Spring Revolution Local News – Mar 04 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. NUG issues warning against junta’s forced conscription in Rakhine State, urges vigilance against divisive tactics

On March 3, the National Unity Government (NUG) issued a statement addressing the military junta’s forced conscription in Rakhine State. This response comes in light of reports that the illegal military junta has begun unlawfully recruiting Rohingyas in Rakhine State under the guise of compulsory conscription laws.

The statement highlights that the military junta’s recruitment efforts, particularly amidst its military setbacks in Rakhine State, aim to perpetrate further human rights violations. These violations include coercing Rohingyas into enlistment to use them as human shields during clashes, threatening the lives and livelihoods of Rohingyas to safeguard the junta’s own interests and power, and fostering mistrust and religious conflicts among the diverse communities in Rakhine State.

The NUG calls upon ethnic groups to remain vigilant against deliberate acts of sabotage orchestrated by the military junta in Rakhine State, urging them to avoid actions that may disrupt peace and incite conflict between ethnic groups. The statement emphasised the importance of learning from past events and avoiding falling into the traps set by the military junta. Additionally, the statement advises vigilance against various subversive actions orchestrated by the military junta to maintain its grip on power, such as campaigns to destroy residential buildings and ethnic religious sites in certain areas of Rakhine State.

Furthermore, the NUG urges all citizens and revolutionary forces to intensify their involvement in the revolution and to cooperate closely with one another since true peace and security can only be achieved once the military dictatorship and the terrorist military junta are eliminated.

2. Deputy Minister U Maw Htun Aung urges unified action, stating victory in the Spring Revolution is inevitable

In a social media post on March 3, Deputy Minister U Maw Htun Aung emphasised the importance of unity in the ongoing struggle, affirming the inevitability of victory in the Spring Revolution. He asserted, “There has never been a more certain moment than now to achieve victory. For those fighting for national liberation, missing this opportunity could render future chances nearly impossible. Hence, when the opportunity arises, collective action is paramount. We must swiftly establish control over weapons, power, and finances. Moreover, we must take responsibility for addressing what needs to be fixed rather than remaining passive bystanders. Rather than being wrong, it is more wrong to sit and watch the wrong without fixing it.”

3. A local woman donates earrings to Ye Bhilu Force for revolutionary efforts

A resident of Mon State, belonging to the Mon ethnic group, generously contributed a pair of earrings to the Ye Bhilu Force, a significant revolutionary force based in Ye township of Mon State, for their use in necessary areas of the revolution. 

The leader and commander of the Ye Bhilu Force expressed heartfelt appreciation for the donation on March 3, stating, “This is a noble gesture. We extend our sincere gratitude to a sister from Mon State who donated her earrings, a cherished gift from her parents when she was just 13 years old, for our use in necessary areas.”

4. Arakan Army’s Deputy Commander-in-Chief affirms no ceasefire in Rakhine State

During an online press briefing today, Dr. Nyo Twan Awng, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Arakan Army (AA), reaffirmed that there is no ceasefire in Rakhine State. He clarified that there are ongoing discussions between the Northern Alliance and the military council under the Haigeng Agreement. Fighting has ceased in northern Shan State, but not in Rakhine State.

On October 7th, 2023, the Three Brotherhood Alliance (3BHA), also known as the Northern Alliance, which includes the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), and the Arakan Army (AA), initiated “Operation 1027” against junta positions in northern Shan State, capturing towns, military outposts, and key border crossings with China. The AA also launched offensives against junta bases in Rakhine State in mid-November 2023.

On January 10th and 11th, the Three Brotherhood Alliance engaged in Chinese-brokered discussions with the military council in Kunming, reportedly agreeing to a ceasefire in northern Shan State.

According to the AA’s announcement on March 2nd, offensives against military junta bases in Ponnagyun, Rathedaung, Buthidaung, and Maungdaw townships of Rakhine State continue without interruption. In Ponnagyun, the AA is escalating its offensive to capture the last remaining junta stronghold, the 550th Light Infantry Battalion.

5. Displacement of nearly 30 villages continues as junta’s infamous Ogre Column advances in Taze township following clash at Kan Htoo Ma police station 

According to reports, residents from approximately 30 villages, including Kan Htoo Ma village, in Taze township have been forced to flee due to the advancement of the military junta’s Ogre Column, infamous for butchering civilians, and junta-backed Pyu Saw Htee militia columns following a clash at the police station in Kan Htoo Ma village on the morning of February 21. Local news sources indicate that these residents have been displaced for the past 12 days.

During this period of displacement, the Taze Public Strike Force, with assistance from the Khin-U Youth Group, Depeyin Brotherhood Group, and Vikings Youth Group, has been providing food aid to those seeking refuge in safe locations. Additionally, local youth groups are actively working together to support displaced individuals.

6. Revolutionary forces besiege and counterattack rampaging junta forces in Khan Thar village, Kawlin township

Local defence forces in Kawlin township have resumed their offensives against junta forces. They initiated an attack on a strategic outpost located on Thifula Pagoda Hill near Kyauktan village on February 23. Despite facing heavy weapons fire and airstrikes from the junta, including the use of three fighter jets, the defence forces persisted in their efforts to capture the outpost. However, due to a lack of balance in weaponry and manpower, they ceased the offensive on February 27 after the junta reinforced their positions.

On March 2, according to a report from the Kawlin People’s Defence Force (KLPDF), the defence forces besieged and launched an attack on junta forces from the Thitfuhla outpost while they were rampaging in Khan Thar village, east of Thitfula pagoda hill. The clash continued until March 3, when the junta conducted airstrikes that reportedly destroyed the main building within the high school campus and five houses in the villages. Two members of the defence force sustained minor injuries during the confrontation.

The joint PDF forces had previously captured the town of Kawlin on November 6 last year. However, following a major counterattack by the junta in early February, the military regained control of the town in mid-February.

7. Junta-backed Pyu militia members surrender to local people’s defence team in Gangaw township, handing over their weapons

The Gangaw Township People’s Defence Team has revealed that members of the junta-backed Pyu Saw Htee militia in Gangaw Township are surrendering and seeking refuge with them. On November 24, 2023, three members from Win Wa village surrendered, bringing along three carbines and 450 rounds of carbine ammunition. Then, on December 3, 2023, two additional members from the same village surrendered, bringing with them a carbine, a shotgun, 200 rounds of carbine ammunition, and 59 rounds of 4.8mm ammunition. 

On March 3, 2024, the Gangaw Township People’s Defence Team reportedly rewarded these surrendering Pyu Saw Htee members, who also turned in their weapons, with 500,000 kyats each after conducting necessary examinations and investigations.

8. Local defence forces launch assault on junta forces in Myaung, confirming two fatalities, including junta sub-inspector

Reportedly, a coordinated attack was launched by joint defence forces on military junta positions in Myaing town around 8:00 a.m. on March 2. The Myaing Township People’s Defence Team confirmed their involvement in the operation, which lasted approximately one hour and resulted in the deaths of two junta members, including a sub-inspector. Additionally, two members of the junta-backed Pyu Saw Htee militia sustained severe injuries, while one member of the joint defence forces suffered minor injuries.

The operation was carried out jointly by the Myaing Township People’s Defence Team, six battalions of Pakokku District PDF (2nd, 6th, 7th, 14th, 15th, and 17th), as well as other defence forces such as the Pakokku Special Guerrilla Force (PSGF), All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF), PDA, PRF, Urban Yesagyo, Myingyan Drone Force, and King Cobra (Pakokku).

#Credit : Radio NUG


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