Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 December 11

1. Acting President said that human rights cannot be neglected as an excuse for revolution

Acting President of the National Unity Government, Duwa Lashi La, said this at the Human Rights Day Panel Discussion held on December 10.

Acting President of the National Unity Government Duwa Lashi La said this at the Human Rights Day Panel Discussion held on December 10.

Currently, we are going through a period of revolution, but during the defensive war, we must work hard to ensure that the people have full human rights, the Acting President said.

“We cannot ignore the human rights lost by the public due to general security and crises under the pretext of revolution. Even the spring revolution that we are all waging together is an attempt to fully achieve the basic values of democracy, federalism and human rights,” said the Acting President.

In addition, the Acting President reiterated that the current Spring Revolution is being carried out from all sides in order to protect the public from human rights violations.

2. The Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) held a meeting with the township people’s administrative bodies of Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady and Bago Divisions

On December 10, at 10:00 a.m., the meeting between the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady and Bago Divisions (37/2023) was held. At the meeting, Union Minister for Labour U Nai Tun Pe @ U Nai Suwunna, a member of ILACC, gave an opening speech.

Following, members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding policies, directions, activities, and challenges encountered on the ground.

The meeting was attended by Union Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Associate Secretaries, officials from ministries, and members of the township people’s administrative bodies of Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady and Bago Divisions.

3. The Interim Executive Council of Karenni State and the Ministry of Women, Youth and Children Affairs jointly organized a “16-day campaign to stop violence against women.”

The Karenni State Interim Administrative Council and the Ministry of Women, Youth and Children Affairs jointly held a “16-day campaign to stop violence against women.”

On December 7, at a public-based school in Karenni State, teachers, students and the villagers were lectured about the main causes of gender-based violence and women’s rights.

The ceremony, which was held under the theme “Let’s participate and support together to protect women and girls,” was jointly organized by Karenni State IEC officials, ward/village leaders, and the Ministry of Women, Youth and Children.

4. People’s defense forces attacked and seized the state police station in Loikaw 

The Progressive Karenni People Force – PKPF News and Information Bureau announced on December 10 that the KNDF-led people’s defense joint forces have attacked and captured the state police station in Loikaw, Karenni State.

The camp was attacked and occupied since the night of December 9, but due to the continuous bombardment by the military council planes, the news could only be released in the afternoon of December 10.

“The state police office was taken over by the revolutionary joint forces this morning. They bombarded the entire South Market with airplanes, saying that the revolutionary forces had arrived. If we say how much junta’s army bombarded with aircraft within their sight, the Taung Kwe Pagoda was not an exceptional,” the Karenni Guys team has also released.

It was initially informed that the defense forces seized weapons and ammunition, as well as motorcycles used by the police, police cars and cars used in the main fight when the state police station was captured.

5. 6 members of the militia who robbed a car dealership in Laukkaing were arrested at Chin Shwe Haw checkpoint

The Kokang MNDAA news agency announced that 6 members of the militia who planned to escape after robbing a car dealership in Laukkaing, northern Shan State, were arrested at Chin Shwe Haw checkpoint.

On the night of December 6, the militia group came armed to the car dealership shop, beat up three shop workers, and took away a Ford car.

It was also informed that these 6 members of the militia were arrested while passing through the Chin Shwe Haw checkpoint on December 7 in the stolen car, pretending to be war refugees.

Of those arrested, 5 are members of the Kokang Tsingthang militia, and the other is a member of the Ta Shwethang militia.

The statement stated that the man who led the robbery was a former member of the military council and was a deserter who was imprisoned for desertion and dismissed from the military.

It is also reported that the militia group took a Ford car, the mobile phones of three shop workers and about 3/4 thousand in Chinese currency because they could not open the safe in the car shop.

At present, the owner of the shop and the workers have come to retrieve the car that was robbed.

On December 1, there was an incident where a driver worker stole a car belonging to a man from Kokang, and he was caught at Chin Shwe Haw checkpoint and handed over to the owner of the car.

The Laukkaing region is currently a war zone and fighting is going on, and robbery and looting may occur at any time, so locals and tourists are urged by MNDAA to be extra cautious.

6. A military council’s commander was killed and 19 injured in an attack on 2 military vehicles on the Monywa – Ayadaw Road 

Danger Force LPDF announced that the People’s Defense Joint Forces attacked 2 military vehicles that were going to the SaKhaTa-10 from the Htoo Yar hermitage on the Monywa-Ayadaw Road in Sagaing Division, killing a military council’s commander and injuring 19 soldiers.

The LPDF released a statement regarding the attack on 2 military vehicles that were going to the SaKhaTa-10 from the Htoo Yar hermitage on the Monywa-Ayadaw Road on December 8 at 8:00 am.

It is reported that 2 iron-clad cars carrying members of the terrorist military council were attacked from a distance of 50 yards with 60 landmines and 20 small arms at 11 landmine points starting from near Htoo Yar hermitage.

In this attack, 2 cars were damaged, a military council’s commander was killed, a captain was seriously injured, and 18 other ranks were injured, according to watermelons (insiders) in the army.

After the attack, the military council troops opened fire recklessly with heavy weapons and small arms. It was informed that the military council column with remaining forces at Htoo Yar hermitage, a column from Kyun Pho Pin Village, and a column from Tone Tin Kan Village, a total of 3 columns, were temporarily stationed at Kan Phyu Village and then entered the village of Ayadaw.

The operation was conducted by Danger Force LPDF, Special Guerrilla Force Monywa – SGF, Mine Min Thar UG Guerrilla Force, AMT Guerrilla Force, Daung Ni PDF, Done Pyan PDF, Thapyay Nyo Guerrilla Force, Monywa District Battalion 27, and DRA.

7. A battle broke out in Kyunsu Village and 3 military council soldiers were killed in a drone attack.

A battle broke out in Kyunsu Township, Tanintharyi Division, and 3 military council soldiers were killed in a drone attack, Kyunsu People’s Defense Force informed.

On December 8, at about 6:30 a.m., a battle broke out between Pyu Saw Htee and the military council’s council troops and Myeik District People’s Defense Joint Column 2 in Mingok Village, Kyunsu Township.

During the battle that lasted for about 5 hours, the Dragon Squad bombed the area with a drone, killing 3 military council soldiers and wounding 3 others.

The attack was led by the Myeik District People’s Defense Joint Column 2, and Myeik District Battalion of the People’s Defense Force Battalion – 2 Company 2, Tanintharyi Township PaKaFa, Kyunsu Township PaKaFa, Palaw Township PaKaFa, Tanintharyi Operations Department – Drone Arms Unit, and Dragon Squad are reported to have cooperated.

8. The military council carried out bombing attacks on Kuki villages in the upper part of Tamu Township

The Kuki National Army (Burma) KNA-Burma has informed that the Military Council carried out bombing attacks on Kuki villages, upper Tamu Township, Chin State.

On December 10, at about 5:30 p.m., the military council bombarded Kuki villages in the upper Tamu Township.

As a result of the airstrikes, a house in Mentaw Village was destroyed by fire, but no one was injured.

On the morning of December 10, the Aung Zeya camp between Tamu and Homalin was completely captured by the Kuki National Army (Burma) KNA-Burma and the People’s Defense Forces (PDF).

9. In Sittwe, Ponnakyun and Minbya, a child was killed and others injured due to the military council’s heavy weapons and drone shooting


It is reported that a child was killed and several others were injured when terrorist military council’s troops fired heavy weapons and drones in Sittwe, Ponnakyun and Minbya townships in Rakhine State.

On December 10, at around 4:00 p.m., the military council battalions in Kyeindaung, Minbya, opened fire with heavy weapons. A child was injured in an explosion in the Okka Pyan neighborhood and was taken to the hospital, where he died on arrival.

In addition to the LIB-380, LIB-541, and 379 battalions in Minbya, there is a military council battalion and military council troops stationed at the top of Kyeindaung, and they are firing with heavy weapons and small arms, according to the Western News reporting the local news.

In the same way, villages in Ponnakyun Township are being bombarded with drones, including large weapons, innocent civilians have been harmed, and some homes have been damaged.

On December 10, at around 10:00 AM, 2 shells exploded in Padaythar New Village in Brahmin Gyun Township, destroying houses but not killing people or animals, according to Western News.

Locals said that the shells were fired by the Padaleik military council’s battalion based in Sittwe.

Also, at around 12:00 noon on December 10, the military council army bombed with a drone and exploded inside Wabo Village, injuring a student and damaging a house.

  1. Acting President said that human rights cannot be neglected as an excuse for revolution
  2. NUG Union Ministers attended the meeting between the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing Division
  3. The Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) held a meeting with the township people’s administrative bodies of Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady and Bago Divisions
  4. People’s defense forces attacked and seized the state police station in Loikaw 
  5. 6 members of the militia who robbed a car dealership in Laukkaing were arrested at Chin Shwe Haw checkpoint
  6. A military council’s commander was killed and 19 injured in an attack on 2 military vehicles on the Monywa – Ayadaw Road
  7. A battle broke out in Kyunsu Village and 3 military council soldiers were killed in a drone attack.
  8. The military council carried out bombing attacks on Kuki villages in the upper part of Tamu Township
  9. In Sittwe, Ponnakyun and Minbya, a child was killed and others injured due to the military council’s heavy weapons and drone shooting

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