Spring Revolution Local News – Apr 26 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. The Acting President urges the cabinet members to use diplomatic skills to prevent the military council from entering the international arena

Acting President Duwa Lashi La remarked at the Cabinet Meeting of the National Unity Government held on April 25 that cabinet members should use their diplomatic skills to prevent the military council from entering the international arena.

“The cabinet members must keep in mind the lives of those who are being killed and tortured every day in Myanmar and let the entire international community know it while continuing to use their diplomatic abilities to stop the terrorist war council from entering the international arena. We consider the international community’s efforts to negotiate the Myanmar situation constructive, but we strongly condemn behaviors that help prolong the life of the military dictatorship,” said the Acting President.

At present, the military council has not been invited to international summits and has also been excluded from ASEAN high-level meetings.

2. Exhausted military council troops are refusing to fight and surrendering on the front lines because of fatigue resulting from the war’s dragging on and the consequent shortage of manpower

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann stated the following during the National Unity Government’s Cabinet Meeting (16/2023) on April 25 about the acceleration of the revolution’s warfare:

“The pace of the warfare sector of our revolution has been quite encouraging during these months. We heard that at least 75 military council troops died in an encounter between our people’s defence forces in Mandalay and the military council forces, and we also heard that in Karen State, the exhausted military council troops are refusing to fight on the front lines and surrendering due to fatigue resulting from the war’s dragging on and the consequent shortage of manpower.”

According to the Ministry of Defence (NUG-MOD), in Sagaing Division, Magway Division, Mandalay Division, and Southern Shan State of the No. 1 Military Region, a total of 649 junta soldiers were killed and 756 others were injured in February 2023.

In addition, the military officers and soldiers of other ranks and police officers who could not accept the coup d’état of the terrorist military and the military dictatorship started to stand with the people and sought refuge in “the people’s embrace” program. A total of 12,327 members of the military and police force—3,236 soldiers and 9,091 policemen—and thousands of their family members have already joined the program as of February 21, 2023.

3. Khun Baham Htan, NUG’s Deputy Minister of Human Rights, expresses his disappointment with the international community for failing to take action against the military council’s atrocities

On April 26, Khun Baham Htan, Deputy Minister of Human Rights, stated the following regarding his disappointment with the international community:

“At the time former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon visited Nay Pyi Taw, on the afternoon of April 25th, the lackeys of the military junta attacked the hospital in Hsaung Phway village in the southern part of Pekhon Township (Kayan region) in the southern Shan State with jet fighters at least three times. In the last week, the military council targeted and bombed civilian houses with jet fighters in the vicinity of Demoso in Karenni State. I’m really disappointed with the international community for not being able to take effective action against the military council (SAC)’s war crimes and crimes against humanity targeting civilian populations across the country, even though they have clearly seen them.”

On April 10, the terrorist military launched an air strike on the new town of Webula in Chin State, killing 9 civilians, and on April 11, 168 people were killed in an airstrike on Pazigyi village, Kanbalu Township, Sagaing Division.

4. The KNDF cautions people not to travel because fighting has broken out in Moe Bye Town beginning at 6:00 a.m. on April 26

The 3rd Battalion of the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF B03) in Moe Bye stated that fighting between the military council forces and the revolutionary forces has broken out in Moe Bye Town, a border town from Shan State to Karenni State, starting at 6:00 a.m. on April 26, and hence, the KNDF B03 cautioned people not to travel during the fighting.

The terrorist military council has increased its ground and aerial operations against regions including Karenni State, Karen State, Sagaing Division, and Chin State in 2023.

5. In Kanbalu Township in April, four IDPs suffered snakebites, and two of them lost their lives

According to the Kyunhla-Kanbalu Activist Group (Kanbalu District), in Kanbalu Township, Sagaing Division, as of April 26, four IDPs were bitten by snakes and two of them lost their lives as a result of it.

“In Kanbalu Township, Kanbalu District, Sagaing Division, from April 1 to 26, four internally displaced people were bitten by snakes: two children from Koe Taung Bo area, an adult from Ma Lel area, and another from Htan Kone area. Two of them died because they did not receive medical treatment in time,” it stated.

According to reports, on April 25 at around 10:00 p.m., an IDP man from Htan Kone area, age 34, was bitten by a snake while traveling from his IDP camp to the hospital to get medicine for his sick child.

On the night of April 22, 53-year-old U Kyaw Nyunt, an IDP from Htan Taw village in Ma Lel area, was bitten by a snake in the forest while taking refuge in the forest. He died on April 23 as a result of not receiving medical care in a timely manner.

“IDPs in Ma Lel area are facing risks of losing their lives because of difficulty traveling due to continuous raiding of the military council troops as well as a lack of antidote for snake venom,” said the Kyunhla-Kanbalu Activist Group.

Since the military coup, as of April 26, a total of 61 IDPs in Kanbalu District have suffered from snakebites, 45 male and 16 female, and 5 lost their lives because they did not receive medical treatment in time.

6. The proceeds from the sale of the poetry book “Since Tanks Came Into the Town” will be used to donate three PDF forces in Anyar region

The work by author PlugX, “Since Tanks Came Into the Town,” written in Burmese, began sales in Thailand and said that arrangements were being made to expand those sales to other countries.

All the proceeds from the sales of the poetry book will be used to support three revolutionary forces in the Anyar region: the 13th Battalion of the Pakokku District PDF, the Black Mountain Dragon (BMD PDF), and the Myaylat Region Guerrilla (MRG) force.

7. Foreign nationals are also permitted to purchase Spring Inya Condo units

The End of Dictatorship (EOD) initiative said on April 25 that foreign nationals are also permitted to purchase the Spring Inya Condominium units.

“Spring Inya condo units will go on sale on April 29, 2023. This is a project to build condominiums on the land near U Tun Nyein Road out of 30 acres of terrorist military-owned land on Parami Road after confiscating it in accordance with the law. Foreign nationals are also permitted to purchase them. In the post-revolution period, special decree laws will be enacted to allow foreign nationals to own plots of land and apartments in the Spring Yangon Investment Project,” the EOD stated.

The End of Dictatorship (EOD) is an initiative by the Ministry of Planning and Finance to raise revolutionary funds.

There will be three different types of condominium units: 1B+, 2B+, and 3B+, which will be more spacious than regular condos, according to the EOD.

The land grant for the condominium units had a 60-year tenure, but it was stated that it may be extended twice for additional terms of 10 years with the government’s permission.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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