Spring Revolution Local News – Apr 01 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. NUG announces that a document circulating on social media, bearing the NUG letterhead and logo, alleging the recovery of $1 billion of Myanmar government funds frozen by the US government, is fake

Recently, a fake document bearing the letterhead and logo of the National Unity Government (NUG), alleging that the US government released the $1 billion of Myanmar government funds that it had been frozen, has been circulating on social media. The fake document, written in both Burmese and English, claimed that these funds would be returned to the NUG government. 

U Nay Phone Latt, Spokesperson for the NUG President Office, confirmed to Radio NUG that the document is indeed fraudulent.

Currently, pro-military lobbyists aiming to discredit the NUG government are utilising Telegram and Facebook channels to spread misinformation and fake news on a daily basis.

2. Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng says that the Manaw Ground of Kachin State, which is a significant historical symbol representing victory over fascist Japan, is liberated

In a Facebook post dated April 1, Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng commented on the Kachin Independence Army’s (KIA) recent capture of the strategically important Sinlum military base, stating, “The liberation of the Manaw Ground, a symbol of victory over fascists, has been achieved. The Sinlum strategic base, captured this morning, sits atop the Manaw Ground.” He recounted the historical context, mentioning the Pandang Manau ceremony held in Sinlum on March 24–25, 1945, commemorating the victory over fascist Japan. Additionally, he noted that at that time, the Kachin people were unaware that March 27 was recognised as Revolution Day against Fascist Japan in lower Myanmar.

The strategic military base on Sinlum Mountain, situated along the Bhamo-Lwegel Road in Kachin State and strongly fortified by the Myanmar military for over 60 years, was successfully seized by the KIA and allied forces at 7:00 a.m. on April 1, 2024.

3. Deputy Human Rights Minister U Aung Kyaw Moe says that military junta’s lies have no room in the current heightened Myanmar’s political landscape

During a recent interview with VOA Burmese, Deputy Minister for Human Rights U Aung Kyaw Moe emphasised that in the current heightened political landscape in Myanmar, there is no room for the lies of the military junta. He asserted, “Sham election of the junta is political exit lane for the junta. The people of Burma are not buying those consistent lies of junta. We have had an election in 2020 and have legal and legitimate parliamentary.”

Currently, the military junta is encountering setbacks across military, political, and diplomatic fronts, and it is gradually losing control over territories.

4. Dr. Miemie Winn Byrd met with Myanmar diaspora in Paris, France

Dr. Miemie Winn Byrd, a professor at the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (DKIAPCSS) and a renowned Burmese military expert and retired U.S. Army officer, engaged with the Myanmar diaspora in Paris, France, on March 31. The event was jointly organised by La Communauté Birmane de France and the NUG Representative Office in France.

Professor Dr. Miemie Winn Byrd is known for her active support of democratic endeavours in Myanmar.

5. Crackdown at Pyapon Prison in Ayeyarwady Region leaves at least 17, including political prisoners, injured

The Political Prisoners Network-Myanmar (PPNM) reported that on March 31, a crackdown on unrest at Pyapon Prison in Ayeyarwady Region resulted in injuries to 17 prisoners. According to the PPNM, military personnel arrived at the prison in military vehicles after gunfire was heard within the facility around 5:00 p.m. that day. Initial reports indicate that both political and non-political prisoners were among those injured.

Furthermore, the PPNM stated that parcels sent to prisoners were refused the following day, on April 1, and that soldiers and police forces remain stationed at Pyapon Prison, where political prisoners are being subjected to examinations.

6. Canadian screening of revolutionary artists’ omnibus film ‘Daring Flowers’ raises over 4,500 CAD

The screening of the revolutionary artists’ omnibus film “Daring Flowers” in Canada on March 30 raised over 4,500 CAD, with a significant audience in attendance. This follows a previous screening in Los Angeles, which generated over 36,000 USD.

“Daring Flowers,” produced by the Artists’ Shelter founded by Myanmar artists in exile, comprises four films: “Together,” “The Guilt,” “We Only Have Ourselves,” and “The Unknown Infinity.”

7. KIA occupies Sinlum strategic military bases on Bhamo-Lwegel Road in Kachin State

According to reports from Kachin military news sources, this morning at 7:00 a.m., the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and its allied forces successfully took control of strategic hill-based military bases situated at Sinlum Bum (Sinlum Mountain) along the Bhamo-Lwegel Road in Kachin State. The Sinlum strategic base served as a key military junta installation, was commanded by a light infantry division (LID) commander of the 21st Military Operation Command (MOC-21), and stands as the largest military junta base on the 47-mile stretch of hill road between Momauk and Lwegel.

The KIA and its allies initiated offensives against multiple military junta bases along the Bhamo-Lwegel Road on March 27, capturing several bases that day and the following day. They continued their offensive against the Sinlum base on March 29 and successfully seized it this morning after four days of fierce defence by the military junta, involving air strikes, ground artillery shelling, and rocket attacks. Additionally, reports suggest that the KIA shot down a military junta fighter aircraft during the offensive. Throughout the five-day offensive along the Bhamo-Lwegel Road, the KIA and its allies captured over 10 military junta bases.

Dr. Tu Hkawng, a Kachin ethnic Union Minister in the NUG Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, remarked on the liberation of the Manaw Ground, a symbol of victory over fascist Japan for the Kachin people. He recalled the historical significance of the Pandang Manau ceremony held in Sinlum on March 24–25, 1945, commemorating the victory over fascist Japan.

U Maw Htun Aung, a Chin ethnic Deputy Minister in the NUG Ministry of Electricity and Energy, also remarked on the capture of Sinlum Mountain, noting its historical importance as the “Education Capital” of the Kachin people and the site of the Pandang Manau celebration on March 23, 1945, marking the successful expulsion of fascist Japan from Myanmar.

Currently, the KIA has besieged Lwegel town and issued warnings for military junta forces to vacate the area.

Since the start of ongoing military efforts on March 7, 2024, the KIA and allied revolutionary forces have captured over 60 military junta bases, including strategic locations and battalion headquarters.

8. PDF forces counterattack after junta forces that burned villages in Kawlin, resulting in over 20 junta troops casualties

The People’s Defence Force (PDF) forces reportedly launched a joint counterattack against military junta troops responsible for torching civilian residences, monasteries, and schools in villages located in the western part of Kawlin, Sagaing Region. The operation was carried out at 5:30 a.m. on March 31, according to Kawlin District PDF Battalion 2, which stated that at least 20 junta troops were killed and many other of them were injured in the fierce fighting that lasted until 1:00 p.m.

Additionally, it was reported that eight members of the joint PDF forces were injured in the operation.

The operation was a collaborative effort involving the Kawlin District PDF Battalion 2, the Kanbalu District PDF Battalion 1, the Kawlin District People’s Defence Team, as well as Kawlin Zones 3, 5, and 6, along with revolutionary forces stationed in the Yinmabin District.

9. NMSP (AD) declares roadmap to establish Mon State in Federal Democratic Union

The New Mon State Party (Anti-Dictatorship), abbreviated as NMSP (AD), issued a statement on April 1 outlining its political vision, objectives, positions, and plans to establish a Mon State within a Federal Democratic Union, which would comprise federal units (states) that guarantee national equality and the rights to self-determination of all peoples.

Despite signing a ceasefire agreement with the previous military regime in 1995 and signing the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) again in 2018, NMSP-AD asserted that it failed to achieve the anticipated political outcomes. Additionally, it highlighted that the path for political dialogue was obstructed by the military coup on February 1, 2021. Consequently, the NMSP-AD released this statement to express its political positions and to collaborate with all revolutionary organisations sharing a similar political vision of a federal democratic union guaranteeing the right to self-determination.

The NMSP (AD) expressed its opposition to any attempt to resurrect the military regime’s 2008 Constitution and declared its refusal to engage in political dialogue based on the NCA, asserting that the military junta lacks the legitimacy to participate in any future political discourse.

10. Myeik PDF forces launch drone strike on military junta’s LIB-557 and LIB-558 in Tanintharyi township

The People’s Defence Force (PDF) units in Myeik District, Tanintharyi Region, executed a drone attack on the military junta’s 557th and 558th Light Infantry Battalions (LIB-557 and LIB-558) stationed in Tanintharyi township. During the operation, which took place between 11:30 p.m. on March 31 and 4:00 a.m. on April 1, eight grenades were deployed using drones. As a result, some structures within the two bases were reportedly damaged. The Myeik PDF stated that the extent of casualties among the military junta troops was still being investigated.

11. Warning issued to temporarily displaced residents returning to villages amid ongoing military junta advancement in Myaung township, Sagaing Region

On April 1, the local revolutionary force “Peacock Warriors” issued a warning advising displaced residents against hasty returns to their villages in Myaung township, Sagaing Region. They cautioned that despite the departure of military junta forces from some villages, including Thanat Kone village, they have left ambushes in place. Additionally, the military junta forces were reported to be approaching Kyauk Tan village at that time.

12. Special Operations Group (SOG) of the Southern Command of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) announces deadline for applications for new recruits

The Special Operation Group (SOG) of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) Southern Command has announced that applications for new recruits for the first batch will be accepted until 12:00 p.m. on April 5, 2024. The announcement emphasised the importance of applying promptly to avoid being subject to the military junta’s forced conscription law.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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