Summary of News

1. US removes narrative section regarding Myanmar from its Country Reports on Terrorism 2022 Annex

The US Department of State has removed the narrative section regarding Myanmar from the Statistical Information Annex 2022, attached to its Country Reports on Terrorism 2022. This decision came after widespread criticism resulting from the inclusion of Myanmar revolutionary forces, such as the PDF and certain ethnic revolutionary organizations, while excluding terrorist acts perpetrated by the military junta in the annex of its report made public on November 30. The annex was prepared by Development Services Group Inc. (DSG)’s Global Terrorism Trends and Analysis Center for the State Department.

Union Minister of Foreign Affairs Daw Zin Mar Aung conveyed this information on December 23, stating, “The narrative section about Myanmar has been removed from the ANNEX OF STATISTICAL INFORMATION 2022 compiled by the Development Services Group for the US Department of State’s Bureau of Counterterrorism,” accompanied by a link.

Union Minister of Human Rights U Aung Myo Min also stated, “The Burma narrative section of the terrorism annex has been removed from the US State Department website after being widely criticized for omitting terrorist military violent acts against civilians.”

2. President Office Spokesperson U Kyaw Zaw asserts that there is no room for the military junta, neither in Myanmar nor internationally

During an interview in December, U Kyaw Zaw, Spokesperson to the President Office, asserted that there was no room for the military groups, neither in Myanmar nor internationally.

“The military group has long been internationally isolated. This further underscores their continued exclusion. Despite making attempts for three consecutive years to secure representation at the UN, the military group has consistently failed. Only our ambassador has been acknowledged to represent Myanmar. It becomes a shameful defeat for the military group. There is no room for them, both within Myanmar and on the international stage. The terrorist military junta is not recognized as a legitimate representative of Myanmar,” U Kyaw Zaw said.

The Credentials Committee decided to retain the incumbent Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun to continue representing Myanmar at the United Nations.

3. Military junta conducts numerous airstrikes in Mantong Town, resulting in the destruction of approximately 15 houses, one fatality, and two injuries

The Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) confirmed on December 23 that the military junta forces conducted numerous airstrikes and artillery shellings in Mantong Town.

It stated, “From December 19 to December 22, the military junta carried out 13 aerial attacks using fighter jets, conducted 48 aerial attacks using Y-12 aircrafts, and fired artillery shells 30 times from its Infantry Battalion 130, based in Mantong Town. The attacks resulted in explosions near the IDP camp, Loikan village, and within and around Mantong Town.”

Due to the bombing attacks, lampposts in Mantong Town and the IDP camp were destroyed. Additionally, a house was burned down, and 15 houses belonging to local residents, including a monastery, suffered damage. Furthermore, a woman resident in Mantong Town was injured by shrapnel from artillery shelling.

Similarly, in Kutkai Township, at 3:00 p.m. on December 21, artillery shells launched by the military junta exploded in Loipalsu village, resulting in the death of a 25-year-old resident and injuries to a 24-year-old resident and a 55-year-old resident.

4. Military junta continues property destruction and arbitrary arrests of civilians in Rakhine State

Reportedly, at 3:20 p.m. on December 22, roughly 10 soldiers from the Koe Tan Kauk outpost of the junta’s Border Guard Force 6, situated in Rathedaung Township, intentionally set fire to paddy fields by dousing them with gasoline, resulting in the destruction of over two acres of rice.

Furthermore, on December 21 alone, the military junta carried out arbitrary arrests of innocent civilians in several major towns within Rakhine State.

Naval Vessel No. 443, stationed near Yapichu mountain approximately four miles from Sittwe, detained 11 civilians—3 females and 8 males—who had arrived to purchase goods at the Korean port in Sittwe, along with the boats they used and the items they bought, before taking them to the No. 1 Sittwe Police Station.

Additionally, around 4:30 p.m. on the same day, a combined force of approximately 15 junta soldiers and police, fully equipped, arrived and arrested a 50-year-old resident in Kinmaw village, Thandwe Township. At the moment, the individual is reportedly detained at Light Infantry Battalion 55, located at Ngapali Beach.

Similarly, around 6:00 p.m., a joint military unit of approximately 50 troops from Light Infantry Battalion 544 and Infantry Battalion 346, both stationed in Toungup, raided Tappyaw village. They forcefully detained six residents, releasing three while continuing to hold the other three as human shields, according to the report by the Arakan Army (AA).

5. Sniper targets a group of Pyu Saw Htee militia in Pauk Township, Magway, injuring one

The Pakokku Urban Guerrilla (PUGF) disclosed their collaboration with allied forces in targeting a Pyu Saw Htee militia group coming out of Ta Yaw Kaing village in Pauk Township, Magway Region, on the evening of December 22 by using a long-range sniper, resulting in the injury of one. The attack was a joint operation involving the Pakokku Urban Guerrilla (PUGF), Myaing Township People’s Defense Team (Myaing Pa-Ka-Fa/PDT), and village defense forces.

Furthermore, the PUGF issued a cautionary message to the public to stay vigilant regarding the military situation, as a Mi-17 helicopter from the Northwest Military Command arrived in the afternoon to transport weapons, ammunition, and reinforcements from Defense Industry No. 24.

6. Chin State People’s Police Force (CSPPF) introduced level IV body armor

On December 23, the Chin State People’s Police Force (CSPPF) introduced Level IV Body Armor, accompanied by a video demonstration.

They stated, “Amidst the ongoing revolution, while it is crucial to replenish weapons and ammunition for battle, we would like to emphasize the significance of safeguarding the lives of our fighters. Today, the Chin State People’s Police Force is pleased to introduce high-quality bulletproof plates that are accessible to us, recognizing the fact that human life is absolutely invaluable.”

In the video clip, the effectiveness of the bulletproof plate was assessed by subjecting it to gunfire from an MA3 rifle.

Chin State People’s Police Force mentioned that those interested in the bulletproof plates can contact them directly.

7. ABSDF Battalion 1 in the Southern Military Region (Tanintharyi) holds a completion ceremony for 3/2023 basic military training

The completion ceremony for the 3/2023 basic military training of the All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF) Battalion 1 in the Southern Military Region (Tanintharyi) took place on December 22.

Alongside ABSDF combatants, participants from the Mon State Revolutionary Force (MSRF) and Ye Defense Force (YDF) were also present at the event.

The ABSDF indicated that they have entrusted responsibilities to a new generation and are actively participating in the ongoing Spring Revolution alongside their allies.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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