Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 Feb 17

1. The Union Prime Minister urges all efforts to be made to prosecute the military council’s war crimes against humanity

The Union Prime Minister Mahn Win Khaing Than urged all efforts to be made to prosecute the military council’s war crimes against humanity. On February 16, the Prime Minister said the following at the Interim Local Public Administration Central Committee’s (7/2023) meeting:

“The Interim Central Committee has the most contact with the governing bodies on the ground, so it hears about the most problems, difficulties, and challenges. Therefore, officials from relevant ministries should make efforts to attend the meetings. The Ministries of Education, Health and Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management are likely to be satisfied with their services to the public. I am glad to start meeting with the remaining public administration bodies in Yangon, Mandalay and Magway regions. In addition, it is crucial to establish suitable policies for each region as the administrative activities are different from one region to another. The war crimes committed against humanity by the military council should be systematically recorded and published, and all efforts should be made to prosecute the military in international criminal courts.”

The attending members of the Interim Local Public Administration Central Committee clarified the decision made on (6/2023) and the proceeding processes, the completed situation, and the remaining work to be carried out. After that, the attended officials discussed it extensively. The meeting was attended by Union Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, and departmental officials.

2. Union Minister U Htin Linn Aung informs about the discussion with some officials in US Capitol

Union Minister U Htin Linn Aung informed the public that he discussed with some officials in the United States Capitol. U Htin Linn Aung, Union Minister of the Ministry of Communications, Information and Technology, stated that on February 16.  U Aung Kyi Nyunt, the Chairman of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH), also attended the meeting. The US State Department released that NUG Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung met again with Wendy Sherman, US Deputy Secretary of State, on February 14.

3. The Union Minister of Commerce visited Rome at the invitation of the Myanmar community in Italy and Italia-Birmania.insieme (IBI)

Daw Khin Ma Ma Myo, Union Minister of Commerce, visited Rome at the invitation of the Myanmar community in Italy and Italia-Birmania.insieme (IBI). On February 16, the Ministry of Commerce released the news as follows:

“Daw Khin Ma Ma Myo, NUG government’s Union Minister of Commerce, ITALIA-BIRMANIA. INSIEME Enzo Scotti and Cecilia Brighi met with Ambassador Alessandra Schiavo, Director General of Asian Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.”

At the meeting, they discussed the urgency and necessity of recognition by Italy and the EU. The discussion focused on imposing additional sanctions on the military council, particularly in the areas of finance, insurance, and fuel supply (used for airstrikes). In addition, they have made common agreements to support the National Unity Government and Burmese democratic institutions with some founder members of the ITALIA-BIRMANIA.INSIEME.

4. Myanmar Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun and Columbia University students met in New York City

It has been reported that Myanmar Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun and Columbia University students met in New York City. The meeting, organized by the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), between Columbia University students and U Kyaw Moe Tun, Myanmar’s Permanent Representative to the UN, took place on February 15 from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm local time at the Columbia Law School’s William and June Warren Hall.  

The ambassador presented and discussed three general points in his speech. Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun reviewed his current responsible roles as a diplomat, shared with the students regarding the process of Myanmar’s illegal coup by military dictators, and discussed Myanmar’s future situation. The ambassador reiterated that, although it has been more than 2-years since the coup, he hopes that the international community will assist the people of Myanmar more effectively than ever before. Following the ambassador’s discussion, the students asked interesting questions, to which the ambassador responded.

5. NUG has consecutively provided arms to comrades of the White Tiger and White Dragon columns

It has been reported that the National Unity Government has consecutively provided arms to comrades of the White Tiger and White Dragon columns. On February 16, comrade Sawsha from the NUG Southern Military Region, Deputy Military Region Commander 2, and the Southern Military Region’s responsible persons provided weapons to soldiers from Military Region 3, White Tiger Column and White Dragon Column of the People’s Defense Force.

Soldiers from the People’s Defense Force’s White Tiger Column and White Dragon Column from the Southern Military Region, Military Region No. 3, saluted the People’s Defense Force flag and recited the People’s Defense Force’s four loyalty.

Then, comrade Sawsha, the Deputy Military Region Commander 2 from the Southern Military Region, stated regarding operational preparations within Military Region No. 3.

He claimed that the engagement of PDF’s columns and allies in previous clashes with the terrorist junta proved the strengthening of the Chain of Command and the successful execution of operations. After that, he paid tribute to the courage of PDF comrades in eliminating the dictatorship during the more than two years of the Spring Revolution.

6. 50 million US dollars in humanitarian aid will be provided to the People of Myanmar through USAID

It has been reported that an additional 50 million US dollars in humanitarian aid will be provided to the People of Myanmar through USAID. The American Embassy in Yangon reported the United States’ statement on February 16.

“The United States will provide an additional US$50 million through USAID for emergency food and nutrition assistance as humanitarian aid to areas facing increased displacement, armed conflict, and food insecurity in Myanmar,” the statement said. With this grant, USAID and the UN World Food Programme will be able to assist more than 750,000 people in conflict-affected states to prevent malnutrition. This assistance includes monthly food rations and providing nutritious food for children under five years, pregnant women and lactating mothers.

7. Myanmar junta burned down over 3,000 houses in Ye-U township

The Myanmar junta burned down over 3,000 houses in Ye-U township, and temporary shelters for fire victims are urgently needed during the winter. On February 16, Ye-U township MP U Myint Htwe stated as follows:

“After the military coup, Junta troops burned down 3,171 houses and 50 villages in Ye-U township until this month. The public urgently needs temporary shelters to live in during the winter.”

People are encouraged to help one another. Although the public has been cooperating with the People’s Defense Force, Public Administration Group, and Public Security Force, the need remains insufficient.

8. Two soldiers from Hakha city’s 266th battalion defected from the military with bombs and mines, including one gun

According to the report, two soldiers from Hakha city’s 266th battalion have defected from the military with bombs and mines, including one gun. On February 16, CDF Senthang released the news as follows:

“On February 16, two soldiers from Hakha city’s 266th battalion have defected from the military with bombs and mines, including one gun.”

It is reported that the two soldiers have been awarded a worthy reward and sent to a safe place.

9. The terrorist army burned down Palaing and Yaetawmu villages in Shwebo township, Sagaing region

The terrorist army burned down the Palaing and Yaetawmu villages in Shwebo township, Sagaing region. On February 16, the Shwebo Freedom Force announced as follows:

“On February 16, the terrorist army raided the villages of Palaing and Yaetawmu in the western part of Shwebo township, Sagaing region, and burned down public houses.” Currently, junta troops reinforce over 100 forces in the school at Palaing village.

10. Resistance forces shot dead the leader of Pyu Saw Htee, who was leading gambling tables in Letpatan township

It is reported that a leader of Pyu Saw Htee, who was leading gambling tables, was shot dead in Letpatan township. On February 16, the Bago’s sub-military region released the news as follows:

“As part of the Nan Htike Aung operation, on February 14 around 10:00 PM, Letpatan township’s Shwe Tan Myay PDF (Small Peacock troop) and Tharrawaddy (district) Garuda Force (team-4) fired three shots at Kyee Myint (b) Ga Tone, the Pyu Saw Htee leader from Shwekyoetpin village, who was leading gambling tables.”

According to the report, the leader of Pyu Saw Htee, Kyee Myint (b) Ga Tone, was seriously injured and admitted to Yangon Public Hospital as a critical patient on February 15.

11. The Federal Revolution Force’s 60mm mortar rounds reach a range of 1200 yards to 1400 yards with a guaranteed impact area

It is reported that the Federal Revolution Force’s 60mm mortar rounds reach a range of 1200 yards to 1400 yards with a guaranteed area of impact. On February 15, the Federal Revolution Force reported as follows:

“The Federal Revolution Force’s 60mm mortar rounds, handmade mines, and forward mines are 100% guaranteed to be harmless to users if used according to the rules. The 60mm mortar rounds reach a range of 1200 yards to 1400 yards (40 feet in diameter) with a guaranteed impact area.”

According to the report, the Federal Revolution Force is primarily focused on the production and is also producing bombs.

12. The “Aerial Support for Combat Aircraft” campaign received 300 lakhs for five combat aircraft

It has been reported that the “Aerial Support for Combat Aircraft” campaign received 300 lakhs for five combat aircraft. On February 16, People’s Voices announced the weekly income statement of the 1000-kyat campaign for “Aerial Support for Combat Aircraft” drone production. 

“We received 300 lakhs for five small combat aircraft at a cost of 60 lakhs (USD 2,000) per one. In addition, there were 160 people who contributed money to the 1000 Kyat campaign.”

According to People’s Voices, the funds received for drone production total more than 386 lakhs, with 300 lakhs transferred to relevant production officials because it needs to be installed quickly due to the military situation. Moreover, the 1000-kyat campaign will last 12 days, allowing the public to participate in the remaining five days.

  1. The Union Prime Minister urges all efforts to be made to prosecute the military council’s war crimes against humanity
  2. Union Minister U Htin Linn Aung informs about the discussion with some officials in US Capitol
  3. The Union Minister of Commerce visited Rome at the invitation of the Myanmar community in Italy and Italia-Birmania.insieme (IBI)
  4. Myanmar Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun and Columbia University students met in New York City
  5. NUG has consecutively provided arms to comrades of the White Tiger and White Dragon columns
  6. 50 million US dollars in humanitarian aid will be provided to the People of Myanmar through USAID
  7. Myanmar junta burned down over 3,000 houses in Ye-U township
  8. Two soldiers from Hakha city’s 266th battalion defected from the military with bombs and mines, including one gun
  9. The terrorist army burned down Palaing and Yaetawmu villages in Shwebo township, Sagaing region
  10. Resistance forces shot dead the leader of Pyu Saw Htee, who was leading gambling tables in Letpatan township
  11. The Federal Revolution Force’s 60mm mortar rounds reach a range of 1200 yards to 1400 yards with a guaranteed impact area
  12. The “Aerial Support for Combat Aircraft” campaign received 300 lakhs for five combat aircraft

Credit to #RadioNUG


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