Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2022 Dec 07

1. The Acting President says the National Unity Government must work hard to ensure that the military is permanently removed from politics

Acting President Duwa Lashi La stated that the National Unity Government must work hard to permanently remove the military from politics. The Acting President said at the 77th cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government held on December 6.

“We must work hard until we can guarantee that the military council will be completely removed from politics. The federal army of the future will be a professional army. It is totally unacceptable to always be involved in politics, like the Burmese army. This must be carefully considered with foresight. I urge that the process of becoming a professional army for the future federal should be included in the transitional constitution,” said the Acting President. Furthermore, the interim president stated that security sector reform issues will need to be addressed specifically.

2. Union Prime Minister U Mahn Win Khaing Than stated that defense comrades should never behave inhumanely like the terrorist military council

Union Prime Minister U Mahn Win Khaing Than stated that defense comrades should never behave inhumanely like the terrorist military council under any circumstances. Union Prime Minister said at the 77th cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government held on December 6. “The Ministry of Defense must strictly supervise all revolutionary forces to ensure that military laws and instructions are followed. Our goal is to root out this brutal terrorist group, but it is important not to be senseless people like the inhumane terrorist military council. We have been directed to investigate the shooting of a woman suspected of being a spy in Tamu city, and if People Defense Forces were involved, they must be dealt with effectively in accordance with the law,” said the Prime Minister.

3. The NUG declared that Myanma Economic Holdings Ltd. and Myanmar Economic Corporation would be designated terrorist organizations and confiscation all assets

The National Unity Government declared that Myanma Economic Holdings Ltd. and Myanmar Economic Corporation (MEC) would be designated terrorist organizations and confiscation all assets. The NUG Anti-Terrorism Central Organization issued a notification letter (1/2022) on December 6. It has been verified that Myanma Economic Holdings Ltd. (MEHL) and Myanmar Economic Corporation (MEC) have monopolized various businesses and provide a large amount of annual funding to the terrorist group led by Min Aung Hlaing. The profit-sharing evidence and documents show that these funds benefit only the top-level leaders and officers of the terrorist military council, with less benefit to lower-rank soldiers. Furthermore, the terrorist group is using those benefits to commit inhumane terrorist attacks and killings of innocent people across the country on a daily basis.

“Therefore, Myanma Economic Holdings Ltd. and MEC have been designated as terrorist groups, and all of their assets will be defined as belonging to terrorist groups under Anti-Terrorism Law section 3 subsection (d). In addition, these assets will be controlled and managed under section 6 subsection (l) of the Anti-Terrorism Law for the public interest,” announced the Anti-Terrorism Center.

4. Minister U Tin Tun Naing stated that declaring Myanma Economic Holdings Limited and MEC as terrorist organizations is the first step and that additional action plans will be implemented

Minister U Tin Tun Naing stated that declaring Myanma Economic Holdings Ltd. and MEC terrorist organizations is the first step, and that additional action plans will be implemented. U Tin Tun Naing, Minister of Planning, Finance, and Investment, stated this on the evening of December 6. “This announcement is the first step and action plans for the future will be implemented, “said the Minister. The NUG’s Anti-Terrorism Center declared Myanma Economic Holdings Ltd. and MEC as terrorist organizations on December 6, with a notification letter (1/2022). The Anti-Terrorism Center announced that the assets of Myanma Economic Holdings Ltd. and MEC will be designated as belonging to terrorist groups and controlled and managed in the public interest under section 6 subsection (l) of the Anti-Terrorism Law.

5.  Deputy Minister Ei Thinzar Maung stated that children’s education for the next generation should not be forgotten, along with the eradication of the military dictatorship

Deputy Minister Ei Thinzar Maung said that children’s education for the next generation should not be forgotten, along with the eradication of the military dictatorship. Minister of Women, Youth, and Children Affairs Ei Thinzar Maung stated on December 6. “More than 12,000 children have fled the war in Mindat city at the moment. Along with the eradication of the military dictatorship, we should not forget the education of children, who will lead the country in the future. Therefore, we invite you to participate in this campaign to support the education of displaced children in Mindat,” she said. It has been the 3rd day since the start of the “Public assistance for Mindat displaced children’s education” campaign for the education of 12,000 Mindat City war-evacuee children, and so far, approximately 20 lakhs have been received for the 1,000 students.

6. Students from Nepal express their solidarity with Myanmar students who have been sentenced to death

It is reported that Nepalese students have expressed solidarity with Myanmar students who have been sentenced to death. On December 6, the Dagon University Students’ Union announced that the Nepali Students’ Union and students expressed solidarity with those sentenced to death for their beliefs, including seven Dagon University students. On December 5, students from the Nepalese Student Union demonstrated in front of the Myanmar Embassy in Nepal against the Burmese military group’s imposition of the death penalty on students. It is also reported that the students were arrested by the Nepalese police. On November 30, 2022, a terrorist group sentenced to death seven Dagon University students and twelve civilians for a total of 19 people.

7. The film “Home,” directed by Ko Pauk, will be released soon

It has been reported that the film “Home,” directed by Ko Pauk, will be released soon. Director Ko Pauk informed that on December 6. “Many films will be released soon in succession,” he said. The short movie “Ma Thouk Mi Thaw Moe Khar Yay,” directed by Ko Pauk, was based on the true story of a CDM captain and achieved international success.

8. Intaing village of Kyunhla township was burned down by the terrorist military council

It is reported that the Intaing village of Kyunhla township was burned down by the terrorist military council. According to the Kyunhla – Kanbalu Activists Group (Kanbalu district), on the morning of December 6, the military council troops fired heavy weapons at the Intaing village and burned it down in the evening. “On December 6 at around 10:00 am, about 200 terrorist military council forces from Putee village in Taze district entered Kyunhla township and opened fire on Intaing village with heavy weapons,” they said. According to on-the-ground reports, the column violently destroyed the village of Intaing at 3:00 p.m., and the extent of the damage is still being investigated.

9. The terrorist military council fired heavy weapons into the villages where the people live, destroying homes and injuring civilians

The terrorist military council fired heavy weapons into the villages where the people live, destroying homes and injuring civilians. The KNU-central informed the news on December 6. In KNU’s kawthoolei administration area, the Kawkareik-based artillery battalion fired 120 mm (4 rounds) into Bawtdaing village, Kawkareik township, around 10:00 a.m. on December 1. As a result of the attack, the house of Te Pha Tu, 55, was destroyed, and Mg Aye Zaw, 26, suffered a serious head injury and his house was also damaged. On December 3 at 9:55 a.m., one cow died on the spot, two bulls were injured, and two houses were damaged when a bullet fired by military council troops struck the Kyuntaw village of the Taungkyarinn group.

10. The vehicle of military council troops returning from Pakokku to Myaing Industry-2 was attacked with eight landmines, causing casualties

It has been reported that the vehicle of military council troops returning from Pakokku to Myaing Industry-2 was attacked with eight landmines, causing casualties. The Myaing Garuda People Defense Force informed the news on December 6. The operation was jointly conducted by the Myaing Garuda People Defense Force, Myaing P.D.F battalion 1 (division 2 and division 1), Light Beam Guerrilla Force, and M.R.D.F.

  1. The Acting President says the National Unity Government must work hard to ensure that the military is permanently removed from politics
  2. Union Prime Minister U Mahn Win Khaing Than stated that defense comrades should never behave inhumanely like the terrorist military council
  3. The NUG declared that Myanma Economic Holdings Ltd. and Myanmar Economic Corporation would be designated terrorist organizations and confiscation all assets
  4. Minister U Tin Tun Naing stated that declaring Myanma Economic Holdings Limited and MEC as terrorist organizations is the first step and that additional action plans will be implemented
  5. Deputy Minister Ei Thinzar Maung stated that children’s education for the next generation should not be forgotten, along with the eradication of the military dictatorship
  6. Students from Nepal express their solidarity with Myanmar students who have been sentenced to death
  7. The film “Home,” directed by Ko Pauk, will be released soon
  8. Intaing village of Kyunhla township was burned down by the terrorist military council
  9. The terrorist military council fired heavy weapons into the villages where the people live, destroying homes and injuring civilians
  10. The vehicle of military council troops returning from Pakokku to Myaing Industry-2 was attacked with eight landmines, causing casualties

Credit to #RadioNUG


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