Spring Revolution Local News – Apr 08 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. Foreign Affairs Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung said that only when the revolution is prevail, everyone will be able to return home

In an April 8 Facebook post, Daw Zin Mar Aung, the Union Minister of Foreign Affairs for the National Unity Government, emphasised that only with the success of the revolution and the elimination of the terrorist military would everyone be able to return to their home—a country feels like home, and home likes a country. She stated that, at present, her sole focus is on achieving victory in the revolution, prioritising this goal above all else. Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung further extended her encouragement to individuals and fellow revolutionaries who, like her, have relinquished all else to fight for their country and no longer possess a home to return to.

Currently, the National Unity Government is intensifying its military efforts and collaborating with ethnic resistance organisations (EROs) in both political and military endeavours.

2. Union Minister Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe denounces Karen language training LT/TA conducted at Union Ethnic Village, Thaketa, Yangon

Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe, a Karen ethnic Union Minister for Women, Youths, and Children Affairs in the National Unity Government, recently voiced strong opposition via Facebook to the Language Teacher (LT) and Teaching Assistance (TA) training for ethnic languages held at Union Ethnic Village, Thaketa, Yangon, from April 3 to 10, 2024. She asserted her stance, stating, “As a Karen Minister elected in the 2020 general elections with an overwhelming mandate of 106,144 votes (72%) for the Yangon Region, I strongly oppose those who led this event and those who cooperate.”

She questioned the morality and conscience of those willing to collaborate with the military junta, particularly at a time when the youth and their parents are grappling with the distress caused by the military junta’s forced recruitment. Additionally, she highlighted the brutality of the junta’s aerial bombardments targeting schools where children are receiving education, alongside the global condemnation of the military junta’s actions in the United Nations arena. Minister Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe urged them to reconsider their actions and strive to leave behind a positive legacy for future generations.

3. Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister highlights the crucial role of diverse ethnic groups’ participation in Myanmar’s revolution

On April 6, during the 24th Kayan National Day, hosted by the American Kayan Organisation in Iowa, USA, U Moe Zaw Oo, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for the National Unity Government, emphasised the pivotal role of diverse ethnic groups in the ongoing revolution. Highlighting the significance of participation from all ethnicities, including the Kayan and Karenni, he stressed their collective contribution to the movement. Specifically, he noted the proactive involvement of the Karenni ethnic community, including Kayan, which is the sub-ethnic group of Karenni, stating that their engagement in the revolution exceeded that of other races and ethnicities.

Alongside Deputy Minister U Moe Zaw Oo, U Aung Kyi Nyunt, Chairman of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH), U Aung Kyaw Moe, Deputy Minister for Human Rights of the National Unity Government, and Daw Evelyn, Vice-Chair of the Karenni State Consultative Council (KSCC), members of the Myanmar diaspora attended the event.

4. Deputy Human Rights Minister stresses Kayan People’s role in ongoing revolution for self-determination and federal democratic union

During the 24th Kayan National Day commemoration and fundraising event for internally displaced individuals in the Kayan region of Myanmar, held in Australia on April 6, Khun Baham Htan, Deputy Minister for Human Rights of the National Unity Government, emphasised the active involvement of the Kayan people in the ongoing struggle to eradicate the military dictatorship, alongside other ethnic groups within Myanmar. He underscored their pursuit of self-determination, the right to shape their own destiny, and the aspiration for a federal democratic union.

Furthermore, the Deputy Minister highlighted the historical unity among the Kayan people and other ethnic groups across various eras, from the feudal period to British colonial rule, the Japanese occupation, the military dictatorship of 1962, and the current uprising sparked by the 2021 military coup. He urged the Kayan community to maintain their steadfast commitment to the revolution, honouring those who have sacrificed their lives or limbs, as well as the general public enduring hardships throughout the ongoing struggle, which has persisted for over three years.

The event aimed to uphold the significance of Kayan National Day and preserve Kayan culture while also raising funds to support the more than 100,000 internally displaced persons in the Kayan region.

5. Federal Wings unveils successful deployment of newly designed drones in operations

The Federal Wings (FW) revealed on April 8 that their latest drone models have been effectively employed in operations. These newly developed drones were crafted by FW’s research and development team, drawing from their practical experiences and field requirements, with a focus on simplifying maintenance and repair processes.

FW emphasised that the new drone design is characterised by its straightforward structure, swift installation process, and approximately 25% lighter body weight than previous models. This lightweight feature allows for easy transport in backpacks, especially in areas with rugged terrain. Previously, drones intended for agricultural purposes were repurposed for battle by adding supplementary components, resulting in excessively heavy drones that failed to fully utilise their capabilities. FW asserted that their new design addresses these shortcomings effectively.

6. Justice For Myanmar calls for end to PTTEP funding of Myanmar junta, urges international sanctions on MOGE

On April 7th, Justice For Myanmar (JFM) called for action, demanding that PTTEP (PTT Exploration and Production), a Thai state-owned enterprise, cease its financial support to the military junta in Myanmar by either freezing all funds in a protected account or exiting responsibly. JFM also emphasised the responsibility of PTTEP shareholders to engage with the company to ensure it discontinues its contributions to the atrocities in Myanmar or to divest from it if necessary. JFM pointed out that PTTEP, as the primary investor and operator of the Yadana and Zawtika gas projects, remains a significant business partner of the illegitimate Myanmar junta.

JFM highlighted that the junta’s brutal actions against Myanmar civilians, including killings, rapes, torture, and displacements, are financially enabled by the oil and gas sector, emphasising that the Myanmar military’s atrocities must be eliminated as soon as possible.

This call to action from JFM comes in response to an announcement by PTTEP on April 5, revealing that its participating interest in the Yadana offshore gas project had increased to 62.963% following Chevron’s withdrawal from Myanmar. PTTEP expressed its intent to continue collaborating with the military junta, prompting condemnation from JFM.

In addition to urging PTTEP to end its support, JFM also called upon Canada, the UK, and Australia to impose sanctions on MOGE (Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise), and urged the US to extend its existing prohibition on financial services to fully sanction MOGE. This comprehensive approach aims to cut off the financial resources that enable the junta to continue its oppressive actions in Myanmar.

7. Arakan Army captures fleeing deputy battalion commander of military junta’s LIB-565 in Buthidaung

The Arakan Army (AA) revealed that they had captured Major Zaw Zaw Aung, the deputy commander of the military junta’s 565th Light Infantry Battalion (LIB-565), which operates under the 15th Military Operation Command (MOC-15) headquartered in Buthidaung, Rakhine State. The capture took place on the evening of April 5, while he was fleeing the battle. Reportedly, he was apprehended near Ba Da Nar village in Buthidaung township, sustaining injuries. According to the AA, Major Zaw Zaw Aung was among those who fled during the AA’s offensive against the headquarters of LIB-564. Presently, he is receiving medical treatment from the AA. Additionally, the AA announced that they are actively pursuing and attacking other fleeing junta troops from LIB-564, with over 10 junta troops eliminated as of April 7.

Major Zaw Zaw Aung, aged 40, is identified as a graduate from batch 47 of the Defence Service Academy (DSA).

8. PDF seizes control of four joint military outposts in Homalin occupied by military and Pyu Saw Htee militia

On April 8, the Sagaing People’s Defence Force (PDF) in the No.1 Military Region made an announcement regarding the capture of four military outposts in Homalin township, Hkamti District, Sagaing Region. These outposts, jointly occupied by approximately 300 soldiers from the military junta from the 369th and 370th Light Infantry Battalions (LIB-369 and LIB-370) and Pyu Saw Htee militia. The PDF forces successfully seized control of these outposts located in Inn Kyin Hmaw village, Ma Naw Thar village, and Kyun Kone village on April 7th, following nine days of sustained attack.

In addition to securing control of the outposts, the PDF forces confiscated a significant cache of weaponry, including 20 homemade firearms, 131 firearms, 13,000 rounds of various types of ammunition, two Claymore mines, four grenades, one anti-drone gun, one station jammer, 30 knives, and 16 TSSD walkie-talkies.

The successful operation was executed by various units, including the 4th and 8th Special Operation Battalions under the No. 1 Military Region, the 1st Battalion in Mawlaik District, the 1st Battalion in Hkamti District, as well as the Paungbyin Township People’s Defence Team and the Homalin Township People’s Defence Team.

9. Surrendered commander of Thingan Nyi Naung hill outpost claims to have saved hundreds of lives

In an interview with the Karen Information Center (KIC), Colonel Tun Tun Latt, the strategic commander of the Thingan Nyi Naung hill-based outpost in Myawaddy township, Karen State, revealed his decision to surrender the entire outpost to revolutionary forces, including the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), during battle. Colonel Tun Tun Latt claimed that his actions saved hundreds of lives, stating, “I was saving hundreds of lives by risking my own. I couldn’t seek approval from my superiors, as I consulted with my subordinates. I made the decision at great personal risk.”

On April 5, the KNLA and allied revolutionary forces successfully attacked and occupied the Thingan Nyi Naung strategic outpost, which operated under the military junta’s Southeast Military Command. During the capture, 617 military junta personnel surrendered, comprising 67 commissioned officers, 410 other ranks, 59 policewomen, and 81 family members, led by Colonel Tun Tun Latt.

10. A junta policeman surrenders to Myaing Township People’s Defence Team, surrenders two firearms, and vows to fight back the military junta

The Myaing Township People’s Defence Team (West Zone) reported that a member of the military junta’s police force surrendered on April 4th, surrendering a G-3 firearm, a machine gun, along with 105 rounds of G-3 ammunition and 503 rounds of machine gun ammunition.

Despite offering him 15 million kyat as a reward for surrendering the weapons and relocating him to a liberated area, the junta policeman expressed his determination to resist the military junta. Consequently, the Myaing Township People’s Defence Team has been providing training for him in the production camp.

Previously, on March 13th, two members of the Kamma Oxygen and the Myaing People’s Defence Team disguised themselves as junta soldiers, infiltrated a military outpost, and successfully stole weapons.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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