Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 April 20

1. Acting President Duwa Lashi La said that we must interact more with regional countries, including ASEAN

Acting President Duwa Lashi La said at the cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government (15/2023) held on April 18 that we must interact more with regional countries, including ASEAN.

“The United Nations Special Representative for Myanmar, Tom Andrews, will meet with regional leaders for Myanmar affairs during his trip to Japan and Indonesia. Therefore, we must interact more with the regional countries, including ASEAN. It is also important to coordinate and find solutions to the difficulties that the people need and the crises that our National Unity Government is facing through the regional countries,” he said.

At present, representative offices of the National Unity Government have been opened in Japan, Korea, France, the Czech Republic, Norway, and Australia, and the Foreign Minister’s office has been opened in Washington, USA.

2. The meeting between the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions was held

On April 19, the meeting between the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions (10/2023) was held.

At the meeting, Deputy Minister U Khu Hte Bu, Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, and General Secretary-1 of ILACC, gave an opening speech.

Following, members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding policies, directions, operations and challenges encountered on the ground.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Ministers U Khu Hte Bu, Permanent Secretaries, Associate Secretaries, relevant officials from ministries, and members of township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions.

3. The number of internally displaced people across Myanmar has reached over 1.8 million

On April 19, the UN OCHA Myanmar (United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Myanmar) announced that there have been over 1.8 million internally displaced persons across Myanmar.

“As of 10 April 2023, more than 1.8 million people remained displaced across the country, according to the latest UN figures. This includes close to 1.5 million people displaced since the military takeover in February 2021,” it stated.

It also stated, “Heavy fighting involving artillery fire and frequent airstrikes has continued in multiple states and regions of Myanmar during the reporting period, particularly in the Northwest and the Southeast, as well as in Kachin. As a result, civilian casualties and displacement continue to rise, further accelerating the already dire humanitarian situation in the country.”

4. A total of 152 people have been sentenced to death, including 42 who have been sentenced in absentia

The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma) stated in the daily briefing in relation to the military coup on April 19.

“Since the coup, a total of (21,421) people were arrested and among them (17,517) are currently under detention, (5,616) of whom are serving sentences,” it stated.

It also stated, “It is verified today that one detainee in prisons has been sentenced to death in June, 2022. There are a total of (110) post-coup death row prisoners as of April 19, 2023. (121) people have been sentenced in absentia, of whom (42) have been sentenced to death. This makes a total of (152) people who have been sentenced to death. “

5. In Khin-U, five defense comrades who retreated after detonating junta troops with mines were trapped and killed

5 defense comrades who retreated after detonating junta troops with mines were trapped and killed in Khin-U, Sagaing Division.

Local sources said that the comrades of the defense forces were killed in the encounter with the junta column in the morning on April 19.

“The terrorist junta column of more than 100 soldiers arrived at the village of Ywarthitkone Pyu village in the western part of Khin-U since around 6:00 a.m. on April 19. At around 8:00 a.m., in cooperation with the junta troops stationed at the Mu Tain River bridge on the Ye U-Khin U Road east of Myindaung Village, they raided Myakan Village, which is about 5,000 feet southeast of the village of Ywarthitkone Pyu Saw Htee Village, and next to the Khin U-Monywa railway road, and there was an exchange of fire with the local defenses,” it stated.

In their retreat after the mission, comrade Tayotekyi, comrade Moe Hein, comrade Phoe Kyaw, comrade Ko Naung and comrade Kyaw Naing were fallen after being trapped by junta troops and 5 local residents were arrested.

6. The house of a CDM teacher who was arrested in Kalay Town was demolished by the junta forces

It is reported that the junta troops destroyed the house of the arrested CDM teacher in Kalay Town, Sagaing Division.

It was confirmed by local news sources on April 19.

“Four youths were arrested by the junta troops on Sunday in Kalay Town. Among those arrested, a new two-story house of Mrs. Kyein Deik Kim DKim (Taung Phila Ward Area 11), was destroyed by junta troops with a JCB today,” it stated.

The house has been completely destroyed.

The junta troops are also committing arrest, torture, and killing of any civilians who oppose them.

7. The terrorist military fired and raided the rural hospital in Myaing Township with Mi35 helicopters

The local revolutionary forces informed that the terrorist military fired and raided the rural hospital in Magyikan Village, Myaing Township with Mi35 helicopters.

At 11:00 a.m. on April 18, it was reported that one Mi-35 fired and junta troops raided the hospital after being deployed by two Mi-17s.

“Mi-35 fired at the rural hospital of Myaing Township’s Magyikan Village at 11:00 a.m. yesterday, April 18. Two Mi-17s deployed the junta troops and then raided the hospital. It is known that more than 200 local residents, patients and hospital attendants were arrested due to the raid,” it stated.

At about 10:48 a.m. on April 19, Mi-35 fired and destroyed the hospital building, 4 public houses, 2 cars, and 4 motorcycles in the village of Magyikan.

It is said that a 16-year-old local young man who was arrested and beaten to death in the southeast of the village of Magyikan was found by the defense forces while clearing the area.

Among the arrested people, it is reported that 14 were taken as baggage carriers and the rest of the people were left there.

It is known that they broke into public houses in the village and took away gold items, money, and more than 100 phones from the arrested people.

8. In Dawei, a public strike against the military dictatorship holding a banner with the slogan “Boycott Fascist Election, Walk Boldly on the Federal Road” was staged

The public staged a strike against the military dictatorship by holding a banner with the slogan “Boycott Fascist Election, Walk Boldly on the Federal Road”.

On the afternoon of April 19, the Dawei District Democracy Movement Strike Committee (DDMSC) led a mass strike against the military dictatorship.

The strike movement was held in Launglon Township, Dawei District, holding a banner with the slogan “Boycott Fascist Election, Walk Boldly on the Federal Road” and chanting anti-military slogans.

A general election is held by the Election Commission, which is recognized by the opposition political forces, according to the law approved by the people’s consensus. The Dawei District Democracy Movement Strike Committee (DDMSC) informed that the intention to hold a general election, led by the military council’s Election Commission, in accordance with the 2008 Constitution, is a deliberate attempt that has no political legitimacy at all.

  1. Acting President Duwa Lashi La said that we must interact more with regional countries, including ASEAN
  2. The meeting between the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions was held
  3. The number of internally displaced people across Myanmar has reached over 1.8 million
  4. A total of 152 people have been sentenced to death, including 42 who have been sentenced in absentia
  5. In Khin-U, five defense comrades who retreated after detonating junta troops with mines were trapped and killed
  6. The house of a CDM teacher who was arrested in Kalay Town was demolished by the junta forces
  7. The terrorist military fired and raided the rural hospital in Myaing Township with Mi35 helicopters
  8. In Dawei, a public strike against the military dictatorship holding a banner with the slogan “Boycott Fascist Election, Walk Boldly on the Federal Road” was staged

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