Spring Revolution Local News – Apr 02 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. Human Rights Minister emphasises collective responsibility for women’s participation in politics and the need for government policy

In a video address titled “Women’s Participation in Politics,” released on April 1, Union Minister U Aung Myo Min of the Ministry of Human Rights within the National Unity Government (NUG) emphasised the collective responsibility to facilitate women’s involvement in politics, alongside the necessity for government policy to support it.

Union Minister U Aung Myo Min asserted, “It is the responsibility of everyone as well as a matter of government policy to facilitate women’s participation in politics—not just paving ways for them, but also bringing them together; not merely walking along with them, but also creating opportunities for leadership roles based on their capabilities.”

Throughout the ongoing Spring Revolution, numerous women have actively participated in various capacities, such as in public movements, political engagement, and even combat roles. The NUG government has acknowledged and respected their contributions.

2. Deputy Human Rights Minister U Aung Kyaw Moe highlights public reject over junta’s misinformation campaign against democratic transition efforts of NUG

In a recent interview with VOA Burmese, Deputy Human Rights Minister U Aung Kyaw Moe emphasised that the public is no longer falling for the misinformation spread by the military junta, which targets the National Unity Government (NUG) in striving for democratic transition.

Responding to a question about junta chief Min Aung Hlaing’s speech at their Armed Forces Day on March 27, where he claimed to hold power only “temporarily” to strengthen democracy, U Aung Kyaw Moe remarked, “His political vision and the reality he faces are completely opposed. When the military attempted to seize power, their political calculation did not anticipate such a collective resistance from the public. They never expected such widespread opposition. This latest statement, although insincere, is calculated to craft a narrative that he can present to the international community, one that is more likely to be accepted by countries allied with them. This narrative is also an attempt to deceive the people amidst a rising political tide against his military government. However, the people are aware of the misinformation spread by the junta, and they won’t believe these false messages.”

Currently, pro-military lobbyists are using Telegram and Facebook channels to disseminate misinformation and fake news aimed at discrediting the NUG government.

3. NUG Representative to Czech Republic cautions against widespread distribution purposeful fake news

U Linn Thant, the National Unity Government (NUG) Representative to the Czech Republic, warned about the simultaneous proliferation of purposeful fake news across social media platforms.

A document dated April 1, 2024, purportedly issued by the NUG government and bearing its letterhead and logo, falsely claimed the recovery of $1 billion in Myanmar government assets previously frozen by the US government following the attempted military coup on February 1, 2021.

People are advised to exercise caution and refrain from believing any statements or documents alleging affiliation with the NUG government unless they are officially disseminated through the NUG government’s authorised channels.

4. Death toll from military junta since February 1, 2021, coup surpasses 4,800

According to a report by the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), since the attempted military coup on February 1, 2021, up to April 1, 2024, a total of 4,810 individuals, including democracy activists and other civilians, have been killed by the military junta and its affiliates. Additionally, the AAPP mentioned approximately 1,700 reported deaths awaiting confirmation.

Furthermore, the report highlighted that during this period, a total of 26,468 individuals have been unlawfully detained, with 20,296 of them still held in custody. Among these detainees, 8,882 individuals have been sentenced to imprisonment based on arbitrary charges imposed by the military junta.

5. Students and Teachers stage protests against military junta’s forced conscription law

On April 2, the Ministry of Education unveiled a video featuring students and teachers from liberated regions, voicing their opposition to the military junta’s enforced conscription law while symbolically displaying the three-finger salute.

The terrorist military junta activated the 2010 compulsory conscription law on February 10, 2024, coercing the country’s young adults to serve in the military.

6. KNDF (Pekhon Zone) launches fundraising drive for urgently needed bulletproof helmets and vests

The Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF) Strategic 1, based in the Pekhon Zone, has initiated a fundraising campaign titled “Spring Bulletproof” aimed at acquiring urgently required bulletproof helmets and vests for three battalions under its command—B-03, B-11, and B-22. Launched on March 15, the campaign seeks to gather funds for the purchase of 30 sets of bulletproof helmets and vests to address the growing demand amid escalating military operations.

Raffle tickets are being sold for 15,000 MMK each, with 23 fortunate winners to be selected.

The KNDF (Pekhon Zone) has appealed for contributions from both domestic and international sources, as the campaign is still far from reaching its target despite being underway for over 15 days.

7. PDF Battalion 2 (P2-3702) in No.2 Military Region announces online recruitment interviews

The People’s Defence Force (PDF) No. 2 Military Region’s Battalion 2 (P2-3702) in Southern Command announced on April 2nd that recruitment applicants should reach out via their Telegram channel, as interviews for eligible new recruits will be conducted online.

In response to the military junta’s declaration of the compulsory conscription law, an increased number of youths have applied to serve at various PDF units and other revolutionary organisations.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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