Summary of News

1. The Union Prime Minister claims that the federal journey is certainly not far away

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khine Thann stated the following during the Cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government held on February 14:’

“It is necessary to consolidate and strengthen the National Unity Government through more integrated actions, and I would also strongly encourage the government to make greater efforts to collaborate with all of the revolution’s leading groups and organisations. Although the federal journey cannot be said to be near, it is certainly not far away.”

In the current spring revolution, ethnic resistance organisations such as the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), and the Karen National Union (KNU) are cooperating with the National Unity Government on military and political fronts.

2. NUG’s Ministry of Defence is inviting members of the general public to serve as air scouts

On February 16, the Ministry of Defence announced that members of the general public are being invited to serve as air scouts as follows:

“The Ministry of Defence invites members of the general public who can serve as air scouts in order to be able to provide early warning and protection against the air strikes of the terrorist military junta. The air scouts are necessary to routinely monitor the military’s air force bases, airports, and  heliports, and report their activities and air traffic along the routes in order to know the air activities of the terrorist military in real time and take precautions. Therefore, responsible citizens who want to act as air scouts to protect the lives of the people through the strength of the people are encouraged to contact the telegram channel organised by the Ministry of Defence and send information.”

In a February interview, Defense Minister U Yee Mon stated that those loyal to the junta have only two options to choose from, as follows:

“Those who have remained loyal to the military council until today, in my opinion, have only two options. One option is to give their lives to protect the military group until the entire terrorist military group is eliminated; the next option is: will they cooperate with the people in time, stand by the people in time, and serve the revolution? I think that they are left with only these two choices.”

3. NUG Deputy Minister U Maw Htun Aung says that employers in Myanmar need to provide their employees with complete labour rights

The National Unity Government’s Ministry of Education announced on February 16 that it has collaborated with edX to offer 132 university-level courses for higher education students who have been boycotting the military slavery educational system to be able to study, as follows: 

“The Ministry of Education, under the National Unity Government, is constantly striving to establish connections with international institutions so that students who are boycotting the military slavery educational system can continue their studies. The Ministry of Education has reached agreements with edX to provide higher education students who are boycotting the military slavery educational system with access to 132 different types of university-level courses through the edX MOOC. Up to 5,000 students will be able to enrol in 88 of these 132 courses that are offered in English by international universities that are partners with edX. Students who were given the opportunity to enrol will be able to take courses costing US dollars without paying any fees and will be able to acquire certificates of completion of internationally recognised courses for free.”

According to the Ministry of Education, the courses offered will cover information technology, human rights, management and business topics, healthcare, environmental conservation, cybersecurity, and engineering.

4. Kani Township is hosting an education festival for the National Unity Government’s Interim Education 2022-2023 Academic Year

An education festival for the National Unity Government’s Interim Education 2022-2023 Academic Year was held in a people-centred school in Kani Township, Yin Mar Bin District, Sagaing Division, on February 16.

In Sagaing Division, the National Unity Government’s interim education programme is being put into effect, and regular educational festivals and student sporting events are organised.

5. NUG Southern Military Region’s Deputy Regional Commander Saw Shar visited and armed the Red Dragon Column (People’s Defence Force)

The Red Dragon Column of the People’s Defence Force under the National Unity Government announced its arming on February 16, as follows:

“On February 14, Saw Shar, Deputy Regional Commander of the Southern Military Region of the Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government, and the responsible personnel of the Southern Military Region visited the Red Dragon Column of the People’s Defence Force in Sub-Military Region 3 and provided weapons to the comrades. The Deputy Regional Commander briefed the comrades on the situation of the preparations for operation in Sub-Military Region 3 and congratulated them on their determination to eradicate the dictatorship during this more than 2-year period of the Spring Revolution. The column commanders also thanked the responsible persons from the Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government, and the arming ceremony was successfully completed.”

6. Thayet District PDF Battalion-4 used homemade rockets to attack the junta’s No.12 Defence Industry Factory (DI-12) in Thayet Township

On February 16, Thayet District PDF Battalion-4 reported the military news as follows:

“At about 9:30 p.m. on February 15, the Thayet District PDF Battalion-4 used two homemade 90-mm rockets to attack the No.12 Defence Industry Factory (DI-12) in Thayet Township. During the firing attack, one rocket was successfully launched and one shot malfunctioned. The successful one launched and exploded between two male hostels, and we are still investigating whether there was any damage to members of the terrorist military or buildings inside the defence manufacturing factory.”

7. Click2donate says that the Eain Pyan Lann Android app has begun to accelerate and is now earning over 100,000 kyats per day

On February 16, Click2donate said, “The Eain Pyan Lann Android app has started to accelerate; previously, it was earning around 3,000 kyats per day, but now it is making over 100,000 kyats. Therefore, Eain Pyan Lann’s apps for iOS and Android are both in good working order; let’s focus on this [Eain Pyan Lann app]. As for iPhone users, both the Aung Pwe app and the Eain Pyan Lann app are showing ads, so click on both apps.”

Click2donate raises funds from the clicking of people on its apps and donates them to revolutionary forces.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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