Summary of News

1. Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung highlights military junta’s unprecedented losses at Munich Security Conference

During the Munich Security Conference 2024 (MSC 2024), held from February 16 to 18 in Munich, Germany, Daw Zin Mar Aung, the Union Minister of Foreign Affairs of the National Unity Government (NUG), participated in a panel discussion titled “Rebel With a Cause: Voice of Civil Resistance.” At the discussion, Union Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung underscored that the military junta has been experiencing unprecedented setbacks in its history, while revolutionary forces are making significant progress on the ground.

The panel discussion, moderated by Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State of the United States, took place during the nightcap session on the second day of the MSC 2024 conference. Other contributors to the panel included Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, opposition leader of Belarus; Masih Alinejad, an activist from Iran and President of the World Liberty Congress; and Maria Ressa, Nobel Prize laureate and Chief Executive Officer of Rappler.

2. Deputy Human Rights Minister U Aung Kyaw Moe asserts liberation for Rohingya Hinges on eradicating common enemy, the military dictator

On February 18, U Aung Kyaw Moe, Deputy Minister for Human Rights within the National Unity Government (NUG), urged the Rohingya community through a Facebook post to unite in efforts to eradicate the military dictator. This statement was made in response to reports indicating that the military junta had summoned Rohingya leaders to a meeting with the intention of arming them.

Deputy Minister U Aung Kyaw Moe stated, “Rohingya collectively need to reject the junta proposal to take arms against AA, and we must be politically wise not to fall into the trap of a brutal military.”

He then continued, “Our collective interests should be to end the military dictatorship in Arakan and the whole of Myanmar once and for all. Rohingya must come together in this critical situation to stand firmly on the right side of history and work in creating stepping stones for reconciliation and dialogue at the political level, ensuring equality, justice, and prosperity for everyone.”

In Rakhine State (Arakan State), the military junta had perpetrated numerous atrocities, including the torching of over 380 villages within days, the forced displacement of over 700,000 Rohingya prior to the coup, and the killing of tens of thousands of people.

3. Ministry of Human Rights reveals details of massacre of civilians by military junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee militia from Myauk Khin Yan village, Magway Region

The Ministry of Human Rights under the National Unity Government (NUG) has released details regarding the massacre of seven civilians from Thintaw village and the murder of three others by military junta troops and the Pyu Saw Htee militia from Myauk Khin Yan Village, situated in Gangaw Township, Magway Region.

Myauk Khin Yan village is a Pyu Saw Htee village and is situated just one mile north of Thintaw village, where the incident occurred. Adjacent to Thintaw village is Shwebo village.

The incident took place when a military junta column comprising a total of 200 soldiers and the Pyu Saw Htee militia from Myauk Khin Yan village launched a raid on Thintaw village and Shwebo village at 6:00 a.m. on February 14. During this operation, the military column brutally massacred seven civilians from Thintaw village after apprehending them within the village. Furthermore, they fatally shot two civilians from Shwebo village and one internally displaced person from Kan Toe village. Additionally, they set fire to houses in both Thintaw and Shwebo villages and looted civilian possessions, loading them onto their vehicles.

The Ministry of Human Rights has affirmed its commitment to holding the terrorist military and its affiliates accountable for their crimes, and it vows to pursue all avenues to ensure equality, peace, and justice for the people of Myanmar.

4. Changwon gathering commemorating 3rd anniversary of Myanmar Spring Revolution includes discussions on NUG and military council’s current status

The KTJ Supporting Group Korea Team said that it had participated in discussions regarding the present condition of both the NUG and the military council during an event commemorating the 3rd anniversary of the Spring Revolution held in Changwon, Gyeongnam, South Korea, on February 18.

The discussions covered various topics, including the current state of affairs concerning the military council and the NUG, as well as the prevailing situations in different states and regions. Additionally, collaborative efforts to support the revolution, such as organising demonstrations and conducting fundraising activities, were discussed. Furthermore, issues related to passports, visas, asylum, and other relevant matters were addressed.

5. Two women suffocate to death while queuing at Mandalay passport office

Two women tragically lost their lives as a result of suffocation while waiting in line at the Mandalay passport office. The incident occurred around 2:30 a.m. outside the passport office situated on No. 12 Street, Aungmyay Thazan Township, Mandalay, on February 19, according to the Nan Taw Shae Rescue Team.

During the incident, three women were rushed to Mandalay General Hospital due to unconsciousness after being suffocated in the crowd. Regrettably, two of them were pronounced dead, while the third woman, aged 53, is currently undergoing medical treatment with no life-threatening condition, as confirmed by the rescue team. The two deceased women were aged 52 and 39, respectively.

The surge in applications for passports and visas to travel abroad followed after the junta leader announced the enforcement of the compulsory military service law, initially enacted in 2010 by a previous military regime.

6. Over 150 houses burned down in Ramree in a single day due to coordinated airstrikes and naval attacks by junta forces

The Arakan Army (AA) said that military junta forces carried out over a hundred coordinated airstrikes and naval attacks on Ramree (Yanbye) Town within a single day on February 17, completely demolishing the town. Consequently, more than 150 houses in No. 4 ward (Kinn Tae Ward) of Ramree were destroyed in flames.

Furthermore, on February 18 at noon, a military outpost stationed on Thein Taung Pagoda hill near Ramree Town fired two rounds of artillery shells at Ramree Town.

7. Military junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee militia shoot dead a villager, injure two others in indiscriminate firing at Na Bu Taw Village, Yinmabin Township

Reportedly, on the morning of February 18, a joint contingent comprising military junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee militia from Bant Bwe village in Yinmabin Township conducted a raid on Na Bu Taw village while the residents were preparing for a funeral. During the incursion, they shot and killed U Thaung Khaing, a manual labourer who happened to be present at the time. Additionally, two other villagers were reportedly injured as a result of indiscriminate shootings in the village.

According to reports, the junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee militia also looted beer packages from the village market and confiscated a guitar.

8. Revolutionary forces successfully attack armoury of junta-backed militia in Shwebo

On February 18, the Shwebo Arr Mann Urban Guerrilla Force reported a successful attack on the armoury belonging to the junta-backed Pyu Saw Htee militia in Pan Yan village, located in Shwebo Township, Sagaing Region. The operation involved the dropping of 9 grenades using drones, directly hitting the centre of the armoury and causing significant destruction and burning.

This attack was reportedly prompted by civilian reports stating that Pyu Saw Htee leader Aung Kyaw and his associates from Pan Yan village were involved in the arrest and killing of civilians, as well as the abduction and theft of civilian belongings.

The operation was jointly conducted by the Shwebo Arr Mann Urban Guerrilla Force, Shwebo Crocodile, Shwebo Township People’s Security Team, and other local defence forces.

9. Mine attack targets military junta troops from Kyauk Yit Village, Myaung Township

On February 18, the Myaung Union Army (MUA) declared that they had executed a mine attack against approximately 40 military junta troops entering Sin Min village. These troops were stationed in Kyauk Yit village, Myaung Township, Sagaing Region.

The MUA mentioned that the specifics regarding the extent of damage on the military junta side are still under investigation. 

#Credit : Radio NUG


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