Summary of News

1. Union Prime Minister asserts that the shared goal of all revolutionary forces is the successful completion of the Spring Revolution

During the 40/2023 cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government held online on December 26, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing conveyed wishes: “As the shared goal of all revolutionary forces is the successful completion of the Spring Revolution, may everyone draw strength for the upcoming year by reflecting on what we have accomplished.” This excerpt was shared on the Union Prime Minister’s Facebook page.

The National Unity Government announced the start of the People’s Defensive War on September 7, 2021, and is currently intensifying its military efforts by expanding operations on the military, economic, and diplomatic fronts to defeat the military junta.

2. Deputy Minister U Maw Htun Aung states that the strong force and structure of the military have been completely broken

In a Facebook post on December 28, Deputy Minister U Maw Htun Aung stated, “In the 1968 Mexico Olympics, a man named Bob ran under 10 seconds with 9.95 seconds [for 100m]. Following his breaking of the mental barrier of 10 seconds, new records were set, ultimately leading to Usain Bolt’s remarkable run of 9.58 seconds. Drawing a parallel to the current revolution, previously held myth-like words about the military, such as its being a strong institution, the world’s 38th strongest military, or being considered a necessary evil, have all been broken.”

At present, the terrorist military junta is experiencing a shortage of troops and is using ex-military personnel, soldier deserters, and police deserters to address the manpower deficit.

The Three Brotherhood Alliance reiterated their call for the remaining junta troops to surrender promptly.

3. National Unity Government has made appeals to international counterparts for necessary humanitarian aid for Rohingyas facing difficulties in Indonesia

On December 27, U Aung Kyaw Moe, Deputy Minister of Human Rights for the National Unity Government, shared the video of Rohingyas being in trouble in Aceh, Indonesia, and stated, “It seems unnatural that some locals in Aceh, who once accepted Rohingyas with full humanity, have now lost their desire to accept them to the extent of rejecting them with hatred. Indonesia should be given the necessary support by the international community to tackle the Rohingya boat crisis strategically and effectively. The OIC countries also need to step forward before it is too late.”

The Deputy Minister also underscored that the National Unity Government has reached out to its counterparts and requested that they provide necessary humanitarian assistance.

4. Secretary of Defense U Naing Htoo Aung affirms defectors from the military junta, seeking refuge in the people’s embrace, can safeguard not only their own lives but also the future of their families

Speaking during a program at NST in December, U Naing Htoo Aung, Secretary to the Ministry of Defense of the National Unity Government, stated, “In the ongoing revolution, we witness continuous successes in capturing military bases and cities. The allied revolutionary organizations are evidently growing in strength day by day. At the same time, military junta troops are defecting, either individually or in battalions. Those who defect and seek refuge in the embrace of the people find themselves in a position where they can safeguard not only their own lives but also the future of their families.”

Currently, the Three Brotherhood Alliance is executing Operation 1027, and there are instances where entire battalions of the military junta troops are surrendering.

“Stand on the right side, considering your own future, the future of the country, and the future of your family. Align yourself with the side that holds the potential for victory. I strongly encourage you to be one with the public,” urged U Naing Htoo Aung to the members of the junta’s armed forces.

5. TNLA successfully captures another town in northern Shan State, Namtu

The Ta’ang National Liberation Army (PSLF/TNLA) has officially announced the successful capture of all the military junta bases and offices in Namtu Town in northern Shan State on the early morning of December 28. Consequently, the TNLA has gained control over the entire Namtu Township within Kyaukme Township, northern Shan State.

PDF Insight also expressed that, 8 days after launching offensives on December 20, the TNLA concluded its final battle by capturing the last military junta base in Namtu, the tactical operation command base of Light Infantry Battalion 324, and subsequently seized control of the entire town of Namtu.

On December 27, at approximately 8:30 a.m., within the military territory of the TNLA’s Brigade 4 in Namtu Township, clashes ensued between the military junta forces and the TNLA forces. During this confrontation, the military junta employed fighter jets for aerial attacks eight times, Mi-35s for aerial attacks four times, and Y12s for aerial attacks eight times, dropping a total of 78 bombs, as reported by the TNLA.

Following the capture of 324th Light Infantry Battalion’s base, the TNLA seized a significant number of weapons, ammunition, and military vehicles.

6. Drone attacks target five junta outposts stationed at the confluence of the Irrawaddy River and the Chindwin River

On December 28, the No. 1 Kyaukse District Battalion (Red Dragon Battalion) of the People’s Defense Force (PDF) disclosed that a series of drone attacks were executed by combined PDF forces against five outposts belonging to the military junta and Pyu Saw Htee militia, situated in the confluence area of the Irrawaddy River and the Chindwin River, between December 21 and 24. The drone operations were a collaborative effort involving the No. 1 Kyaukse District Battalion (Red Dragon Battalion), No. 1844 Kyaukse District Drone Battalion, and the Lightning Drone Force (Meiktila).

On December 24, drones were utilized to drop four 70-mm grenades targeting a junta security checkpoint and a residence where junta troops were stationed in Taloke Myo village near the confluence of the Irrawaddy River and the Chindwin River in Myingyan Township, Mandalay Region. Another drone attack on December 24 targeted an outpost co-stationed by junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee militia in Yesagyo Town on the west bank of the Chindwin River at the confluence, using four grenades, as well as an outpost in Kyaukyit village in Myaung Township on the west bank of the Irrawaddy River, using 20 grenades.

Similarly, on December 21, 24 rounds of 40-mm drone grenades were dropped on Nyaungto village on the east bank of the Irrawaddy River in Myingyan Township.

Over the course of the four-day operation, a total of 58 rounds of 70-mm grenades were utilized, resulting in 19 deaths and 20 injuries, as reported by the Red Dragon Battalion.

7. The United States, Singapore, and Myanmar lead in contributions to the Federal Net Campaign

On December 28, the Federal Net Campaign issued a report providing an update on the fundraising status, categorized by country. As of December 26, the campaign, scheduled to continue until January 15, 2024, has achieved 67.29% of its $0.25 million target, with the United States ($14,297), Singapore ($7,974.85), and Myanmar ($7,121.27) taking the lead in contributions.

The campaign encourages continued public contributions for the remaining 32.7% to expedite the project’s implementation in the upcoming New Year.

The Federal Net Campaign, an initiative officially launched by the Ministry of Communications, Information, and Technology of the National Unity Government of the Republic of the Union, is raising funds for its pilot project aimed at offering internet services in five strategic townships. The estimated financial requirement for delivering internet services in these five townships is approximately $0.25 million.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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