Spring Revolution Local News – Apr 3 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. The National Unity Government is collaborating with international organisations to ensure that there is no impunity for the military council’s actions

At the April 2 meeting of the CDM Success Committee, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said that the National Unity Government is collaborating with international organisations to ensure that there is no impunity for the military council’s actions.

“As the terrorist military suffers more losses, it brutally oppresses the civilians who are taking part in the revolution. Our government is working with international organizations to ensure that there is no impunity for the actions committed by the military council. In order to protect as much as possible from terrorist military forces, we are also making all-out efforts in the military, defense, and humanitarian sectors,” Union Prime Minister said.

The terrorist military has killed more than 3,000 people and detained more than 10,000.

2. Report on participation and discussion at the ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR) and 146th IPU Assembly meetings

At the regular work coordination meeting of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH), held via video conference on March 31, a report programme on participation and discussion at the ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR) and 146th IPU Assembly meetings was presented.

Dr. Win Myat Aye, Union Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, and U Nay Myo Htet, Secretary of the CRPH Financial Affairs Committee, who attended the ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR) Annual Members’ Forum, which took place in Jakarta, Indonesia, from March 3 to 5, 2023, presented a report on participation and discussion following the opening remarks by U Aung Kyi Nyunt, Chairman of the CRPH. Dr. Win Myat Aye and U Nay Myo Htet provided a thorough briefing on the APHR Annual Report 2022, the status of the discussion under the heading “CRPH Calls to End Violence to Restore Democracy,” the contents of the panel discussions that were held during the APHR Annual Forum, and the introduction and distribution of the book “Parliamentarians at Risk.”

Then, U Nay Myo Htet gave a brief on the status of the discussion under the title “MPs at Risk” during the APHR Annual Forum.

The topics covered at the 146th IPU Assembly, which took place from March 11 to 15, 2023, and the contents of discussion were then thoroughly explained by Dr. Win Myat Aye, who also provided a list of people and organisations that attendees should engage with.

3. Junta military and its subordinate BGF force’s shelling injured three civilians in Thaton, Mon State

Karen National Union headquarters announced on April 3: “On April 3, at around 8:30 a.m., three heavy weapons fired by the coup military council’s Light Infantry Battalion No. 9 from Win Pa village struck Chaung Saunt village in KNU-Thaton Township, hitting and injuring two civilians.”

“Shrapnels of heavy weapons fired by the military council’s Light Infantry Battalion No. 9 struck two residents of Chaung Saunt village: Saw Cha Li Kee, 17 (father Saw Kyaw Zaw, mother Naw Tin San), was hit in the right knee, and Saw Phar Leday, 16 (father Saw Than Myint, mother Naw Kyal Ye), was hit in the right thigh,” the KNU said.

“Also, on April 2 at around 2:00 p.m., two vehicles of the Border Guard Force (BGF), subordinate of the military council, indiscriminately fired eight artillery shells from Dat Kyaik Cave, which exploded in the farm near Win Phone village, injuring Saw Ta Haw, 66, a villager of Win Phone village, who was harvesting rice, in his right arm with shrapnel,” the KNU continued.

4. Local resistance forces attacked a military column of the 704th Light Infantry Battalion (LIB-704) under the 4th Military Operation Command (MOC-4) based in Phugyi, Hmawbi, when it marched in Monywa Township, claiming two kills, including an officer

Ye Khaung Guerrilla Group released a battle report on April 3 as follows:

“Ye Khaung Guerrilla Group, Yin Mar Bin District 10th PDF Battalion (Black Peacock), Yin Mar Bin District 20th PDF Battalion, and village defence allied forces engaged in a fight with the 704th Light Infantry (Phugyi) column under the 4th Military Operation Command, which marched from Monywa to the west of the Chindwin River. At around 12:45 p.m. on April 2, a sudden battle broke out between the enemy column and the allied forces led by the Ye Khaung Guerrilla Group, in the east of Min Pin Taing village and west of Hnawkan village in Pale Township. After a few minutes of fighting, the allied forces were able to break the front of the enemy.”

In the battle, according to Ye Khaung Guerrilla Group, two junta troops were killed (whose bodies were placed well at the scene of the battle), and two mobile phones (one Huawei Nova and one Xiaomi; the Xiaomi mobile phone has the name Min Myat written on it), and two MA3 rifles were seized.

According to media reports, Major Min Myat Thu was among two killed in a battle near Hnawkan village in Pale Township, Sagaing Division.

A comrade of the Ye Khaung Guerrilla Group was injured (not seriously) in the battle, and it is said that it was its first fight in Pale Township, in which the enemy’s weapons were seized during the two years of the armed revolution.

5. The Ma Au police outpost in Yesagyo was attacked and burned

On the morning of April 3, according to reports, the people’s defense forces attacked the Ma Au police outpost in Yesagyo Township.

It is reported that the people’s defense alliance forces launched an attack on the Ma Au police outpost at 3:00 a.m. and set the outpost on fire after capturing it.

The defence forces were able to retreat in time when the junta’s air reinforcements arrived in the battle, said the local revolutionary forces.

The attack was said to have been carried out jointly by Yesagyo Township People’s Defence Group (Yesagyo PaKaHpa), Myaing PaKaHpa 2nd Battalion, Salingyi Special Task Force (SSTF), and Myanmar Royal Dragon Army (MRDA), and the defence forces announced that seven members of the junta police, including commander Myint Kyaw, were killed and a G3 rifle, an anti-drone gun, ten grenades, and documents were seized in the battle.

After an hour of defending the junta’s Mi-35, which arrived and opened fire, the defense troops left the outpost. While they were leaving, as some 30 troops of the junta’s infantry reinforcements from Zee Taw followed, the defense forces responded with 20 pre-planted cluster mines, killing another 17.

A drone was damaged in the battle, and a member of the allied defense forces suffered a minor injury.

6. Within a week, buildings were destroyed by fire, domesticated animals were killed, and nearly 14 local people died due to the junta’s air strikes

Based on the news media compiled by Spring Archive, the situations in which human rights were violated between March 22nd and March 31st, 2023, were published.

In the divisions and states, between March 22 and 31, the military forces carried out aerial bombing attacks in Karen State, Kayah State, Kachin State, Chin State, and Sagaing Division. Due to this, buildings were destroyed by fire, domesticated animals were killed, nearly 14 local residents were killed, and at least 30 were injured.

The leader of the People’s Army from Myaung Township in Sagaing Division and a civilian from a village in Madaya Township in Mandalay Division were beheaded, and eight civilians were burned to death.

Local people have been abducted and used as human shields in the junta columns. Four children were killed, and one was injured due to the military forces firing and attacking with heavy weapons and small arms.

7. The Wayazein weapon production and repair team has armed the local defence groups in the Anyar (upland) region

On April 3, the Wayazein weapon production and repair team announced that it had armed the local defence groups in the Anyar (upland) region with handmade weapons, as follows:

“The Wayazein weapon production and repair team has armed the local defence groups in Anyar region in accordance with the armed regulations.”

At present, people’s defence forces have successfully manufactured 60 mm and 80 mm cannons, in addition to handmade guns and automatic rifles, and are employing them in fighting.

8. More than US$16,000 was raised from the April fundraising event of the Spring Tea Family

On April 3, the Spring Tea Family announced that they received more than US$16,000 from their April fundraising event for the Spring Revolution in the United States, as follows:

“The Spring Tea Family has raised a total of US$16,988 from food sales and donations for April. The funds will be donated directly to war-affected areas as well as to the defence forces in the Anyar region and the Karenni region.”

The Spring Tea Family is a program where Myanmar snacks and food are sold to raise funds for the revolution every month.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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