Summary of News

1. Union Prime Minister encourages the provision of motivational New Year gifts to the public, echoing the ‘End Dictatorship 2023’ during a meeting

Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, the Union Prime Minister of the National Unity Government, encouraged members of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) during a meeting to strive towards offering the public motivational New Year gifts.

The Union Prime Minister emphasized the importance of countering the growing divisive tactics created by the military junta among the revolutionary public and other citizens with true news. The Prime Minister encouraged committee members to collaboratively work on providing the public with motivational New Year gifts, aligning with the initial expectation of ‘End of Dictatorship 2023.’

Currently, all revolutionary forces, including the National Unity Government, are intensifying warfare efforts, with the National Unity Government actively working to cut off all financial resources to the military junta.

2. Union Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung extends condolences to those affected by the tragic mass shooting at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

On December 21, Daw Zin Mar Aung, Union Minister of Foreign Affairs of the National Unity Government, extended her condolences to those affected by the tragic mass shooting that happened at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, through social media.

“I was shocked and my prayers are with the victims, their families and all those affected during a shooting rampage in Prague, the Czech Republic today. My heartfelt condolences go out to everyone who suffered from that attack,” Union Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung stated.

The mass shooting that occurred inside Charles University in Prague on December 21 has been the worst in the country’s history. The tragic incident resulted in the deaths of at least 14 victims, with at least 25 others sustaining injuries. The gunman was identified as a 24-year-old student of the Faculty of Arts at Charles University.

3. NUG’s Justice Minister U Thein Oo delivers a presentation at the annual Curtin Law School Human Rights Symposium 2023

U Thein Oo, the Justice Minister of the National Unity Government, delivered a presentation titled “Human Rights and Transitional Justice in Myanmar” at the Curtin Law School’s annual Human Rights Symposium 2023 in Perth, Australia, on December 4, according to a release from the Ministry of Justice. He was invited by Curtin University to speak at the symposium.

Professor Sean Turnell, who previously acted as an economic advisor to State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and was unjustly detained and imprisoned by the military junta, and Mr. Chris Sidoti, a former member of the UN Human Rights Council’s Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar, and the Australian Human Rights Commissioner, also engaged in discussions during the symposium.

The paper presented by Union Minister U Thein Oo is available in its entirety on the official Facebook page of the Ministry of Justice, accessible through

4. Sagaing Federal Unit Hluttaw conducts the 3rd Plenary Meeting for CDM civil employees

Sagaing Federal Unit Hluttaw conducted the 3rd plenary meeting for CDM civil employees in Sagaing Federal Unit. The meeting was held online on December 21, 2023, via video conferencing.

Officials from the Sagaing Federal Unit Hluttaw, along with representatives of CDM civil employees from different ministries and departments, were present at the meeting. The meeting focused on discussions regarding the establishment of the Interim Constitution Drafting Commission for the Sagaing Federal Unit, according to the release of the Sagaing Federal Unit Hluttaw.

5. Local revolutionary forces launch an ambush on a junta’s infantry column in Mindon Township, accompanied by two dump trucks

On December 22, the Student Armed Force (SAF) announced that, in cooperation with allied revolutionary forces, they successfully executed an ambush on a military junta’s infantry column stationed at the Mindon 5-mile gate, which was advancing alongside two Faw dump trucks in Mindon Township, Magway Region. The ambush occurred on December 19 at approximately 10:00 a.m. as the junta column approached Kamaning village within Mindon Township.

The attack resulted in significant casualties among the junta forces, while members of the allied revolutionary forces managed to withdraw without harm.

This collaborative operation involved the Student Armed Force (SAF), the Thayet District PDF Battalion 4 (Eagle Force), and the Warriors of Liberation Force (WOLF).

6. Shan State Special Region 1 Kutkai District Administration safely transports refugees to a secure location

The Kutkai District Administration in Shan State Special Region 1 declared on December 21 that they had safely transported 23 refugees to a safe destination.

These individuals, originally residing in 105 Mile, had sought refuge in Tamoenye and expressed their desire to return to their homes. Taking responsibility for the relocation, the Kutkai District Administration facilitated their transportation back to their hometown on December 20.

7. Capture of the Bon Zone military outpost in Hakha, Chin State, results in 10 Junta troop fatalities, utilizing drone attacks with 270 grenades

In an official statement on December 22, the Chinland Defense Force-Hakha (CDF-Hakha) reported that the battle to capture the Bon Zone military outpost, as part of “Operation Archuangtlang,” in Hakha Township, Chin State, resulted in the deaths of 10 military junta troops.

Launched collaboratively by CDF-Hakha, the Chin National Army (CAN) of the Chin National Front (CNF), CDF-Thantlang, and CDF-KKG (Kalay, Kabaw, Gangaw) on December 17, the operation successfully seized the Bon Zone military outpost on December 18 at 10:30 a.m.

Utilizing drones equipped with 270 grenades, the operation led to the deaths of 8 junta troops on the scene, while the Chin alliance forces captured 6 others, including a captain. Additionally, 17 junta troops managed to escape, with 2 dying of injuries upon arriving at their Gangaw station. CDF-Hakha reported the confiscation of various military equipment, including 32 artillery pieces, small arms, and a substantial amount of ammunition.

Tragically, two comrades of CDF-Hakha sacrificed their lives for the country and its citizens during the Bon Zone capture battle of Operation Archuangtlang.

8. Arakan Army (AA) attacks three reinforced military ships in Pauktaw Town, destroying one and causing casualties among junta troops

On December 21, around 1:00 p.m., the Arakan Army (AA) and remaining junta forces resumed fighting in Pauktaw Town, Rakhine State, according to AA reports. Despite the military junta’s attempts to send reinforcements to Pauktaw over the past week, the AA has persistently obstructed their efforts.

On the same day, three military ships sent out for reinforcement were reportedly attacked by the AA, resulting in the damage of one ship and causing casualties among the junta troops. Consequently, the military ships reportedly retreated.

It has also been reported that the remaining junta troops within Pauktaw Town intentionally set fire to residences in Panthee Ward and Ward 3.

9. Military junta forces rampaging in southwestern Myaing Township carried out shootings today in Kankalay village

According to a report from We Love Myaing, the military junta forces engaging in a rampage in the southwestern part of Myaing Township emerged from their camp in Kaingtawma village and proceeded to rampage through Kankalay village this morning at approximately 7:00 a.m., involving shootings.

The military junta forces have been deliberately targeting rural villages with civilian populations, leading to the destruction of over 70,000 civilian homes throughout the country.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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