Spring Revolution Local News – Jun 17 (Evening)

Summary of News

1.  The NUGPay wallet is well operating, and the National Unity Government is making arrangements to establish a bank

Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng said the following during his meeting with the CDM employees under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Disaster Management (MONREC) regarding the financing of the revolution:

  • By making arrests for illegal logging and collecting fines for resource mining, the MONREC plays a role in raising the necessary funds for the revolution.
  • The Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment is managing the efficient use of the revolutionary funds.
  • In contrast to previous revolutions, which lacked self-help finance, this Spring Revolution has a functioning NUGPay wallet and arrangements are being made to establish a bank, allowing for the establishment of self-help funding.

The Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment has recently announced that the Spring Development Bank (SDB) will be launched soon.

2. NUG Union Minister Nai Suwunna urges the IUF regional leaders to encourage their respective governments not to recognise the military regime and to impose sanctions on them

Nai Suwunna, Union Minister for the NUG Ministry of Labour, addressed a video message at the 28th IUF Congress, which was held from June 13 to 16 in Geneva, Switzerland.

In his message, the Union Minister called for the IUF regional leaders to encourage their governments “to internationally recognise the National Unity Government and provide effective assistance; to refuse to recognise the military and their upcoming fake election; and to impose effective economic sanctions on them.”

The Union Minister went on to say that the NUG could currently designate liberated territories, and legislative, administrative, and judicial processes are already underway in those areas.

3. The NUG Ministry of Education strongly condemns the targeting of schools as a heinous and barbaric war crime

The National Unity Government’s Ministry of Education issued a statement on June 17 regarding the military council’s attacks targeting the schools.

According to the statement, on the evening of May 15, a 15-year-old female Grade 10 student was killed by a bullet when a column of the terrorist military raided Lel Shay village in Kani Township, Sagaing Region, and opened fire with large and small weapons indiscriminately.

On May 17, buildings inside a school were destroyed, and a 7-year-old student was hit by shrapnel and injured when the air force of the terrorist military launched aerial bombardment on Chaung Ma village and Min Ma village in Kani Township, Sagaing Region.

There was also another incident on the morning of June 5, in which three men and one woman were injured when the military used a Mi35 Attack Helicopter to launch an aerial attack on the place where the opening ceremony of a short-term teacher’s training course was conducted in Kalay’s Shu Khin Thar village in Sagaing Region. The air attack took place when people were trying to escape when they received an air warning 30 minutes after the start of the training’s opening ceremony.

Also on June 14, at around 11:00 p.m., the military fired artillery shells in the vicinity of Hto Lwe Wah Public High School in Taungoo District, which is in the control territory of the 2nd Brigade of the Karen National Union (KNU), with one of the artillery shells landing and exploding near the female student dormitory. The shrapnel struck three female students, one of whom suffered serious injuries.

The NUG-MOE declared that attacking schools is committing a heinous and barbaric war crime, and it strongly condemned it. 

Moreover, the NUG-MOE stated that it had documented such serious human rights violations in detail and is making consistent efforts to bring about justice by all means.

The ministry additionally pointed out that it is the responsibility of the international community to strengthen and support the execution of justice for serious violations of children’s rights to education and for war crimes that brutally attack educational institutions.

4. The National Unity Government continues to provide food and shelter assistance to IDPs and victims of Cyclone Mocha

The National Unity Government’s Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management (NUG-MOHADM) announced on June 16 that it was providing food and shelter assistance to IDPs who had fled into the surrounding forests to get away from the military columns and the victims of Cyclone Mocha for the convenience of their immediate living needs through the relevant township people’s administration members and humanitarian representatives since the rainy season has begun.

This food and shelter aid, according to the Ministry’s release, was provided using donation funds from the “Mother’s Fan is Mother’s Gift for Us” fundraising campaign, in which the hand fan that State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi used was raffled off.

5. According to the analysis paper by the Burmese Women’s Union carried out in five Regions and States, there were a total of 36 cases of sexual violence, 23 cases of sexual fraud, and 54 cases of domestic violence

On June 17, the Burmese Women’s Union released an analysis paper on sexual violence against women in conflict areas in five Regions and States: Karenni (Kayah) State, Sagaing Region, Magway Region, Bago Region, and Ayeyarwady Region, based on the information and data it had collected from 2021 to 2023, during the attempted coup by the terrorist military.

According to the analysis paper report, there were a total of 36 cases of sexual violence and 23 cases of domestic violence and sexual fraud in the data it had accessed, and there were 54 cases of domestic violence that were gathered from credible news media.

Based on the collected data and recorded information, they were divided into three categories: cases committed by the military, cases committed by other armed organisations and groups, and cases committed between civilians, stated the Burmese Women’s Union.

The paper also includes recommendations to pertinent organisations and can be accessed at https://burmesewomensunion.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Sexual-Violence-Against-Women-under-the-Political-Instability-ENG.pdf.

6. Ten military council troops were killed in the fighting between the Mobye PDF allied forces and the military council troops stationed in Mobye Town

The Mobye PDF (MBPDF) reported on June 17: “On June 16, when fighting broke out between the MBPDF allied forces and the military council troops stationed in Mobye Town, at least 10 military council troops were killed as a result. Three members of the MBPDF and allied forces were injured in the attack.”

According to the MBPDF, during the fighting, religious buildings and civilian homes were destroyed due to the artillery firing from the military council’s infantry battalions based in Pekhon, Mobye, and Loikaw.

Residents in the area have been urged to evacuate and avoid travelling through the area due to the military tension between the two sides.

7. More than 70,000 civilian dwellings were burned down by the junta troops throughout the country, more than 50,000 of which were in the Sagaing Region

According to the report of the Data For Myanmar, since the military coup, at least 70,300 houses have been burned down in the arson attacks of the terrorist military council, with 53,816 houses destroyed in Sagaing Region, 10,451 houses in Magway Region, and more than 1,600 houses in Chin State as of May 31, 2023.

The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management has stated, using funds donated by the people, that up to now, 2,239 temporary tents have been built for the people in each state and region who have lost their dwellings due to the arson of the military council and its affiliated groups.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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