ 800,000 in five days
  7. The list of fundraisers in charge of respective countries for the Project Skywalk fundraising campaign is released for the people at home and abroad to be able to contribute
  8. Demonstrations will be held throughout Japan to call for the continuation of incumbent UN Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun at the 77th session of the UN General Assembly
  9. After the terrorist military called on the gold traders to prevent the price of gold from rising, the price of the pure gold rose to a record high of 3100,000 per Kyats

1. The Acting President Duwa Lashi La has states that efforts should be made to end the Spring Revolution as soon as possible

30th of August, 2022

The Acting President, Duwa Lashi La, remarked to make efforts to end the Spring Revolution as quickly as possible at the 65th Cabinet Meeting held on August 30.

“It has been over a year since the formation of the National Unity Government. Also, on September 7th, it will be one year since the People’s Resistance Revolutionary War (D-Day) was announced, and it will be a day that will go down in history. During the one-year period when the war of resistance was declared, the NUG government and the revolutionary forces not only achieved spectacular successes but also suffered many tragic losses. It is seen that the people are experiencing the evil violence of the military coup d’état every day. In order to end this revolution as soon as possible, our government needs to be able to lead in the right way,” the Acting President said.

On September 7, 2021, the National Unity Government announced the People’s Resistance War.

2. The Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann says that efforts are being made to drive out the Terrorist Military Council from the land of Myanmar permanently

30th of August, 2022

At the 65th Cabinet Meeting held on August 30, the Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said, “I want to reiterate that we are working hard to drive the inhuman terrorist military council from the land of Myanmar permanently. We all know the source of the numerous problems that are rooted in the country. If we could eradicate this root, many of the problems in our country will be automatically solved, so we are all working hard.”

The Minister of Home Affairs also said that the terrorist military council will be completely eliminated before the 2023 election that they are planning to organize.

3. The Central Committee for Issuing Association’s Registration has been formed and has already started working in consultation with the state consultative councils

30th of August, 2022

At the 65th Cabinet Meeting held on August 30, the Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said, “The Union Government has to work hard on businesses that directly benefit the revolution, and some indirectly benefiting businesses must also be managed. It is reported that the draft guideline for the registration of associations approved at the last cabinet meeting has now formed the Central Committee for Issuing Association Registration and it has started to be implemented in consultation with the state consultative councils.”

After the military coup on February 1, 2021, the terrorist military also arrested the civil organizations.

4. The Deputy Minister Dr. Sai Khaing Myo Tun warns that the military coup d’état tends to strengthen their power by breaking unity among the allies

30th of August, 2022

On August 30, the Deputy Minister Dr. Sai Khaing Myo posted on social media, “The military coup d’état often used to strengthen their power by dividing the allies (Divide and Rule), and breaking the unity among the political leaders and revolutionary forces by character assassination, especially the revolutionary comrades, whom they are afraid of. They often do it in such ways that make revolutionary comrades less believe in the revolution,” the Deputy Minister said.

Currently, the military council troops are losing badly in Sagaing Division, Magway Division, Chin State, Kayin State, and Karenni State.

“The situation to be cautious about is that, while preparing for battle and during battle, to win the war, they usually make their enemy and allies of the enemy suspicious of each other. We need to be able to seriously avoid this,” the Deputy Minster Dr. Sai Khaing Myo Tun said.

5. The National Unity Government organizes its representative office in France

30th of August, 2022

The National Unity Government established its Representative Office in France.

On August 30, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that the Representative Office of the National Unity Government in France was organized with seven members.

The announcement states, “Daw Nan Su Mon Aung was appointed as the Representative of the National Unity Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar for France on August 24.”

Currently, the office is organized with a translation officer, a political advisor, a communication officer, two administration and finance officers, and an information and media officer and social media officer.

6. The project “Upstream” for the wood carving of Ko Htein Linn, the younger son of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, sold for over US$ 800,000 in five days

30th of August, 2022

On August 30, the revolutionary fundraiser Pencilo said, “This is Downstream of the people for the Upstream Project. Honor and commemorate it in flesh and blood. We were able to sell over 8,000 raffle tickets and raise over US$ 800,000 in 5 days.”

It is also said that the country that buys the most raffle tickets is Singapore, followed by the US and the UK.

All proceeds from ticket sales of lucky draw tickets will be fully donated to the revolution against injustice and to the people affected.

The lucky winner of the wood carving named Upstream will be drawn live by Ko Htein Linn himself.

7. The list of fundraisers in charge of respective countries for the Project Skywalk fundraising campaign is released for the people at home and abroad to be able to contribute

30th of August, 2022

On August 30, the Project Skywalk announced the list of the fundraising agents by country for the people at home and abroad to be able to contribute in the project.

The contact information of fundraisers in charge of respective countries is listed on the Project Skywalk social network page.

Project Skywalk is the fundraising project of the Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government, led by the Deputy Minister of Defence, Nai Kaung Ywut, and managed by the Finance and Public Relations Team.

At least one million US dollars is going to raise through Project Skywalk, and the project aims to connect drone teams around Myanmar and cooperate under a systematic chain of command.

8. Demonstrations will be held throughout Japan to call for the continuation of incumbent UN Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun at the 77th session of the UN General Assembly

30th of August, 2022

On August 30, the NUG Representative Office in Japan announced it through its social media page.

It states, “On September 11th, protest movements will be held throughout Japan to appeal the extension of the tenure of UN Permanent Resident Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun. In order to continue appointing U Kyaw Moe Tun, there is a special need to push with loud voices, so we respectfully invite you to actively participate.”

It also states, “The event will be held in Tokyo over two days. On September 9th (Friday), we will gather in front of the United Nations University and hand over the request letter. On September 11th (Sunday), we will march in front of the United Nations University.”

9. After the terrorist military called on the gold traders to prevent the price of gold from rising, the price of the pure gold rose to a record high of 3100,000 Kyats

30th of August, 2022

On August 30, the opening price of the gold market rose to 3,100,000 Kyats per tical (a Burmese measurement of weight, the kyattha, of about 16.3293 grams or 0.576 ounces).

On August 27, the military council met with the gold traders and ordered the Yangon Region Gold Enterprise Association (YGEA) to sell gold at the price recommended by the military council.

On August 29, the Yangon Gold Enterprise Association (YGEA) published the reference price of pure gold at 2,027,000 Kyats , but the actual market price was as high as 2,850,000 Kyats

Credit to #RadioNUG

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