Spring Revolution Local News – Apr 2 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. The Union Prime Minister says that the terrorist military is already weak

At Meeting No. 13/2023 of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) of the National Unity Government (NUG) held on March 30, 2023, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann included the following in his opening remarks:

“If we review all the situations that have occurred, it becomes more apparent that the terrorist military is already weak. In every battle, instead of fighting back, it is found that the method of surrender or the method of retreating and fleeing is more practised. On our side, I’m happy to witness that the members of the People’s Defence Force are able to work together with the Ethnic Resistance Organizations, which already have a lot of experience in military warfare.”

During the 2-day fighting of the Kyondoe urban operation on March 25 and 26, in Kawkareik Township of Kayin State, there were 15 or more casualties on the side of the terrorist military, and many were seriously injured; so, they defected and fled in columns.

2. 70 to 80 percent of Chin State’s territory is under the control of Resistance

At a live concert to raise funds for CDF-Matupi held in April, U Htin Linn Aung, Union Minister of Communications, Information and Technology, remarked the following:

“It has been more than two years since our revolution. In the past two years, starting from Chin State, we waged an armed revolution, and now we have come a long way. This journey was made possible by the involvement of the public, and the support of the Revolutionary Fund by Myanmar-born people from all over the world. Now, with the efforts of the Chin State’s leaders and EROs and the efforts on the ground during the armed struggle during this period, it is known that 70 to 80 percent of the Chin State is under control.”

The military regime is now conducting extensive ground and air attacks on Chin State.

3. Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun has a meeting with students from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University

The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University in Massachusetts, United States of America, invited Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, the Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the United Nations, to speak at the Panel on International Responsibility in Responding to Myanmar’s Crisis held at the ASEAN Auditorium on March 31.

Tufts’ Myanmar Students Union, which led the event, addressed the guests, including students from various American universities and guests interested in Myanmar affairs, and explained the inhumane acts of the Myanmar military.

After that, US Foreign Service Officer MR David Muehlke, who arrived at the university as a State Department fellow, and Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun discussed international responsibilities in response to Myanmar’s ongoing crisis.

Then, U Kyaw Moe Tun responded to the questions raised by the audience, including students, people interested in Myanmar affairs, and activists attending the event.

4. The fighting resumed this morning as soldiers from the military council marched from the Nat Tagar stream in Sagaing’s Kalay Township

Fighting resumed in Kalay on April 2 at around 8:00 a.m., according to local revolutionary forces, as the terrorist military column marched from the Nat Tagar stream between Pyin Taw Oo (Tuingo) village and Min Hla (Zotlang) village, which are both located to the north of Kalay Town. In addition to the artillery fired from its artillery regiment based in Kalay, the terrorist military also deployed two helicopters to assault at 10:00 a.m.

Since March 30 until today, April 2, there has been fierce fighting between the people’s defense forces and terrorist military troops.

According to the revolutionary forces, two wounded military troops died of critical injuries on March 31, despite receiving medical treatment. There have been no casualties among the members of the revolutionary forces until today.

5. Villages in the western part of Depeyin have been under aerial bombardment for three days in a row

The Depeyin Township Refugee Support Group said on April 2 that villages in the western part of Depeyin Township in Sagaing Division were under aerial bombardment for three days in a row. It said, “The Mi35 helicopter that took off from the North-West Regional Military Command based in Monywa is conducting an air attack for the third time this morning around Hpa Yar Htut village in Depeyin Township.”

The Depeyin Township Refugee Support Group warned IDPs who were taking refuge in the region to escape again to safer areas.

According to reports, thousands of refugees from more than ten villages have been displaced for about 5 days due to the raids of terrorist military council troops on the villages along the road connecting Saing Pyin and Depeyin.

6. Police from the junta’s Sadaung Police Station who collect money from civilian vehicles were ambushed, killing two

On April 2, the People’s Army to Fight Dictatorship (PAFD) claimed that it had conducted the attack as follows:

“On April 2, at about 5:18 a.m., the people’s defence forces ambushed and used guns to attack the police from Sadaung Police Station in Sagaing Division, who were collecting money from civilian vehicles. Two policemen died instantly in a pool of blood.”

According to the PAFD, after a brief exchange of fire, the revolutionary comrades were able to successfully retreat without being injured.

The operation was said to have been carried out jointly by the People’s Army to Fight Dictatorship (PAFD), its division DK PDF-MMU, the People’s Knight Defense Force Myinmu (PKDF MMU), and the D.B.B.F.-MMU.

7. The junta troops raided Hlyaw Phyu Kone village in Kanbalu Township and burned it down

The Kotaungbo Revolution (KTB-R) said on April 2 that the junta troops raided Hlyaw Phyu Kone village in Kanbalu Township, Sagaing Division, and burned it down.

It said, “It was learned that 53 members of the terrorist military column and the Pyu Saw Htee group, who spent last night in Chat Kone village in Kanbalu Township after they set fire to it, returned to the north from Chat Kone village this morning, raided Hlyaw Phyu Kone village, and set it on fire.”

Hlyaw Phyu Kone village in Kanbalu Township was destroyed by armed forces for the second time.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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