Spring Revolution Local News – Mar 02 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. NUG Federal Union Affairs Minister and President’s Office Spokesperson talk with Canadian Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs

On March 2, Dr. Lian Hmung Sakhong, Union Minister of Federal Union Affairs in the National Unity Government (NUG), and U Kyaw Zaw, Spokesperson for the President’s Office, held talks with Mr. Robert Oliphant, Canadian Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, in Ottawa, Canada. The discussions revolved around the current situation in Myanmar and Canada’s support for Myanmar’s affairs.

Parliamentary Secretary Oliphant also shared on social media, “Important discussions with #NUG representative Dr. Lian Sakhong on the situation in Myanmar. Canada’s support for democracy and inclusivity in Myanmar is unwavering.”

The meeting was attended by other officials from the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, alongside Parliamentary Secretary Oliphant.

Additionally, Mr. Adam Chambers, a Member of Parliament and Co-Chair of the Parliamentary Friends of a Democratic Burma, accompanied Union Minister Dr. Lian Hmung Sakhong and U Kyaw Zaw on a tour of the House of Commons Chamber of Canada.

2. NUG ministers engage in town hall meeting with Myanmar community in Washington D.C. and neighbouring states

On March 1, in the afternoon Washington time, Daw Khin Ma Ma Myo, Union Minister of Commerce, along with U Moe Zaw, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, and U Min Zayar Oo, the Deputy Minister of Planning, Finance, and Investment, participated in a town hall meeting with the Myanmar community residing in Washington, D.C., as well as in the neighbouring states of Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania.

During the meeting, the ministers provided updates on the current activities of their respective ministries, discussed fundraising efforts, and elaborated on topics such as the Spring Development Bank (SDB), preparations for the transitional economy, financing and investment strategies for the federal system, and the management of natural resources. They also addressed queries from the attending members of the Myanmar community regarding taxation and border trade issues.

The Myanmar community expressed particular interest in the NUG ministers’ visits to the United States and the invitations extended to them for future visits.

3. NUG Human Rights Minister advises vigilance against military regime’s exploitation of religious and ethnic conflicts as political strategy

In a social media statement, Union Minister for Human Rights of the National Unity Government (NUG), U Aung Myo Min, emphasised the necessity of vigilance against the strategies employed by the terrorist military, which habitually instigate religious and ethnic conflicts as a means to navigate its political challenges. The Minister stressed not only the importance of staying alert to these tactics but also of actively preventing such conflicts and resisting those who provoke them.

At present, the military regime is promoting ethnic and religious animosity in various ethnic regions, aiming to sow division and hatred.

4. Dr. Tayzar San asserts military regime stands no chance of winning the people’s revolution

Dr. Tayzar San, a prominent medical professional and pro-democracy activist from Mandalay, who notably spearheaded the country’s initial anti-coup demonstrations, conveyed via a recent social media post on March 2 his profound reflections on the ongoing revolution. He stated that over the course of the revolution, spanning three years, he extensively interacted with various civilians, revolutionary groups, and alliance Ethnic Resistance Organisations (EROs). Drawing from these diverse experiences and insights, he emphasised a key conclusion about the ongoing revolution: that the terrorist military stands no chance of prevailing, regardless of whether they employ subtle or violent methods.

The National Unity Government declared the People’s Defensive War on September 7, 2021. By 2023, the military resistance had gained momentum, and the revolutionary forces had achieved significant victories, including successful city-captured battles towards the end of the year.

5. Myanmar citizens rally outside Thai Embassy in Washington D.C., call on Thai government to heed the voice of Myanmar people

On March 1, local time in Washington, D.C., Myanmar citizens held a protest outside the Thai Embassy, calling on the Thai government to listen to the voices of the Myanmar people and take heed of the situation in Myanmar. They also highlighted the war crimes perpetrated by the Myanmar military during the demonstration.

6. KNU 5th Brigade warns residents to oppose the military junta’s conscription law

The 5th Brigade of the Karen National Union (KNU), which oversees Hpapun District, also known as Mutraw District in Karen, released a statement on March 1, urging residents to oppose the military junta’s conscription law. The statement advised people not to support, encourage, or participate in the junta’s recruitment efforts and advised them to seek refuge if faced with forced recruitment.

Additionally, the statement encouraged residents to promptly inform officials in the nearest frontline area if they encounter difficulties. Residents were cautioned that failure to comply with the directive and involvement in junta conscription activities would result in being labeled as junta affiliates.

7. Military junta abandons police station in Kyauk Khwet village, Myaing township, Magway Region

In the morning of February 29, the military junta forces abandoned the police station located in Kyauk Khwet village, Myaing township, Magway Region. The station, situated in the vicinity of well no. 2 belonging to the Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE), was manned by approximately 30 personnel, comprising police, soldiers, and members of the junta-backed Pyu Saw Htee militia. After the departure of the junta forces, local revolutionary groups conducted clearance operations and subsequently burned down the station.

8. Revolutionary forces in Yangon launch IED attack on Zero Mile Toll-Gate in Hlegu, Yangon

Two guerrilla groups—the Yangon Army (YA) and the Western District Yangon People’s Defence Organisation—jointly executed a high-explosive remote-controlled IED attack on junta forces stationed at the zero-mile toll-gate in Hlegu township, within the Yangon Region. The incident occurred around 4:30 p.m. on March 1 and reportedly led to the deaths of six junta members.

Previously, the two guerrilla groups also carried out another IED attack on the headquarters office of the military-owned MYTEL telecommunication company in Dagon township on February 28.

The revolutionary forces advised the general public to avoid proximity to locations associated with the military junta and its forces, as they intend to persist in targeting the oppressive actions of the military junta, which have been causing hardship and distress to the public through various means.

9. Remote-controlled mine attack targets the military junta convoy on ChaungU-Monywa road

Area 71 PDF Monywa released a statement reporting a remote-controlled mine attack targeting a military junta convoy equipped with jammers early in the morning. The attack involved five clustered mines detonated near Myinmu township along the ChaungU-Monywa road, aimed at a convoy of four military vehicles transporting soldiers. The second vehicle in the convoy was hit by a mine, causing it to stop. Subsequently, soldiers aboard the vehicles engaged in indiscriminate firing.

However, members of the revolutionary forces managed to retreat unharmed from the scene.

The operation was a joint effort by the Area 71 PDF Monywa and the ANYA DEFENCE FORCE.

Recently, the production camp of the Area 71 PDF Monywa was raided by the military junta forces on February 28, and material, including weapons and ammunition worth about 8 million kyats, was burned and destroyed.

10. Civilian wounded and destruction of multiple buildings and a village clinic caused by military junta’s artillery and airstrikes in KNU-controlled territory in Bago Region

According to a statement released by the headquarters of the Karen National Union (KNU), between February 24 and 29, the military junta carried out a total of 36 aerial assaults, utilising helicopters and drones, and launched a total of 303 artillery shells, including using howitzers and cannons, from its ground bases located in Kyaukkyi (Ler Doh) township within Nyaunglebin (Kler Lwee Htoo) District, an area under the control of the KNU in Eastern Bago Region.

These attacks resulted in the death of a 45-year-old junta lackey from Zayat Khin village, as well as injuries sustained by 13 civilians and five members of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) stationed at Kyuntaw camp. Additionally, civilian residences in various villages in the vicinity and a village clinic in Kanyin Kyoe village were also damaged as a result of the attacks.

11. Thayarwaddy District PDF celebrates the graduation of second-batch comrades from basic military training

The graduation ceremony for Squadron 2 (Phoenix DF) of Battalion 3801 in Thayarwaddy District, No. 2 Military Command, Southern Military Command, People’s Defence Force (PDF) under the Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government was held in a liberated area in the Bago Range, Western Bago Region, on February 28. The event featured a speech by the commander of Battalion 3801, and photographic records captured Squadron Commander Bo Moe Gyo and other leaders presenting awards to outstanding comrades.

Additionally, on December 6 of the previous year, Squadron 3 (Black Dragon GBK PDF) of Battalion 3801 successfully completed refresher training for its comrades.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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