Spring Revolution Local News – Jun 18 (Evening)

Summary of News

1.  The Prime Minister of the Union exhorts maintaining connections with all organisations that support the revolution

At Meeting No. 24/2023 of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC), Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann urged the committee members “to pay special attention to maintaining connections with various organisations that stand for the revolution” since “the most important thing for the revolution is to gather the existing forces and be able to work together until the success of the revolution is achieved.”

The National Unity Government is currently moving forward in accordance with the Federal Charter and is cooperating with Ethnic Resistance Organisations.

2. Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe says that all the health workers on the frontline, including medical students serving in 67 NUG hospitals, have been recognised

At the community meeting held in Washington, D.C., United States, on June 17, Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe stated about health care workers on the frontline: “NUG has established 67 hospitals. The majority of those working in those 67 hospitals are medical students. We have to recognise them and we also recognise them. In addition to those 67 hospitals, there are 167 mobile medical units on the frontlines that are operating in the midst of gunfire. We will also recognise all of those who are working on the frontlines. They are the future of our country.”

The military council is currently carrying out airstrikes targeting rural hospitals and medical treatment facilities.

3. Deputy Foreign Minister U Zaw Moe U says that the NUG is engaging with ASEAN nations, and foreign ministers are among them

At the community meeting held in Washington, D.C., United States, on June 17, U Zaw Moe Oo, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, said the following about the relationship with ASEAN member states:

“In fact, before the formation of the government and since only the CRPH was formed, we have been communicating with neighbouring countries and ASEAN member states. There was even a Signal group chat where we could communicate with the foreign ministers and their offices. After we formed the government, we engaged with many countries like that.”

Just a few days ago, Daw Zin Mar Aung, Union Minister of the NUG Ministry of Foreign Affairs, had a meeting with an ASEAN foreign minister.

4. Deputy Labour Minister U Kyaw Ni says that despite the fact that the revolution has transitioned to an armed one, political efforts are still essential

During the meeting with the township people’s administrative organisations (Pa-Ah-Fa) and ground strike forces, U Kyaw Ni, Deputy Minister of the NUG Ministry of Labour, stated the following, indicating the significance of public strikes in the revolution.

He said, “Despite the fact that the revolution has transitioned into an armed one, political activities are still essential, and politics is a war without bloodshed. The armed revolution arose as a result of successive military dictators making political movements impossible. The revolution was started with public strikes, and the movements have continued until now. The administrative and defence organisations and strike committees who are on the ground need to work together in harmony.”

Public strike movements against the military dictatorship are still active day by day in rural towns and major cities.

5. More than 300 Myanmar Civil Society Organisations condemn informal ASEAN talks to be held by Thailand’s caretaker government to “fully re-engage” the illegal Myanmar military junta

316 Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in Myanmar, including 235 who have chosen to remain unnamed, signed today and sent an open letter to the outgoing Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai of the caretaker government of Thailand, demanding not to interfere in Myanmar’s affairs and escalate violence in Myanmar.

In the open letter, 316 Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) said that they “strongly condemn” the secretive meeting to be organised by the outgoing Thai Foreign Minister and called for its immediate cancellation. The letter stated, “This is a complete affront to the people of Myanmar who have sacrificed their lives to resist the Myanmar military’s attempts to seize power through years-long terror campaign against the whole nation,” and noted, “The military junta has never been a legitimate government of Myanmar, nor has it acquired effective control over the country’s territories.”

The caretaker Thailand government’s unilateral move further goes against UN Security Council Resolution 2669, they stated in the letter, which also mentioned that Thailand’s decision was never agreed upon by ASEAN Member States, nor did the incumbent ASEAN Chair, Indonesia, initiate the meeting.

6. The Mandalay Strike Force holds a strike in blue shirts in Mandalay on the eve of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s birthday

On the morning of June 18, the members of the Mandalay Strike Force held a strike in Mandalay while wearing blue shirts with the text “Freedom From Fear”, a quotation from one of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s speeches, printed on them.

The group said that the strike against the fascist military was held on behalf of the entire people in Myanmar who have lost their freedom to show honour to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, whose birthday will fall on June 19, and political prisoners who were unjustly arrested, and to show appreciation for the efforts of Myanmar women who have fulfilled their responsibilities in various aspects of the history of the revolution.

Strike forces across the country called for a nationwide flower strike on June 19 to commemorate and honour the 78th birthday of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.

7. Myanmar diasporas around the world conduct celebrations of the 78th birthday of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

A celebration was conducted at Villawood Senior Citizens Centre in Australia on June 17 to commemorate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s 78th birthday and to pray for her and all political prisoners in Myanmar’s release.

The celebrations and revolutionary fundraising were also held in Japan and Korea to mark the 78th birthday of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.

Similarly, pre-birthday celebrations were held in Swedish cities as well, with wishes for her long and healthy life. 

The Burmese community in the San Francisco Bay area also announced that it will hold a celebration to commemorate the 78th birthday of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, along with a rally, on June 19. They will also gather in front of the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco to show their strong opposition against the political actions and policies of China that are supporting the Myanmar military, which is committing war crimes against helpless citizens, and then send letters to the Chinese President and the government. They called on all the revolutionary brothers and sisters around the world to participate in the global demonstrations that will be held on June 19, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s 78th birthday.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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