Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2024 February 9

Organized by the CDM Success Committee of the Government of National Unity, the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) frontline of the Spring Revolution celebrated its 3rd anniversary on February 8, with the participation of CDMers and comrades of the revolution.

Acting President Duwa Lashi La and Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, Union Ministers and Deputy Ministers attended the ceremony and delivered speeches.

At the ceremony, the Acting President said, “Just like replacing mud bricks with stone bricks, we must wash away the bad character and tendencies of the old system and lead a new society. In order to build this, it is necessary to wipe out the ideologies that will support the military dictatorship once and for all. I believe that the essence of non-violent civil disobedience represents the essence of rejecting injustice and not encouraging and supporting oppression. Therefore, in the new federal democratic country that we will build for the new future, it is especially necessary for us to put an end to the ideas that will reborn the authoritarian system.”

In addition, the Acting President said that there is a special need for good public servants who are fully involved in the CDM movement for a new federal democratic country.

Furthermore, the Acting President emphasized the crucial necessity for dedicated public servants who are deeply committed to the CDM movement in order to help shape a new federal democratic union that will be built for a new future.

Continuing, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said, “The CDM civil servants will be a major pillar of the People’s Spring Revolution and will also be a major driving force in the reconstruction of the country, so they must be prepared to resume their duties alongside the federal government and federal unit governments.”

Then Kyaw Thet Lin, the presenter of Myanma Radio and Televation, actor Paing Phyo Thu, actor Chit Thu Wai, singer Lin Lin, singer Tu Tu, singer Phyu Phyu Kyaw Thein, and Dr. Phio Thiha gave words of encouragement to the CDM staff.

The Union Prime Minister said this at the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) Meeting No. (5/2024) held on February 8.

“As officials, establishing a common understanding with grassroots revolution groups is crucial as our top priority in combating the terrorist military junta, in thwarting their operational mechanisms and preventing its members from infiltrating our territories. Misaligned fundamental beliefs can lead to workplace discord. Only when our revolutionary principles align can we identify the most critical aspects of the situation. The military pressure is the most efficient method to assert control over and safeguard acquired territories, so I would like to urge all to back and fortify the defense forces,” the Union Prime Minister said.

Following, attending members of the ILACC explained the completion status of the activities discussed at the meeting (4/2024), future plans and processes that needed to proceed, and the relevant officials discussed them extensively.

Led by Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, Union Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Associate Permanent Secretaries and officials from ministries attended the meeting.

NUG Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung warned on social media that Misinformation- disinformation are spreading intentionally.

“Let me inform the public and revolutionaries that misinformation-disinformation are being spread on purpose. If you ponder who does misinformation-disinformation intentionally and systematically and who and what group initiates it, you will uncover it,” said the Minister.

The lobbies of the terrorist military council are using photos of the NUG Foreign Minister to promote fake news suggesting that she intends to meet with the military council.

The Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) stated that it was able to support 5,955 CDM employees in a statement to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of the Civil Disobedience Movement – CDM on February 8.

The Public Affairs Committee of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) said that it is working to support CDM employees and the remaining families of CDM heroes who died in the Spring Revolution.

“The CDM civil servants are eligible for emergency assistance, including maternity expenses, emergency medical treatment costs, housing relocation, and support for difficult livelihood situations when dependent solely on CDM employee income or in case of house burning. Maternity and emergency medical expenses are prioritized, and a total of 5,955 CDM employees have received assistance from February 2021 onwards,” it stated.

Human Rights Minister U Aung Myo Min said this during the live broadcast of the joint press conference on the targeted attack on schools in Demoso Township held on February 8.

“We have been calling for the issue of jet fuel for a long time. We have called for many countries, like the European Union and Korea. But there are still leaks. Globally, some countries have sanctioned it, and some have not, but are still selling it illegally. So, the sanction on the import of jet fuel to the terrorist junta has not succeeded yet. Therefore, what we are asking now is to jointly prevent the importing of jet fuel into the hands of the terrorist junta, regardless of whether the country sells it or not,” the minister said.

Currently, Myanmar has not received anti-aircraft aid from any country, but the minister has asked again for air defense technology assistance.

The PSLF/TNLA News and Information Department announced on February 8 that more than 600 local people attended women’s empowerment training courses in three townships in northern Shan State.

It is known that the Women’s Development Department of the Palaung State Liberation Front PSLF/TNLA conducted women’s empowerment training courses in 19 villages in 3 townships in January.

The Women Empowerment Program Team of PSLF/TNLA’s Women’s Development Department said that they have provided more than 600 local residents from 19 villages in Namhkam, Namhsan, and Mongngawt townships with awareness activities related to the elimination of domestic violence and women’s empowerment.

These trainings were opened in Thapon Village in Namhkam Township, 7 villages in Namhsan Township, and 11 villages in Mongngawt Township. In addition to knowledge on eliminating domestic violence, women and drugs, women and health, women and education, women and business, women and family planning, and women’s rights were imparted.

It is also reported that monthly field trips are being conducted with the aim of ensuring women’s full rights, eliminating domestic violence, and improving the health and education of women and children in Ta’ang State.

PSLF/TNLA’s women’s development department is organized into 3 action plans: the process of reducing violence against women, the women’s capacity building and mobilization process, and the domestic and income flow process.

On February 8, the Interim Executive Council of the Karenni State issued a statement urging international organizations such as the United Nations and neighboring countries to investigate and punish the perpetrators of these war crimes in international military tribunals and to continue to provide effective assistance to the civilian women and children who suffered. The official statement is as follows:

Statement on the arrest and killing of civilians, by the military junta, in Shadaw Township, Karenni State

In the evening of 4 February 2024, about 60 soldiers of 249th Infantry Battalion of the military junta based in Mong Ping, Taunggyi township arrested three families who were fleeing the war in a cultivation field in Shadaw Township and took them as guides and human shields. Then, they brutally murdered a total of 8 civilians including 3 women, one of whom was pregnant, 4 children, 1 unborn baby and a man around 8 am on 5 February 2024.

On the same day, the terrorist military council also carried out airstrikes and shelling in Daw See Ei village and Loi Nang Hpa village in Demoso township, killing 4 innocent school children and 1 male IDP so a total of 5 were killed.

The above tragedies are the deliberate targeting of civilians are human rights violations and war crimes of the military junta so we condemn them strongly.

To put an end to the continuous perpetration of such horrible human rights violations, we urge and request international organizations such as the United Nations and neighboring countries to investigate and punish the perpetrators of these war crimes in international military tribunals and to continue to provide effective assistance to the civilian women and children who suffered.

We announce that we will implement justice to the bereaved families who have encountered such tragedies and to the innocent children, women and civilians who were harmed and killed and will bring an end to the military dictator and all dictators.

Interim Executive Council

Karenni State

12 political prisoners have been released from Loikaw Prison, Karenni State, Political Prisoners Network – Myanmar (PPNM) announced on February 8.

It is reported that the prison authorities released the political prisoners on February 5 after the Political Prisoners Network – Myanmar (PPNM) and the Karenni Political Prisoners Association (KPPA) issued a statement on February 3 regarding the continued arrest of these political prisoners, although they have served their prison terms.

It is reported that 12 political prisoners who have already completed their prison terms, were released along with 53 other prisoners from Loikaw Prison on February 5.

Although the political prisoners who have completed their prison sentences have been released, those who remain in the Loikaw prison face insufficient food and health care, according to a PPNM statement.

It is also reported that the prisoners inside Loikaw Prison are being fed only raw rice and fish paste every day, and since December 16, 2023, they have been locked in their cells and are facing health problems such as physical disability.

Therefore, the Political Prisoners Network – Myanmar (PPNM) is calling for all political prisoners, including those who have been unjustly incarcerated, to be provided with adequate food and medical care.

The revolutionary joint forces shot at a military council helicopter in Kanbalu Township, Sagaing Division, hitting it and causing it to turn back in billowing smoke.

At around 2:30 in the afternoon on February 8, a military council helicopter that came to bomb in the Chat Thin Village battle was fired back with point 5, said a PaKaFa member of Kanbalu Township.

“On February 7, at around 5:00 p.m., the revolutionary joint forces launched an offensive attack on Chat Thin Village, Kanbalu Township, where the military council and Pyu Saw Htee were stationed, and the military council responded with the help of airstrikes,” according to a local.

The local continued, “The aircrafts of the military council bombed twice in the night of the 7th, twice in the morning of the 8th, and once in the afternoon. The last plane that came to drop bombs turned back in smoke.”

It is said that the military council helicopter emitted smoke and returned to Kyun Hla, south of Chat Thin Village, but it has not yet been confirmed the crush.

As per the joint forces, the assault on the base camp in Chat Thin (Pyu) Village, Kanbalu Township is ongoing, with significant backing from heavy weapons and consistent air support provided by the military council.

On February 8, the military news was confirmed by the Force for Federal Democracy.

“On February 8 in Karenni, the FFD drone force, along with allied forces such as the Karenni National People’s Liberation Front (KNPLF), Bawlakhe PDF forces, and the Karenni revolutionary joint forces, attacked and captured the Military Council’s 12-mile hill camp,” it stated.

From February 5 to February 8, the FFD Drone Force dropped a total of 45 bombs with drones.

According to the ground sources, a variety of weapons, small arms and explosives were seized, and the casualties of the military council have not been confirmed. The FFD Drone Force is also engaged in military operations with allied forces in Hsihseng.

Thu Rain TR announced that they used Fixer Wing Drones and dropped bombs on the 100-strong military council column that came out of Myaing Town, Pakokku District, Magway Division.

On February 7, when a military council column of more than 100 soldiers from Myaing was invading the village of Paukpyin, the people’s defense forces used fixed-wing drones and dropped 12 bombs.

It is said that the bomb attack took place from about 8:00 a.m. to about 4:00 p.m., and the explosion hit the area where the military council soldiers were stationed, causing critical injuries to 2 soldiers.

The attack was carried out jointly by the Thu Rain TR unit and Pakokku Township People’s Defense Force Battalion 2.

Also, the Myaing Township People’s Defense Force, together with the allied forces, conducted the drone operation on the military council forces near Kandaw Village in Pakokku Township from February 2 to 7, injuring many military council soldiers.

According to PDF Battalion (3501) Company 4, based in Yedashe Township, Bago Division, after a battle with the people’s defense force, the military council troops arrested more than 20 local residents and burned down the entire village.

On February 7, a battle broke out when the revolutionary joint forces attacked about 60-strong military council troops stationed at the Thaphan Zin Village, west bank of the Sittaung River, once at 11:30 in the afternoon, and once at 11:30 at night, with snipers and 40 mm heavy artillery shells.

During the battle, the military council troops suffered casualties, so they opened fire on the villages on the east bank of the river where the battle did not take place. They torched the entire village of Thaphan Zin, and abducted more than 20 local residents as human shields.

The attack was carried out jointly by the People’s Defense Force Battalion (3501) Company 4, Nay Pyi Taw PDF, Pawani Column and Kiku Column.

As the fighting between the two armies is still ongoing, PDF joint forces have appealed to local residents not to travel and live in areas close to the military council troops.

On February 8, the Spring Warriors Column officially released that they were able to raid the base camps of the military council, including IB-73, and the Zayatkyi police station in Zayatkyi, Htantabin Township, Bago Region, but civilians were killed due to the military council’s airstrikes.

“We were able to raid the base camps of the military council, including IB-73 and the Zayatkyi police station in Zayatkyi, Htantabin Township, Bago Region, but the military council used air force to attack. Civilians were affected by the airstrikes, and a child’s mother lost her life,” it stated.

In addition, a 1-year-old child was also injured, and it is said that there is a possibility of increasing death tolls due to the air strike.

According to the current situation, it is said to be in a difficult situation to take over the town of Zayatkyi.

  1. Organized by the CDM Success Committee of the National Unity Government, a ceremony was held to mark the 3rd anniversary of the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM), the frontline of the Spring Revolution
  2. The Union Prime Minister said that military pressure is the most effective way to gain control over the territories and to maintain the territories that have been obtained
  3. NUG Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung warned that Misinformation- disinformation are being spread on purpose
  4. The Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) announced that it was able to support 5,955 CDM employees
  5. Calling on the international community to prevent the importing of jet fuel into the hands of terrorist junta
  6. Women’s empowerment training courses opened in 3 townships in the Northern Shan region
  7. The IEC urged international organizations to investigate and punish the perpetrators of these war crimes in international military tribunals
  8. 12 political prisoners were released from Loikaw Prison
  9. A military council helicopter was shot in Kanbalu Township
  10. The 12-mile hill camp of the military council in Karenni was attacked and captured by the Karenni revolutionary forces together with the allied forces
  11. A drone attack on a military council column of over 100 soldiers that came out of Myaing
  12. After a fight with the PDF in Yedashe Township, the military council troops arrested more than 20 local residents and burned the entire village to the ground
  13. Revolutionary forces raided IB-73, police station, and military camps in Zayatkyi, Htantabin Township, Bago Region, and the military council launched airstrikes, which resulted in civilian casualties 

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