Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2024 February 8

The National Unity Government has sent a message for the 77th Shan National Day (Shan State Day) which falls on February 7.

The message states that all the ethnic people in Shan State should be healthy, happy, safe, and secure, and that the new federal democratic union country with full guarantee of the right to self-determination, which all the people long for, can be vigorously built.

The message continued, “Today is the moment when people of all ethnicities come together to combat the tyrannical military junta that tried to seize power from the people by using weapons and unjustly, and they are trying their best to end the military dictatorship.

We are urging all members of the ethnic communities, including ethnic revolutionary leaders and political parties in Shan State, to unite with the entire nation in the effort to eliminate the Terrorist War Council and collaborate towards the realization of democracy, human rights, equality, and the formation of a federal union.”

On February 7, the Ministry of Human Rights released detailed information on the terrorist military council’s targeted aerial bombing of schools in Dawsiei Village and Loi Nan Fa Village in the western part of Demoso Township.

On February 5, 2024, at around 10:15 a.m., the terrorist military council bombed Dawsiei Village and Loi Nan Fa Village in the western part of Demoso Township, Karenni State, with fighter jets.

In addition, terrorist military council troops stationed on the Loikaw side fired at least 6 times with 120 mm heavy artillery shells towards the schools’ location.

As a result of the attack, 5 people, including 4 children between the ages of 11 and 13, were killed, and 36 people were injured.

The Ministry of Human Rights announced that they are firmly committed to achieving equality, peace, and justice for all people and will do their utmost to punish the crimes committed by the terrorist military council.

On February 7, the meeting between the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions (6/2024) was held. At the meeting, Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment, who is a member of ILACC, gave an opening speech.

Following, officials from ministries explained the activities of relevant ministries, and then members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding policies, directions, activities, and challenges encountered on the ground.

The meeting was attended by Permanent Secretaries, Associate Secretaries, officials from ministries, and members of the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions.

Deputy Minister of Human Rights Khun Baham Htan said that the common agreement between the NUG and the ethnic armed EROs could bring a lot of momentum to the revolution.

“When it comes to discussing the military aspect, I find that forming a military alliance is crucial. Essentially, I believe that establishing a political and military alliance between the NUG and the EROs holds immense potential for advancing and transforming this revolution. Amidst the revolutionary crisis, a political agreement between the NUG and the ethnically armed EROs, centered on the principles of self-determination and shaping one’s own future, has the power to drive significant progress within this movement. This aligns with our vision of creating a future federal democratic union, indicating a promising political landscape ahead,” the Deputy Minister said.

Currently, the National Unity Government is proceeding according to the federal charter and is cooperating with the ethnic revolutionary forces in military and political matters.

The Political Prisoners Network – Myanmar (PPNM) announced that political prisoner Ma Yin Moe died of kidney disease because she was not allowed to receive medical treatment in Obo Prison in Mandalay.

On February 4, 35-year-old political prisoner Ma Yin Moe died of kidney disease.

It stated that she died because she did not receive timely awareness of her kidney disease while in prison, lacked proper medical facilities during her illness, and the military junta denied her full-time medical treatment on the grounds of security concerns, despite being transferred to an outside hospital.

“Due to security reasons, she was taken back to the prison while she was in need of a blood transfusion. Despite the prison authorities being aware of her kidney disease requiring dialysis in the hospital, they did not inform her about the condition. It was only during the late stages of the disease that she became aware of it. Sadly, she passed away while being transported between the hospital and the prison for security reasons. We urge to provide access to external medical care and proper healthcare within the prison,” stated Ko Thike Tun Oo from PPNM.

Ma Yin Moe was arrested in March 2021 and was unjustly sentenced to 6 years in prison.

According to the list compiled by PPNM, 5 political prisoners died during the first week of January and February 2024 due to insufficient medical treatment.

According to the Ba Htoo Army, on February 5th, revolutionary forces attacked and occupied the military council’s camp in Mae Wei Mountain, Dawei Township, Tanintharyi Division.

The camp on Mae Wai Mountain is adjacent to the No. (8) Operation Command Headquarters, No. (401) Light Infantry Battalion, and No. (402) Light Infantry Battalion in Thapyay Chaung Village.

Although they were able to capture the camp, they retreated without burning it down because it was located in a religious area. During the battle, three small arms, ammunition boxes, and ammunition were seized from the military council.

The attack was carried out jointly by the Ba Htoo Army (BHA) and the Dawei Collective Column (DCC).

In addition, in 2024, the military council troops will be attacked with increasing military activities, so the people are warned to live with military awareness and to strictly follow the notifications issued by the PDF groups.

The Pa-O National Liberation Army – PNLA announced on February 7 that 8 military council soldiers were killed and 2 captured alive in a battle that took place north of Hsihseng in the Pa-O Autonomous Region in Southern Shan State.

On January 6, PNLA forces who were conducting local security were ambushed by the military council troops and their associates. It is said that during the battle, the military council soldiers escaped into Lwe Put Village. After that, the military council soldiers forcibly took the vehicles of the local people and fled, so the PNLA cordoned off and captured 2 militiamen alive.

PNLA also stated that in a battle with the military council soldiers in a place north of Hsihseng, they seized 6 corpses of soldiers and 5 guns. In addition to this, when the military council troops came to draw water near LIB-423, they stepped on landmines they had previously planted, resulting in 2 deaths and 6 injuries.

The terrorist military council has been continuously launching heavy weapons and airstrikes on Hsihseng, held by the Pa-O National Liberation Army (PNLA). The PNLA reported that the military council is regarding the towns and villages they previously held as military objectives and causing destruction to them.

On February 7, Ye Bhilu confirmed that 4 Pyu Saw Htee members were killed in an attack on the Pyu Saw Htee group that was bullying the people in Shwe Pyi Thar Village of Ye Township, Mon State.

“We attacked them on February 7, at 3:30 p.m. Four members were killed. They ran away with the weapons. Now the injured and the bodies are at the Ye hospital,” it stated.

They attacked a group of Pyu Saw Htee in Shwe Pyi Thar Village, Ye Township, Mon State, who seized rubber farms and stole public motorcycles, and in the process, 2 motorcycles were seized.

Bamar People’s Liberation Army (BPLA) leader Maung Saungkha said on social media that the BPLA is recruiting a battalion of recruits for Batch 6.

“If you feel grievance, you may join hands in the recruiting of BPLA for a battalion of new recruits for Batch 6 to fight back for rooting out of them. We can come to pick you up if you are from Thailand. You can directly contact the Bamar People’s Liberation Army – BPLA Page for inquiries.”

There are 5 requirements for each BPLA trainee: they must be in (special) good health, able to withstand hardship, able to cut ties with family, relatives, and loved ones, between the ages of 18 and 30, and able to serve in the army until the fall of the dictator.

It is reported that the terrorist military council troops shot dead 3 women, including a pregnant woman, and 3 children, fleeing the war.

On the morning of February 5, the military council troops that were launching an offensive at Shadaw Township in Karenni State killed women and children fleeing the war.

“These days, unpleasant things continue to happen. 4 children were cut to pieces when a school was bombed. 2 revolutionary comrades were burned alive. Pregnant women and 3 children fleeing the war were kidnapped and shot dead. We must continue to be humane. Only humans act with humanity. You will be wrong if you act like them after thinking that even though they have done such things, you will do the same. If you follow them, you will become like them. What we can promise the people is that we will act accordingly during the war.” KNDF Deputy Commander-in-Chief Mawi said this on social media.

Revolutionary forces have confirmed that the military council column that invaded Shadaw initially abducted the war refugees they found as hostages and then, shot them dead.

Homalin People’s Defense Force – HPDF 124 reported that a squad commander of the SNA (Shanni Nationalities Army) under the military council in Homalin Township, Sagaing Division, defected with weapons, and was awarded 3,000,000 kyats.

On February 1, the squad commander escaped with an AK 22 rifle, 2 magazines, and 15 rounds of ammunition and took refuge in Hkamti District Battalion 3 (HPDF-124). Then, it was informed that he was awarded 3,000,000 kyats.  

Hkamti District Battalion 3 (HPDF-124) has been fighting against the military dictatorship, and it has invited those who want to come into the light since the SNA army is not a military target.

Hkamti District Battalion 3 – HPDF-124 has issued a notification that everyone who comes into the light will have the full right to enjoy international laws such as IHL/IHRL, human rights, and soldier’s dignity.

  1. The National Unity Government sent a message for the 77th Shan National Day
  2. The Ministry of Human Rights has released detailed information about the incident in which a terrorist military council bombed schools in Dawsiei Village and Loi Nan Fa Village in the western part of Demoso Township
  3. The Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) held a meeting with the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions
  4. A common agreement between the NUG and the ethnic armed EROs can bring a lot of movement to the revolution
  5. A political prisoner in Mandalay Obo Prison died of kidney disease without receiving medical treatment
  6. Revolutionary forces attacked and captured the military council camp in Mae Wei Mountain, Dawei
  7. 8 military council soldiers were killed and 2 captured alive in the battle of Hsihseng
  8. Ye Bhilu Force attacked the Pyu Saw Htee group that was bullying the people in Shwe Pyi Thar Village of Ye Township, Mon State, and 4 Pyu Saw Htee members were killed
  9. Recruiting the revolutionary comrades for a battalion for BPLA Batch 6
  10. The terrorist military council troops shot dead 3 women, including a pregnant woman, and 3 children, fleeing the war
  11. A squad commander of the SNA under the military defected with weapons, and was award 3,000,000 kyats

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