Spring Revolution Local News – Mar 03 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. Thai parliament holds Myanmar seminar despite junta’s objection

Thailand’s parliamentary members hosted a seminar on the political situation in Myanmar with representatives from the National Unity Government (NUG), the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC), and ethnic resistance organisations (EROs), despite the junta’s objection.

“What we are doing today is the first step in bringing a variety of stakeholders to talk to each other,” said Rangsiman Rome, head of the house committee organising the two-day seminar and MP from Thailand’s opposition Move Forward Party. “It will pave the way for a political solution for Myanmar that is peaceful and sustainable.” He is also the chairperson of the Standing Committee on National Security, Border Affairs, National Strategy and National Reform.

The seminar “Three Years After the Coup” organised from March 2 to 3 at the Thai parliament was attended by NUG representatives, including Foreign Affairs Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung and Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, senior figures from EROs, including the Karen Nation Union (KNU), representatives from the NUCC and UN Special Rapporteur Tom Andrews, and others, while representatives of the junta were not included.

A few days prior to the seminar, the junta’s Foreign Ministry said in a “secret” letter sent to the Thai Foreign Ministry that hosting the event at Parliament House would create “negative impacts on the existing friendly bilateral relations between Myanmar and Thailand,” according to a copy of the letter viewed by Reuters. The junta ministry asked “the Government of Thailand to relay Myanmar’s concerns on the said activity to the Parliament of Thailand and notify them not to carry out any activities that could hinder the ongoing cordial ties in the future,” it added.

Thai Foreign Minister Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara was scheduled to deliver a keynote speech at the seminar but cancelled at the last minute without any explanation. Consequently, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Padipat Suntiphada stepped in to address the opening ceremony on March 2, and the two-day seminar proceeded as planned, following the scheduled agendas, as reported by Thai news sources.

At the Thai parliament where the seminar is taking place, an art gallery depicting the plight of the Myanmar people is also being showcased.

2. NUG Federal Union Affairs Minister and President’s Office Spokesperson talk with Canadian Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs

On March 2, Dr. Lian Hmung Sakhong, Union Minister of Federal Union Affairs in the National Unity Government (NUG), and U Kyaw Zaw, Spokesperson for the President’s Office, held talks with Mr. Robert Oliphant, Canadian Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, in Ottawa, Canada. The discussions revolved around the current situation in Myanmar and Canada’s support for Myanmar’s affairs.

Parliamentary Secretary Oliphant also shared on social media, “Important discussions with #NUG representative Dr. Lian Sakhong on the situation in Myanmar. Canada’s support for democracy and inclusivity in Myanmar is unwavering.”

The meeting was attended by other officials from the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, alongside Parliamentary Secretary Oliphant.

Additionally, Mr. Adam Chambers, a Member of Parliament and Co-Chair of the Parliamentary Friends of a Democratic Burma, accompanied Union Minister Dr. Lian Hmung Sakhong and U Kyaw Zaw on a tour of the House of Commons Chamber of Canada.

3. ULA/AA warns junta’s conscription of Muslims poses significant threat to peaceful coexistence

In a statement issued on March 2, the United League of Arakan/Arakan Army (ULA/AA) expressed deep concern over the military junta’s compulsory conscription of Muslims residing peacefully in Rakhine State, citing it as a significant threat to the harmonious coexistence of Rakhine and Muslim communities in the region. The ULA highlighted the junta’s historical pattern of instigating ethnic and religious conflicts in Rakhine whenever faced with military or political setbacks, suggesting the current conscription is the same old divisive tactic. 

The ULA emphasised its efforts to promote harmony and peaceful coexistence among diverse ethnic and religious groups in Rakhine State, including efforts such as inclusive sporting events and festivals, involving locals in the administrative and judicial sectors, and providing equal care and assistance during health crises and natural disasters like the COVID-19 pandemic and Cyclone Mocha. The ULA asserted that these endeavours have yielded positive outcomes.

The ULA condemned the junta’s deceptive use of conscription laws to compel Muslims in Rakhine to enlist in the military, particularly at a time when progress has been made in inter-community relations. Such actions not only coerce civilians onto the “dead pit” battlefield but also undermine regional peace, stability, and development. Moreover, the ULA warned that the junta’s actions risk exacerbating long-term conflicts between Rakhine and Muslim communities, hindering the repatriation of Muslim refugees, and jeopardising the safety of investments by neighbouring countries such as China and India.

In light of these concerns, the ULA called on the international community, including ASEAN and the EU, to closely monitor the junta’s plans for forced conscription and take proactive measures to prevent them.

4. Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun meets with Myanmar ethnic community in Louisville, Kentucky, United States

Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, the Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the United Nations, had a community meeting with the Myanmar ethnic community residing in Louisville, Kentucky, United States, on the evening of March 2, local time. The meeting was attended by Deputy Mayor Ms. Nicole of Louisville, Mr. Steve, who is actively involved in Myanmar’s democracy efforts, representatives from religious congregations, and ethnic community leaders.

Discussions reportedly centred around various topics concerning Myanmar’s Spring Revolution. Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun also fielded inquiries from attendees during the session.

5. Dr. Tayzar San urges the revolutionary front, including NUG, to intensify and enhance effectiveness

In a recent social media post on March 2, Dr. Tayzar San, a prominent medical professional and pro-democracy activist from Mandalay who notably spearheaded the country’s initial anti-coup demonstrations, emphasised the need for increased and more effective efforts from the revolutionary front forces, including the National Unity Government (NUG). He highlighted that while the revolution is progressing, there is still untapped potential for further advancement. Dr. Tayzar San emphasised the importance of seizing the momentum of the revolution by intensifying efforts, likening it to the proverbial “striking the iron while it’s hot.”

Dr. Tayzar San noted concerns about certain revolutionary forces, such as the local defence teams, local administrative teams, local security teams, and the People’s Defence Force (PDF) affiliated with the NUG, as well as local defence forces (known as LDFs) that operate independently, observing a decline in adherence to codes of conduct and ethical standards. He stressed the need to address issues of discipline and morality promptly.

Additionally, Dr. Tayzar San identified that the weak chain of command (CoC) within the revolutionary armed forces, including the PDF, poses a significant challenge to the revolution and must be addressed urgently.

6. Local teams distribute food aid to internally displaced persons in Pale Township, Sagaing Region

According to a statement from the Pale Township People’s Administrative Team, the local administrative body affiliated with the National Unity Government (NUG), they recently conducted a visit to internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Pale Township. During this visit, they distributed food supplies donated by the NUG, local charitable organisations, and individual donors.

These local residents have been seeking refuge in the nearby jungles since February 18, following raids by military junta units in villages across Pale Township in Sagaing Region. These residents are in urgent need of assistance as they have been displaced from their homes. The military frequently conducts raids in these townships, conducting indiscriminate shootings, stealing civilian belongings, destroying properties, and committing indiscriminate violence and killings, prompting residents to flee and seek shelter in the jungles or nearby villages where there are no military forces present.

The local administrative team, along with humanitarian and security teams in Pale Township, have been reaching out to these displaced individuals in the jungles and nearby villages to distribute food aid to the IDPs.

Additionally, the township administrative team issued a warning to residents, advising them to avoid military columns as they are still advancing in Pale Township. Residents are urged not to return to their villages immediately after military columns depart, but rather to wait until local defence forces conduct checks and ensure that the area is clear of any potential threats.

7. Daring Flowers: A film screening in Los Angeles to raise funds for Myanmar revolution, showcasing four films by revolutionary artists

The LA NUG Supporter has announced that the four films produced by the Artists’ Shelter “Daring Flowers” will be showcased in Los Angeles on March 24 at the Performing Arts Center of Baldwin Park. Tickets for the screening can be acquired through agents, and breakfast will be available for purchase at the venue on the day of the event.

Four films produced by Myanmar artists actively involved in the revolution will soon be screened worldwide for the Myanmar people in various countries and to raise funds for the revolution. These screenings are organised by the Artists’ Shelter, a nonprofit organisation founded by Myanmar artists living in exile. The featured films are “Guilt,” directed by Director Na Gyi; “The Unknown Infinity,” directed by Director Mauk Kham Wah; “We Only Have Ourselves,” directed by Director Nyein Thit; and “Together,” directed by Director Saw Aye Htoo. The first world premiere will take place in Boston, United States, on March 16.

8. PDF ambushes junta convoy on Monywa-Budalin road: two killed, five injured

The Monywa District Battalion 20 of the People’s Defence Force (PDF), also known as the Battalion of Budalin (BOB), released a statement on March 2 detailing their engagement with a military junta convoy along the Monywa-Budalin road. The incident occurred on February 29 around 7:50 a.m. as junta troops, travelling in three civilian vehicles, were en route to escort a newly appointed strategic commander from the Northwest Military Command to the Budalin Police Station.

The BOB launched an ambush, resulting in a ten-minute exchange of gunfire. According to their report, two junta soldiers were killed, while five others sustained severe injuries. Consequently, the junta convoy was unable to proceed and retreated to the Budalin Police Station.

9. Arakan Army reaffirms ongoing offensives against junta bases in Rakhine State

In a statement issued on March 2, the Arakan Army (AA) declared that ongoing offensives persisted against military junta bases in Ponnagyun, Rathedaung, Buthidaung, and Maungdaw townships of Rakhine State, with no breaks in operations. The AA noted that in Ponnagyun, the military junta fiercely defended its final stronghold, the 550th Light Infantry Battalion, employing coordinated attacks from the army, navy, and air force.

Similarly, the AA stated it continued its offensive against the military junta’s Yan Aung Myin outpost in the northern Maungdaw township.

10. Joint PDF forces attack and occupy junta outpost in Dawei township, Tanintharyi Region

The Southern Military Region of the People’s Defence Forces (PDF), under the Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government, reported that on March 2, combined PDF forces initiated an assault on a military junta outpost near Yaung Maw village in Dawei township, located in Tanintharyi Region. The operation resulted in the successful occupation of the outpost, which was manned by 12 junta soldiers and members of the junta-supported Pyu Saw Htee militia. During the engagement, 12 of the junta personnel were reportedly killed, while others fled the scene. The PDF forces confiscated 12 firearms, ammunition, and recovered the bodies of the deceased junta members.

This mission was conducted jointly by Tanintharyi PDF Battalion 1 (T1 Zone), Tanintharyi PDF Battalion 2 (T5 Special Operations Forces), and the Tanintharyi People’s Defence Team (Cuckoo Column).

Subsequent to the engagement, the military junta responded by launching three airstrikes on the outpost area using a helicopter. Tragically, a member of Tanintharyi PDF Battalion 1 (T1 Zone) lost their life as a result.

The PDF Southern Military Region vowed that the revolutionary coalition in Tanintharyi Region would intensify attacks on military junta bases in the area.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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