Morning Fresh News for 2024 March 14

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann urges to continue marching with full strength to achieve success until the end of the revolution

The extract of the Union Prime Minister’s speech delivered at the cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government (10/2024) was posted on the Prime Minister’s social media.

“All of us must share the successes achieved while fighting against the terrorist war council, as well as share the disasters we have encountered. We must continue marching with full force to achieve success until the end of the revolution,” the Union Minister said.

At present, the National Unity Government is following the federal charter and cooperating with the ethnic revolutionary forces in military and political matters.

On March 13, the meeting between the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions (11/2024) was held.

At the meeting, Union Minister for Labour U Nai Tun Pe @ U Nai Suwunna, a member of ILACC, gave an opening speech.

Following, officials from ministries explained the activities of relevant ministries, and then members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding policies, directions, activities, and challenges encountered on the ground.

Led by Union Minister U Nai Suwunna, the meeting was attended by Permanent Secretaries, Associate Secretaries, officials from ministries, and members of the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions.

In February 2024, NUG provided 350.2 million kyats of humanitarian aid.

On March 13, the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management of the National Unity Government issued a statement.

In February 2024, the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management of the National Unity Government disclosed that it had successfully delivered 350.2 million kyats in humanitarian aid to individuals in dire need during the revolution.

“Over the course of a month, the ministry allocated a total of 350.2 million kyats. This included 183 million kyats for emergency food assistance to 109,404 displaced people and war refugees, 38 million kyats for emergency humanitarian aid to 196 fallen heroes and 358 injured comrades in battles, 15.6 million kyats for emergency humanitarian aid to CDM employees, 2.6 million kyats for emergency humanitarian aid to political prisoners and their families, and 111 million kyats for general humanitarian aid,” it stated.

The ministry conveyed its admiration and appreciation for all individuals who actively participated in the revolution for over three years, only striving for its victory.

Union Minister for Human Rights U Aung Myo Min discussed the Myanmar issue in a meeting with Slovakia’s government department, parliament, academic organizations, and human rights groups.

The Minister of Human Rights added that, due to the discussion, activities in the parliament and civil society organizations will emerge.

Union Minister for Human Rights U Aung Myo Min announced on social media on March 13 that it is his true desire not to leave the bad legacy of history to the new generation.

“For 36 years, I have dedicated myself to advocating for human rights, starting from my school days, continuing onto the streets, and eventually into the forests. It all began when a passionate Yangon University student bravely spoke out against injustices, sparking movements across the nation. From peaceful protests to armed struggles and now leading the spring revolution, my life has been full. I don’t want to leave a legacy of bad history for the next generation. It is my sincere desire,” said the minister.

Furthermore, the minister stated that he found inspiration in a speech delivered by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi over the course of 36 years.

According to the data collected by the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), from March 1 to 13, 2024, (16) women and (27) men; (43) people in total, were killed by the junta across the country and (6) children who were under the age of 18 were included. Among (43) deaths, Sagaing Region records the highest number of fatalities with (14) victims and (21) people killed by the junta’s artillery strikes, recording the highest number of causes of deaths.

In addition, during the stated period, (2) women and (10) men; (12) people in total, have been arrested and are still detained by the junta across the country, with Mandalay Region recording the highest number of arrests with (4) people.

Led by the Dawei Democracy Movement Strike Committee (DDMSC), the Public Mobilization Sub-Committee, held a prayer ceremony to commemorate the 36th Ko Phone Maw Day in Launglon Township, Dawei District.

On the evening of March 13, a prayer meeting was conducted in remembrance of Ko Phone Maw, a student of Yangon University of Technology who lost his life. The agenda also included honoring the heroes of democracy who sacrificed during the March Uprising and petitioning for peace.

After that, the rural people who attended the prayer were shown video clips which will help to protect against the danger of air strikes and heavy weapons, including a video recording of the history of Phone Maw Day.

According to military sources, the KIA attacked the military council troops that had retreated from the Tamakhan military camp in Hpakant Township in Kachin State, killing 2 junta soldiers, including a major, and capturing 14 alive.

It is said that the junta soldiers were killed and arrested in the clash that broke out between the allied forces led by the KIA and the retreating military council troops in Seng Taung Village of Hpakant Township on March 12.

According to local news reports, the KIA and KPDF joint forces shot and captured the military council troops that fled from the Tamakhan camp and hid in the mountains behind the Seng Ngai Baptist Church.

In Seng Taung Village, there have been a series of clashes between the military council troops who fled the camp and the KIA-led allied forces.

The Tamakhan camp of the terrorist military council was attacked and captured by the allied forces led by the KIA from February 26 to March 9. In the attack, Lieutenant Colonel Thet Paing Tun, the commander of the LIB-119 in the Tamakhan camp, and troops retreated to Kathai Taung, but were killed in the clash with the KIA on March 10 in Kathai Taung.

In addition, the military council troops from the Tamakhan and Kathai Taung camps in Hpakant Township retreated again towards Seng Taung in the early morning of March 11 with 5 vehicles. As a result of KIA’s interception, cars were damaged, resulting in casualties and seizing weapons and ammunition.

On March 13, the Karen National Liberation Army – KNLA (headquarters) announced that LIB-355 based in Thin Gan Nyi Naung, Myawaddy Township, Karen State, was attacked and captured, resulting in casualties and seizing 140 weapons, including heavy weapons, and a large amount of ammunition.

Joint revolutionary forces, led by the KNLA Brigade 6 Column, launched an offensive against LIB-355 camp under the SaKaKha-12 (Military Operation Command-12), based in Thin Gan Nyi Naung, from the morning of March 7, and captured the camp completely at 6:45 p.m.

During the camp-capture battle, 6 military vehicles, 127 small arms, including RPG and NATO machine guns, 13 60-mm cannons and 81-mm motors, ammunition, related accessories, and military equipment were seized from the military council. There were also many casualties from the junta side, according to the statement by KNLA headquarters.

The joint forces led by the KNLA have been launching offensives since March 7 to capture and take control of Myawaddy. At present, LIB-355 in Thin Gan Nyi Naung has been captured, and the KNLA joint forces have already captured a police station and Hpalue military camp under the military council in Myawaddy Township.

It is reported that the junta column of about 400 forces that left from Twin Ma (Pyu) Village and Thayet Kan (Pyu) Village in Myaing Township was attacked by 21 5-point mine points.

Pakokku Township People’s Defense Force Battalion 2 (Young Force UG) informed that at 10:00 a.m. on March 11, they attacked the junta column of about 400 forces that left from Twin Ma (Pyu) Village and Thayet Kan (Pyu) Village in Myaing Township, Magway Division, with 21 5-point mines. In the attack, many junta soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee members were injured, and allied revolutionary forces were able to retreat safely.

The attack was cooperatively carried out by Pakokku People’s Defense Force Battalion 1 Company 1 (Galon Force). Company 4 (Setkyar Force), Wolf Guerrilla Force, Myaing Worriers, MRTF, Cobra, Young Force, Pakokku Township People’s Defense Force Battalion 2 (Black Cheetah), Super Fighter, MRDF, Pauk PaKaFa, Aya West Force, Kento Force, PKU Thurain, DMG Force, A Linn Tan Guerrilla Force, Earthquake People’s Defense Force, Kamma Coalition including KMDF, PDF Kamma, Pakokku District Battalion 10, and Pakokku Township People’s Defense Force 2(Young Force UG).

The PSLF/TNLA administrative department arrested drug dealers wearing camouflage pants similar to the PSLF/TNLA uniforms on March 10 in Kutkai Township, Brigade (5) Military Region, Ta’ang State.

Mar Naw (24 years old), a Kachin ethnic, was selling drugs while wearing camouflage pants similar to the uniform of the Ta’ang Army. Along with him, 4 drug dealers were arrested. These drug dealers were caught together with drugs, drug paraphernalia, and some weapons in the No. 5 Ward of Kutkai. The PSLF/TNLA administrative department detained them and will take action under the PSLF/TNLA anti-narcotics law.

During the military council regime, there were frequent robberies due to the proliferation of drug dealers and gambling houses in Kutkai.

After the Palaung State Liberation Front PSLF/TNLA has taken control of Kutkai, they are continuously arresting and prosecuting drug and gambling businesses.

On March 13, Yinmarbin local PDF confirmed that 4 civilians were killed due to the artillery shelling by the junta troops stationed at Shwe Taung Oo Pagoda Hill for 8 times into Si Laung Village in Yinmarbin Township.

“On March 13, at around 4:30 p.m., the junta troops fired 120-mm artillery shelling 8 times from the top of Shwe Taung Oo Pagoda Hill, where they were stationed, at Si Laung Village in Yinmarbin Township, Yinmarbin District, Sagaing Region, without a fight,” it stated.

It is reported that the artillery shelling fell into the village for 5 times, killing 4 civilians and injuring about 15. In addition, 4 cows were hit by artillery shelling, killing one and injuring the other 3. It was reported that residents and injured ones are scared and have fled to safety.

Due to the intense fighting between the People’s Defense Forces and the Military Council in Thabeikkyin Township, Mandalay Region, about 3,000 local people have fled the war and are facing food shortages.

From March 5 to 7, Ma Taung Village, Ma Gyi Kone Village, and Sin Hnyat Kone Village in Thabeikkyin Township were attacked by the military council army in two columns from Takaung, and clashes broke out with the local defense forces. Due to the fighting, about 3,000 local people from 5 nearby villages have fled to safety, said an official of the Thabeikkyin PaKaFa.

In addition, due to the ongoing fighting, the Singu-Thabeikkyin-Takaung Road has been blocked, causing food shortages for the people fleeing the war. Therefore, the official from Thabeikkyin PaKaFa urged the public to support the war refugees.

During the fighting, the military council carried out aerial bombardments and machine gun firings, and according to the statement of the No. (1) Military Region Command Office, a PDF comrade was fallen during the fighting.

It is reported that after the military council troops were attacked in Myingyan Township, Mandalay Division, they raided and burned down the villages and killed some of the residents.

On the morning of March 11, a car carrying the military council soldiers was attacked at eh exit of the town, killing 6 junta soldiers and seizing 6 weapons. After that, starting from the evening of March 11 until the morning of March 13, the military council troops raided and burned down the villages of Magyi Su, Thin Pyun, Sate Kone, Pyoe Kan, and Kan Swe.

The Myingyan Strike Committee stated that two elderly women were burned to death in the villages of Thin Pyun and Pyoe Kan due to the arsons of the military council troops, and a 70-year-old man named U Soe Tint was also shot dead at the exit of Thin Pyun Village.

In addition, the military council troops forced the shops and houses in the outskirts of Myingyan near the place where they were attacked to leave overnight on the night of March 11, and at least 6 drivers who were near the scene of the incident were also arrested, according to local residents.

  1. Union Prime Minister urges to continue marching with full strength to achieve success until the end of the revolution
  2. Union Minister U Nai Suwunna attended the meeting between the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions
  3. In February 2024, NUG provided 350.2 million kyats of humanitarian aid
  4. The Minister of Human Rights discussed the Myanmar issue in a meeting with Slovakia’s government department, parliament, academic organizations, and human rights groups
  5. The Minister of Human Rights said that it is a true desire not to pass on the bad legacy of history to the new generation
  6. A total of 43 women and men were killed by terrorist junta across the country, with the highest number of deaths in Sagaing with 14
  7. The memorial prayer ceremony for the 36th Ko Phone Maw Day was conducted in Launglon Township, Dawei District
  8. KIA chased down the military council troops fleeing from Tamakhan military camp, killing 2 junta soldiers, including a major, and capturing 14 alive
  9. SomLIB-355 in Thin Gan Nyi Naung was attacked, resulting in the casualties of junta soldiers and seizing 140 weapons and many ammunitione houses in the neighborhoods of Loikaw City were set on fire by the military council troops with incendiary bombs
  10. The junta column of about 400 forces that left from Twin Ma (Pyu) Village and Thayet Kan (Pyu) Village in Myaing Township was attacked by 21 5-point mines
  11. Drug dealers wearing camouflage uniforms similar to PSLF/TNLA uniforms were arrested in Kutkai
  12. The junta troops stationed at Shwe Taung Oo Pagoda Hill opened fire with 120-mm artillery shells 8 times into Si Laung Village in Yinmarbin Township, killing 4 civilians
  13. In Thabeikkyin Township, about 3,000 people are fleeing the war and facing food shortages
  14. After the military council troops being attacked in Myingyan, they burned down nearby villages and killed some local residents

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